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Cataracts: How To Feel Better With Natural Self-Healing

Try Eye Vitamins With Functional Medicine

Although my eyes seem to be healthy, my mother had multiple eye conditions leading to blindness.

She developed cataracts followed by glaucoma and macular degeneration and dry eyes. I have always valued my eyes, seeing the pain of blindness.

So here is a compilation of eye health information from the Functional Medicine Field of root cause resolution. In other words finding the root cause, reason, why your eyes are in need of improving your overall health and wellness.

 Cataracts can be caused by a vitamin D deficiency, as a vitamin D deficiency interferes with the absorption of calcium and the resulting hypocalcemia (low blood levels of calcium) contributes to the development of cataracts. Click here for more information from Dr Peter Osborne. Gluten-Free Society

For a deep dive try this:


Embrace Joy Over Depression With Hope and Happiness Feeling Better

Feeling Better Comes With Often Embracing Joy and Hope

Making it normal? Is it possible? Or are we talking about a “new normal” when it comes to chronic illness?

DB: I have taken the challenge to accept my ‘new normal’ over and over.

The first ‘new normal’ was for me to accept I had multiple chronic health conditions.

As time passed more complex chronic health conditions added themselves to my lengthy medical record. But time has a special way with us.

It depends on what you choose to do.

With autoimmunity there are many choices. I chose to self-educate myself through functional medicine doctors, psychologists and therapists as well as a lot of online researching.

My conclusion is a ‘new normal’ now of great health. It may not be as great as a few decades before, but it is fabulous compared to the last decade of my life.

So my ‘new normal’ has become very grateful, excited waking every morning with the new health, which I treasure daily.

Where there is hope there is healing.

Summary by:


  • past losses and difficulties
  • low self-esteem
  • ‘fuzziness’ in thinking
  • negativity
  • challenges
  • sense of purpose and meaning
  • difficulty seeing a hopeful future and
  • suicidal thoughts

DB: As a teenager I suffered from depression from past losses, difficulties and very low self-esteem. I also lacked a sense of purpose and meaning which led me to suicidal thoughts.

In my early 20’s I suffered from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome CFS and in my 40’s I developed long term Fibromyalgia.

Emotional Feelings:

  • sadness
  • difficulty to access emotions
  • feeling lazy
  • lost
  • angry and
  • difficulty accessing pleasure in things that were pleasurable before but not now

Behavioral Symptoms:

  • Less excitement for activities
  • increased use of substances
  • or ‘out-of-control’ practices and escaping
  • ‘checking out’
  • housebound and bed-bound
  • reckless behavior without care of consequences
  • self-harm
  • reduced performance in work and
  • school or duties at home
  • massive drop of levels of energy

DB: Before I chose to become a Career Missionary after my suicidal thought attempt/self-harm, I felt out of control. I checked out and used reckless behavior without care of consequences, as perceived by my parents and family.

I lost my appetite, work performance and duties at home. I also endured disabling fatigue while dabbling daily with alcohol for relief.

During my suicidal intent, I was saved by a book that caught my eye. After opening the book to ‘see what it had to say to me’ was a last attempt to ward off the suicidal thought. At first glance the words offered to give my life away to a good cause, rather than throwing my life away.

Relational Symptoms:

  • socially withdrawn
  • isolated
  • increase in arguments
  • less invested in loved ones lives
  • disconnected from others

DB: Significant health issues resulted living housebound. After attending psychological therapy I have been able to slowly but surely increase my social life, being more open and more invested in my loved ones. So there is hope for sure.

Physical Symptoms:

  • stomach discomfort and loss of appetite
  • sexual issues and
  • sleep disturbances
  • lethargy and fatigue
  • slowing down and
  • headaches
  • get help from a doctor’s diagnosis of depression

DB: When I saw the doctor as a high school student I was prescribed effervescent Vitamin C. It actually helped, but the root cause wasn’t addressed. It has now been addressed through my self-education and the help of my supportive GP/Doctor.

Summary :

  • With chronic illness there is a physical loss which can lead to depression
  • social and emotional loss over long periods
  • includes loss of hope
  • physical function
  • integrity
  • dignity
  • faith
  • social relationships
  • autonomy
  • freedom and
  • ‘loss of life’ imagined
  • Chronic ‘sorrow’ and depression is very frequent with co-occurring disorders
  • Significant amount of loss can easily become depressive

Focus on:

  • Coping strategies
  • self esteem
  • optimism
  • cognitive behavioral therapy
  • interpersonal therapy
  • problem solving
  • social support
  • emotional expression
  • mindfulness practice
  • addressing toxic relationships
  • boundaries and
  • trusted support

Coping strategies include:

  • Sunlight,
  • exercise,
  • natural supplements,
  • sleep schedules and
  • medical interventions.

DB: I discovered two other coping strategies, not mentioned, CBD oil and Trauma Informed Yoga that I have found very helpful indeed to the point of almost back to normal and better.


Feel Better And Excited With Five Tips For Fast Relaxation

Don’t Let Work Or Your Home Life Overwhelm You

Use these 5 tips to unwind wherever you are, in one minute or less.

  1. Look up and count
  • Your parasympathetic nervous system can lower your blood pressure.
  • To trigger this, look up and take slow, deep breaths.
  • Count down slowly from 60 to clear your mind.
  1. Breathe deeply
  • Take deep breaths to calm yourself and slow your heart rate.
  • Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth and focus on your body.
  • Do this 10 times.
  1. Jot down your anxieties
  • Put everything that’s worrying you on paper and then don’t look at it till later.
  • The thought that you can figure everything out later will help you stop worrying now so you can rest.
  1. Intentionally tense and relax muscles
  • When you’re stressed, your body tightens up.
  • Slowly tense and then relax all of your muscles to decrease both anxiety and tension.
  1. Use your imagination
  • Imagining small scenes can help you escape from your everyday stresses.
  • Create a scenario, such as sitting on a cloud, and imagine everything you would hear, see, and smell.

Try out these tips to create a sense of peace wherever you are. All the best!


Make Your Loneliness Better By Making Your Health Better

Feel better overall by balancing both a social life and a balanced healthy life

Your social life may seem unrelated to your overall health.

After all, what do relationships have to do with your heart pumping blood or your muscles growing?

As it turns out, relationships have much more to do with your health than you might think!

In fact, relationships are so vital to your quality of life and your overall well-being that loneliness can be known to shorten a lifespan and cause many different health complications. Why take the risk?

Learn more about how important relationships are for your health.

Focus and work on:

-Improving existing relationships

-Building new relationships

-Socializing more

You will see a change in your mood, and then probably in your attitude. That change will begin to affect your habits and your activity levels.

Before you know it, your improved and new relationships will simply having you feeling better.

That’s good news!


Tuning Your Health With Your Circadian Rhythm Makes You Feel Better

It’s Exciting To See What A Body Clock Reset Does For You

How Your Circadian Rhythm Tunes Your Health: Satchin Panda at TEDxYouth@SanDiego 2013 – YouTube

Summary of Satchin Panda at TEDxYouth :


Circadian Rhythms are in humans, animals and even plants

“A frog has a clock.”

  • The frog returned to the house of Satchin Panda at 5 pm promptly daily, causing a career change.
  • Every plant, animal and humans have a clock – circadian rhythms, the 24 hour clock which has a profound effect on our health and physiology
  • Babies don’t have a fully functional clock sleeping random times of the day. By 3-6 months babies have functioning clocks
  • The clocks turn on and off thousands of genes at different times of the day
  • They tune our physiology, metabolism and mood to the right time of the day
  • Two AM is the deepest sleep with the clock preparing us to wake up by warming up our body and pacing our heart
  • As soon as we wake up, open our eyes and start our day the stress hormone, cortisol, begins to rise
  • The digestive juice and all the hormones that help digestion begin to flow
  • After breakfast when we attend school or offices our brain is at it’s peak performance, ready to solve complex math and to make critical decisions
  • The afternoon is the muscle clock which fine-tunes our muscle tone, improves our motor control, making it the best time to visit the gym
  • In the evening, as the sun goes down, the body clock prepares us to sleep with our core temperature lowering, making the melatonin rise, while the stress hormones go down and we fall asleep
  • This usually happens daily in a very regular fashion
  • Learn what things in our environment tune our clock to have better control of our circadian rhythm and health
  • Light resets the clock. There is a light sensor in the eye that resets our clock. Blue light sensors, melanopsin senses light and tunes our clock to the local time.
  • In the evening the light sensor goes off so we can go to sleep
  • Computers, phones and TV activates the light sensor at night and messes up our sleep
  • The time that we eat also messes up the clock, which is actually more important
  • Eating both day and night causes fat, physiology and metabolism
  • Eating a normal healthy diet has been noted eaten only during the day when the genes turn on at the right time of the day
  • While the high-fat diet messes up the clock, the genes don’t turn on at the right time.
  • Or they don’t turn off when they are not required
  • Is it the food or the light, or both that actually made the high-fat diet fat?
  • What you eat may be as important as when you eat, followed by experiments with mice
  • The next time you take a bite, check your watch to see what time it is, or in the nighttime remember to switch off that light.


Why Recovery Is Better When You Have Healthy Relationships

Do You Value Your Friendships To Maintain Healthy Relationships?


Great friendships are really fun, offering you a multitude of health benefits.

They include everything from strengthening your immune system to helping you sleep better.

So friendships can make a huge difference in your health and recovery process.

Whether you are recovering from therapies that treat cancer, surgery or illness, those good relationships can help you recover faster and more easily.


For practical reasons:

  1. Friends reduce stress levels
  • low stress levels make for a faster recovery
  • high stress levels, on the other hand, can cause complications unnecessarily
  1. Friends help pick up the slack
  • you won’t have to overexert yourself trying to take care of others
  • no need to get around on your own
  • with the help of loved ones you can just rest as needed
  1. Friends offer information
  • in many cases at least one friend will have experience caring for someone
  • or else having experience during a similar recovery period
  • they might have helpful tips or
  • an especially understanding heart as you go through it
  1. Friends can remember what you can’t
  • when you have therapies or operations that require recovery, it’s easy to get overwhelmed with all the information given to you and coordinating all that needs to get done
  • a loved one can listen in, take notes, and help you to remember and sort everything out

Click on the link below if you’re interested in friendship and how it affects your health:


Does Your Doctor Make You Feel Comfortable And Safe?

Feel Better With A Doctor Who You Feel Comfortable With

Your relationship with your doctor can determine the type of care you get from him or her.

Being comfortable and able to talk honestly with your doctor is the best way I have found.

If you need more help understanding good patient/doctor relationships watch this helpful video on what to do and not to do.

Watch it now: Were your appointments like this for you?

Summary Of Doctor/Patient Relationships By:

Doctor Please:

  • Don’t rush
  • Don’t be late! Apologize if you are
  • Clean the room between patients
  • Introduce the people in the room
  • Be polite when speaking to patients
  • Don’t use jargon
  • Use words appropriate for the patient’s level of understanding
  • Don’t be distracted.
  • Use eye contact

DB: Having a life time of medical intervention I can say I can relate to all of the above experiences and worse, but also balanced with great relationships with doctor/patient relationships.

Self- educating yourself with assertiveness can be very helpful to know what to expect.

Once you have found the doctor you can relate to, try to stick with them for your future appointments, with the aim of improving your health. Try not to attend appointments only for ‘what is wrong’.

The appointments I have with my GP now are mostly for confirming the diagnosis I researched through self-education. So, when I present solutions through inquiry, I get to confirm what I have researched.

My life is so much more pleasant now with my doctor/patient relationships.

When I see a new doctor I respectfully listen and learn, confirming silently if my research was correct.

There is always plenty to learn in each appointment, while flourishing our doctor/patient relationship.

My most challenging relationships with doctors were times when I had no research or knowledge on the diagnosis. Through this lack of research I felt much more susceptible, helpless and anxious.

If it happens my research doesn’t match the doctor’s information I am open to the new information. Returning home I research deeply with my trusted Doctors online, mostly trained in Functional Medicine.

My next appointment is then more comfortable, having the privilege of making my own informed decision, knowing the ultimate decision was my own.


When You Need To Make Your Own Individual Meals

Having Fun Creating New Meals For You

Home Cooking Is The Best:

Summary By:

Ten Main Benefits of cooking at home:

  1. Saving money-
  • Main reason to cook at home
  • control of what you shop for and
  • spend store sales and coupons
  • portion control while learning to cook
  • make and freeze meals
  • always having something on hand in case you need “fast food”

2. Knowing exactly what’s in the food you’re eating-

  • Knowing exactly what’s in the food you’re eating
  • life saver for allergies
  • high blood pressure and migraines
  • by removing salt and MSG from your diet can help

3. A Balanced diet –

  • Consume less calories
  • carbohydrates
  • less sugar and
  • less fats in those who don’t cook

4. Being an educated “Consumer” –

  • Making healthy recipes
  • learning about food and nutrition and
  • calorie counts through a good food database
  • helping you to eat in a healthier manner

5. Staying Heart-Healthy –

  • You are what you eat
  • so a balanced diet full of nutrients can help you best stay healthy and slim
  • prevent high blood sugar leading to insulin resistance and Type 2 Diabetes
  • cook your own food to help be ‘heart smart’

6. “Slow Food” Verses “Fast Food” –

  • Eating slowly to eat less
  • feeling full on less food intake
  • as it takes 20 minutes for your stomach to register as full
  • studies show that fat and fiber fill you up
  • with 30% less of the food you usually eat

7. Go For Filling Foods Low In Calories and Cost-

  • Feeling stuffed after a restaurant meal after soup and salad
  • which are cheap foods full of water and fiber
  • make your own healthy soups and salads
  • without using a creamy soup base or
  • a creamy dressing making you feel full before the entree arrives
  • or try the Italian way of eating the salad at the end of the meal
  • helping you to feel full and satisfied
  • it also helps you feel less cravings for dessert

8. Controlled Portions –

  • Use a kitchen scale and measuring cup when cooking
  • while looking up the caloric and nutrient values of the recipe
  • dividing it up into portions suitable for your diet

9. Food Safety –

  • Food borne illnesses are everywhere.
  • keep yourself and your family safe
  • by keeping your kitchen and hands immaculately clean

10. Food Freedom

  • Cooking at home allows you to make gluten-free
  • meat-free or dairy-free as you choose
  • with experience your meals will improve with practice
  • with online recipes
  • tried and proven to be successful
  • digital cookbooks are available on Amazon
  • helping you to become a pro in the kitchen in no time
  • another benefit is making and eating together as a family

DB: I have been a home cook for decades now. I greatly benefited by transitioning from traditional foods to an alkaline diet/vegetarian prescribed by my doctor.

Transitioning to an individualized diet mostly in the form of Paleo cooking has benefited me with anti-aging meals keeping me looking younger than expected biologically.

Yet another benefit of home cooking as well is AIP meals, Autoimmune Protocol, which is more specific but very helpful to study.

I live between both cooking styles.


Successful Circadian Rhythms Help Us To Be Better Sleepers

Sleep Better By Understanding Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorders

Body Clock Disorders: External and internal sleep cycles

Summary by:

Five Types of Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorders:

Delayed Phase Sleep Disorder:

  • Flexible schedulers can sleep when they want to. The drawback is that it can take them into late morning awaking or early afternoon

Advanced Phase Sleep Disorder:

  • This is the opposite problem. Sleepy early in the evening, sleeping from 7 pm-11 pm with difficulty sleeping through the night with a choppy sleep, interrupted sleep schedule.
  • Noisy households also affect sleep timing schedules making it not possible to sleep when you want to resulting in dragging. This can make interacting with loved ones challenging when you can’t sleep when you want to.

Non-24 hour Sleep Wake Disorder:

  • Longer body clock up to 25 hours. You might sleep later every single night resulting in a day/night reversal which also messes up your meal schedule.
  • Shift Work and
  • Jet Lag

DB: I discovered I have experienced all the first three. Predominantly I have issues with my flexible schedule sleeping when I want. So I have recognized this making measures to benefit my sleep/meal schedule with success.

It’s good to learn about these cycles, even seeing them as a disorder. Once you learn about it, gain knowledge to enable you to make an informed decision to improve your life style and health.


Striving To Make Your Identity Normal Can Make You Happy

Making my identity normal enough for me makes me happy

Summary by:

Identity and Chronic Illness

  • Chronic Illness can have a profound impact on our identity
  • I feel like saying: “This isn’t me. How did I come to be like this?”
  • Can’t perform our regular roles in society.
  • Source of focused identity rather than the illness
  • Disruption of self with chronic illnesses

Illness Identity:

  • Engulfment: How much does my illness engulf my life? Defining myself by my illness?
  • Rejection: Hiding my illness, not sharing it with others.
  • Acceptance:
  • Acknowledging my illness without being overwhelmed by it.
  • Difficulty coping getting engulfed by it, yet acceptance presents with less symptoms!
  • Which comes first?
  • Work on the acceptance, make it happen.
  • Incorporate the identity of illness without having it as my whole identity with enrichment.
  • Breathes less anxiety and depression, less symptoms and less pain.
  • A hyper focus required.

Enrichment: Allow myself to be positive despite the illness, enabling me to grow as a person.

Importance of Grief:

  • Grieve what is lost to us, very important.
  • Some things can be lost ‘forever’.
  • Accept and make peace with that.
  • Don’t allow myself to go into darkness that ‘all is lost’ as it isn’t realistic.
  • If we grieve over it and accept it, it can enrich our lives.
  • Relish and return to things you loved, even if you are not able to participate but enjoy anyway.
  • Example of losing ballet, seeing a ballet concert to enjoy it anyway.
  • Finding a way to validate my love of it that way.
  • Try to reclaim what I have lost and find a way to bring consistency in my life, just a different way.
  • For example: I can watch the ballet from YouTube in my bed if needed to keep the continuity.
  • Finding new ways, new passion.
  • Think in new ways and values as we age, priorities change with life experience with wisdom creating a renewed identity.

Personality Attributes:

  • Types of people is personality
  • Type A, and Hostility: Neurotic can make it more challenging for those with chronic illnesses
  • Optimistic personality makes the chronic illness more bearable with hope and positive thinking, believing a positive outcome will come of the illness and recovery.

DB: I wasn’t able to speak on stage after my chronic illnesses, but I found a way by writing blogs and eventually videos sharing all I have learnt about chronic illness and how to predict, prevent and reverse.

It began as a hobby for me to share my thoughts to others and to help grieve it all and make new pathways after acceptance and enrichment entered my life. My hope is that it will do the same for you.


Relieving Anxiety Can Bring Tremendous Joy Into Your World

Self-educate yourself through anxiety to help you feel better

I am very familiar with anxiety and can relate to all of the symptoms mentioned in the video/summary.

I also found the solutions which helped me. learning through the video series above, and have come through the anxiety feeling so much better.

So, try it out like I did and see what results you discover for yourself.

Summary Notes: by Debby Blettner


  • Psychological obsession
  • replaying memories
  • mental preoccupation
  • mental focus on self
  • mental rehearsals and
  • beliefs


  • Irritability
  • difficulty relaxing
  • fear
  • feeling ‘out of control’
  • feeling shame
  • early startle response and
  • exhaustion


  • Reduced activities once pleasured
  • increased use of substances
  • general compulsions
  • “checking out” due to overwhelm
  • housebound or bed-bound
  • disturbed natural patterns
  • disturbed sleep and
  • high avoidance


  • Social withdrawal
  • frequent arguments
  • disconnected from others
  • fear of others
  • rigid and inflexible with others or
  • too accommodating

Psychological Symptoms:

  • Living in fear
  • worried their body will fail them
  • uncertainty
  • invisibility
  • uncertainty can affect adjustments
  • partner relationships
  • depression
  • quality of life
  • Fibromyalgia and
  • fatigue

Cognitive Behavioral Approaches:

  • How to cope with anxiety
  • Managing uncertainty
  • flexibility
  • acceptance
  • expanded sense of life and self
  • consistence
  • increase self-trust
  • increase education
  • social support and
  • trusted support providers


Why Did I Feel Better After My Coffee Warning?

Have you found out why coffee was not for you?

Claim a FREE PDF: Sleep Well Tonight + FREE E-Program to help you feel better.

Many decades ago in an old house’s kitchen I began preparing my cup of instant coffee confessing it would be my last.

I had severe psoriasis plastered between my eyebrows and my nose screaming ‘UGLY!’ When I didn’t drink coffee my face felt ‘PRETTY!’ so what was I to do?

The connection between the psoriasis and the coffee was evident.

As I glanced away from my final cup sitting lonely on the ancient bench I heard a sound I was not familiar with. Having grabbed the milk from the fridge I stood aghast.

My dearest final coffee cup had split in two. My precious coffee was leaking all over the ancient bench, spilling onto the floor. No! I gasped. What is happening?

I begged the broken cup to speak to me. Did you have to go that far? It was my last…I promised… Why did you do this to me?

Decades later I found the reason. It is based on the video below with insightful information:

Little did I know that the coffee was not only messing with my facial psoriasis. It also was related to the Hypothyroidism that I was not aware of.

Neither did I know then that the coffee and the added ingredients were offsetting my Celiac, also unknown at that time. All I could see was the Psoriasis/Coffee connection.

Finding Out The Reason:

During an Allergy Test both milk and coffee came up with red lights. Still no explanation why.

Coffee and milk were not the only allergies with red lights. I had a total of over thirty red light allergies. It was everything I had been eating! What?

No explanation at that time. Now we know due to the self-education that is available all over the internet if you search for it.

Check out the article for an in-depth explanation of my red light allergies, how and why.


Chronic Illness in the home: Try Psychology for helpful tips

I found Psychology benefited me with my chronic illnesses, making me feel a lot better over time.

Making it Normal by Timothy Weymann, LCSW

Summary Tips from The Psychology of Chronic Illness: Relationships

Blame Game

  • Low social support = distress Baby Boomers have been raised in household duties and childcare responsibilities which can make life challenging for a high social life and income.
  • This in itself can cause a lot of distress.
  • Yet it could happen to anyone.
  • Adding chronic illness to it makes it even more challenging with low social support.
  • Becoming a ‘scapegoat’ Click on this link to gain insights you might not have seen before.
  • You will find more than you expected and very accurate.
  • As a recovering scapegoat I found this article particularly pertinent and a good read.

Finding A Safe Balance

  • Over-involvement I am guilty of over involvement probably due to my ‘scapegoat’ status always trying to do my very best to my own detriment.
  • Once I realize I was in over-involvement mode I purposefully decided to change my ways.
  • Especially for the sake of my health while reversing chronic illnesses.
  • Diseases part Having encountered multiple diseases throughout my life I know how much it affects daily life.
  • Having care takers is valuable while very challenging without support from others and loved ones.
  • If you lack full-time support you might have to find your own resilience to get through it, as I have found.

Sharing The Load

  • Our part/Their part It is beneficial to have cooperation with a supporter doing their part to help you.
  • It is also fair for the one who is chronically ill to do their part as much as is possible.
  • It also encourages the one who is ill to feel their contributions are valued and appreciated.
  • Family/Marital Therapy If you are chronically ill it can take a toll on any type of relationship.
  • Receiving regular therapy can be a life saver.
  • Having an outside view of the situation can help balance tension. Responsibility and understanding can also benefit all concerned.
  • Interpersonal Therapy There are important benefits managing your situation with Interpersonal Therapy in a deeply personal way.
  • With confidentiality you may feel better being able to talk freely, receiving the help to relieve your situation.
  • Social Media use In the event that it is difficult to connect with friends or family Social Media platforms can be the next best to keep socialized.
  • Feeling part of something greater than home-bound chronic illness, restricting you from face to face contact, can make you feel better and less lonely.

Learning To Cope

  • Coping Strategies I have discovered many coping strategies unique to me.
  • Intuitively I discover ways of helping myself, having become resilient, watching how others cope and having regular therapy.
  • It makes me feel less helpless, more hopeful and more able to move forward.
  • Support Groups What a difference support groups made for me.
  • Having attended support groups for five years during my cancer years.
  • A fibromyalgia support group helped me get through to reversal stage.
  • My goal is to return to that support group to share my testimony of healing.

Remember: There is hope always with bountiful solutions. Choose which ones work for you and your loved ones.

In case you missed it:

Helpful Development And Happy Phases To Relieve Chronic Illness

Professional Tips For Helpful And Happy Days

Anxiety’s big issue can still find happiness by feeling better with love and hope.

I know anxiety. I have two family members genetically that also know it.

For me it was more than an anxiety disorder as I was diagnosed with complex trauma.

Once I realized I had a mental health condition my life began making sense. And it wasn’t my fault, neither of my family members. It is what it is.

It makes us unique and it gives us a reason to fight to overcome it, no matter what.

Researching and understanding the condition is paramount. Psychologists, in my experience, help by listening to you, validating your fears and anxiety. They are not only in your mind, but also held inside your body.

Seek help without shame or blame. It is something we all experience. The main difference is the level of severity.

Also the willingness to acknowledge and accept the comforting validation. You might find that you are resilient, intelligent and open to moving forward with your life.

Accept your dreams can come true.

So let’s look at some professional solutions.

Let’s make happiness out of our illnesses.

Summary of ‘Making it Normal’ with Timothy Weymann, LCSW: Anxiety

Anxiety Who hasn’t experienced anxiety if you are human? It affects us all, but for some of us it is more predominant. This is where professional help can help soothe and heal our mind, body and spirit.

  • Obsessions Do you know anyone who doesn’t have obsessions from time to time?
  • We may have more than the average, so let’s address it.
  • Replaying memories Who doesn’t replay their memories? With anxiety it definitely speeds up the process. So learn how to slow it down to management point.

Safety and Vulnerability

  • Safety We all feel unsafe some times during our lives, but it is true for me that anxiety speeds it up.
  • Learning to feel safe within ourselves is something very worthwhile learning.
  • Try out a psychologist you can trust.
  • Vulnerability Again, we all feel it at some time.
  • And yes, having an anxiety disorder increases your feeling and acting vulnerable.
  • Learning how to overcome vulnerability will help improve your life drastically.
  • Learn to be assertive. I became an Assertiveness Coach for that reason.

Emotions and Feelings

  • Emotions We are born with emotions but there is a lot of differences in individuals.
  • Emotions come intensely with anxiety.
  • With education we can learn how to work through our emotions to feel happiness more often.
  • Feeling If we are human which I am assuming your are, we have feelings.
  • How we use them is what makes us individual.
  • Anxious disorders can exaggerate our feelings but learning how to manage feelings is paramount for moving forward towards your dreams.

Physical Anxiety

  • Exhaustion Being exhausted on a regular basis, which anxiety has a great affect on, can make life miserable.
  • Getting help to understand the body, mind and spirit combination can help you gain energy again.
  • For me it was a very complex healing, but it did involve facing anxiety.
  • See a psychologist and a GP to gain insights for your situation.
  • Disturbance in sleep I had insomnia for decades.
  • I just didn’t realize it until I was diagnosed.
  • Anxiety kept me awake plus all of the above and below issues.
  • I am currently addressing with a team of a GP and Clinical Psychologist helping it make possible for me to write up this post.

Social Anxiety

  • Social anxiety The more anxiety you experience with social anxiety the more you most likely will avoid socialization.
  • This can lead to agoraphobia like it did for me, going from a social butterfly to a cocoon.
  • Don’t let it happen to you.
  • Psychology came to my rescue.
  • Invisibility I found anxiety can result in invisibility much like social anxiety.
  • But I also found that invisibility can occur even with loved ones and family members.
  • It is quite tragic whether it is intentional on their behalf or if they no longer know how to help you.
  • Again, psychology help can come to the rescue.
  • Uncertainty It is certainly a part of anxiety.
  • It messes with your life big time.
  • Addressing this fear will release you from your frozen state, defrosting into the world once again.
  • Let’s try that.
  • Quality of life This really affects me.
  • From being a very free-spirited person who had a world to change for the better to a closed in blog poster is not my ideal of having quality of life.
  • But with each psychological session I am seeing the light of my quality of life appearing once again on the near horizon.
  • Don’t give up.
  • It is worth fighting for a life of quality.

Organisation Anxiety

  • Manage verses eliminating The fight begins here.
  • Will you give up or get going?
  • My choice is to learn to manage my life’s work.
  • Giving up will surpass anxiety leading to depression.
  • We have probably been there, so you know that management is the answer for us.
  • Behavior adjustments It’s true.
  • Adjusting our behavior will help us to move forward.
  • Our behaviors have been conditioned since childhood making it very difficult to adjust our behavior.
  • It feels like this is who we are and this is how we react.
  • Once you find the adjustments purpose life for you can improve tremendously.
  • It is worth trying to become the new you.
  • Mindfulness practices Becoming mindful has helped me to be a lot happier.
  • At first it was very uncomfortable facing so many realities which I used to ignore.
  • But with time I began to respect mindfulness making my world so much more colorful, mysterious and playful.
  • Worth it? It is for me. Try it…
  • Positive outcomes We are all looking for positive outcomes.
  • That’s what we live for.
  • But it isn’t always the way of life.
  • Appreciating the outcomes that are truly positive rise to celebrations and gratefulness.
  • Looking out for those outcomes no matter how small can bring great happiness and peace.
  • Look out for them daily.

Remember: There are always positive outcomes if you teach to love yourself.

In case you missed it:

silhouette of woman

Let Go To Move Forward To Your Better Future

By Letting Go Of My Past I Gained A Wonderful Future

Leaving Your Past Behind

As an impulsive young adult I desperately wanted to leave my past behind.

By fulfilling my passionate lifetime future, I had to face the fact that those closest to me thought I had gone mad.

Once I met full-time missionaries, I got very excited when they shared this verse with me:

New King James Version Bible
‘Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.‘ 2 Corinthians 5:17

I boldly declared, “Old things have passed away! I am a NEW creature!

Obstacles Affecting Your Future

It was true but…

My biggest obstacle was my family, who wanted me to stay, when I wanted to go.

Saying goodbye to them was the hardest thing I could do…so…I decided to board a bus beginning my three day, four night travel from Perth to Sydney, across Australia.

I didn’t realize the implications.

In hindsight it was not the wisest thing to do.

Abandonment To Realize Your Goal

My trip to Sydney lead to my flight to the Philippines where I eventually met my husband.

After nine years, I returned to my family in Perth, both married and pregnant. I didn’t receive the welcome I was hoping for.

Realizing The Damage

When I realized the damage I had caused, we made plans to travel over the plain to Sydney.

Our initial plan to stay for ten days was interrupted due to a transport strike, forcing us to remain for five weeks. It was so taxing on me as I was desperate to leave.

While waiting to depart for Sydney by train, I burst into tears in front of my parents observing me through the window.

They naturally perceived this emotional outbreak of sorrow, departing once again. But in reality my tears fostered anxiety due to the departure time delayed by one minute.

Health Conditions Resulting From Anxiety

My mid life cancer crisis confronted me to address my past traumas, specifically my childhood and teen years.

Multiple health conditions developed resulting in surgical procedures, one after the other.

While recovering I did some deep reflecting to review my past using re-framing from an adult’s view overriding my childish emotional view.

Spiritual Interception

An epiphany taught me a lesson from the Bible from ‘the potter’:

Then I went down to the potter’s house, and there he was, making something at the wheel. And the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter; so he made it again into another vessel, as it seemed good to the potter to make.’ Jeremiah 18:3-4 NJKV

A gentle light filled my mind, opening a new thought pattern on my past.

I envisioned Jesus appearing at the potter’s wheel, holding a mottled lump of clay in His hands. I saw the clay was dry, cracked, lumpy and discolored.

My instinct was to throw it out but…I recognized it as my past with a touch of my present.


I watched His tears releasing the moisture needed to transform the clay.

As I watched Him quietly, I heard Him sing a new song. As a child I wouldn’t have understood these lyrics. Yet, as an adult I understood it clearly. It’s transforming, mesmerizing and transformative power shaped this new pot.

This new elegant pot was much stronger and more useful. It oozed gentleness and wisdom, as though it had a myriad of stories to share with the world.

My remade pot spoke of a new tale, woven from my traumatic past into a meaningful future.

I allowed the butterfly to be released from the suffocating cocoon.

As a result, I learned to fly.

Abandonment transformed into commitment, my shame to honor and betrayal to loyalty.

Life On Earth For Jesus

I’ve read that Jesus experienced these emotions personally during His life on earth.

My Commitment

As Jesus on earth experienced these emotions, so have I.

My new vessel has been refilled with new commitment.

Fresh loyalty and honor to Him who loved me enough to use my past to re-create me into a new creature.

With fresh eyes having seen my past, I now embrace all that I experienced made me who I am today.

My new vessel is what Jesus seemed good to make for me.

What can you take from your past to benefit your future? Call on an Epiphany for help like I did. Embrace what He has to show you..

Everything Has Its Time

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8


Possible Ways To Find A New Normal With Chronic Illness?

It’s Possible To Find a ‘New Normal” For Our Daily Lives.

Having been the one with chronic illness I can testify that it does change the normal daily life of a couple.

But I found a way which benefited me in a greater way than I ever expected.

“I just want them how they were…”

Is that really what you want?

Summary of the video above with Trafford Fischer: with additional comments.

Changing the ‘this is how it was’ to ‘this is now how it is” can strain any relationship including marriage, the elderly, accident victims and chronic illnesses.”

Grief and loss issue: For sure there is a grief and loss process to address.

Honor the grief, respect the loss: Honoring the grief for me helped me to respect the loss in order to move forward.

Living in denial: I lived in denial way too long until I found my life’s purpose in my illness.

Can’t always heal, even if they want to: True, you may not heal completely, so you use what you have to move forward.

Don’t isolate: a common trap and so easy to fall into, must be addressed at all cost.

Choose to connect: another must that is fight worthy, putting aside the shame, blame and abandonment.

Take care of yourself: it becomes the number one purpose of your life in order to seal your dream.

Find support network: new friends who you can talk to on your current level who truly understand you.

Remember: Sleep can be a causative item for chronic illness if sleep is deprived. Focus on the series presented earlier.

In case you missed it:

woman in gray tank top lying on bed

Shocking News About Insomnia – How To Wake Up Happy

Learn How To Listen To Your Body Clock Tonight..

  • What on earth is happening?
  • You slept all eight hours yet you can hardly drag yourself out of bed, let alone begin the day with happiness.

Let’s talk about the Circadian Rhythm and how it determines the outcome of your sleep.

  • Introducing the Traditional Chinese Medicine Circadian Rhythm method.
  • What can we learn from that?
  • Plenty! Enough to solve your problem.

I discovered through writing this blog post that due to my daily migraines I need to rest during 9-11 pm when the blood vessels are in heavy repair.

  • If you have thyroid or adrenal issues and you like to sleep around 11-pm.
  • You will find that the TMC body clock will advise you to be in bed, ready for sleep by 9-pm, resting through 11-pm while your body is restoring your thyroid and adrenals.

Chinese Body Clock

Following a body clock can be a new experience.

  • Study the chart and see which body symptoms stand out to you on the chart, like I did for my migraines.

I have tried the 9- pm sleep and did find I felt a lot better, but of course it is a challenge to go to bed so early with all the temptations of entertainment during that time.

  • So a choice must be made if you really want to heal. For me I will definitely give it a try as migraines are no fun.

I would love to have a migraine free future, even if it means to go to sleep at 9-pm.


Happy Meditative Healing With Birds, Bees, Flowers and Trees

Do you have a special corner at your house where you can meditate?

I have a special backyard where in a corner beside the garage is a large, tall tree that shades a grapevine.

Bee Meditation:

Here resides hanging pot plants creating a haven for our pet rabbit run with a local beehive and a willy-wag tail bird’s nest located in the tree on a lower branch.

My local beehive which was removed to a safer location, saving the queen bee.

Willy Wagtail Bird Meditation:

It is low enough for me to observe the willy-wag tails. A pair of them swoop in and out of the nest while feeding them in turn. One is feeding while the other is searching for food.

In and out they swoop like a swing in action, or like two trapeze artists crossing over from the left and right, passing each other in the middle.

Raising my head just a touch I see the baby birds heads peeking out of the nest, receiving nourishment to survive.

I stand there daily, come rain or shine for my daily meditation.

I know the season will pass soon enough after the babies grow and fly the coop to live their lives. They will be producing more offspring and contributing to the world of birds and their beauty.

Willy wag tails can be very aggressive, yet one sat a metre away from my feet, looking up at me for the first time.

Next one landed on my daughter’s feet as she was seated admiring her rabbit in his pet run.

It seemed to me they were checking the safety level of their nest since it was almost within reach of a human’s touch.

I love nature for reasons like this story.

My greatest meditation takes place in my backyard garden.

Kookaburra Meditation:

Soon the Kookaburras will return and inhabit my clothesline or sit close to the window trees.

I watch them laughing out loud with a mouse in his mouth, or wiggling around while the willy-wag tail swoops at him repeatedly. This drives him to the point of flying away for a safer location.

For those few moments I spend outside with the flowers and the trees, the birds and the bees is paradisaical for me.

No need to fly endless hours to find a foreign beach or location.

I simply slip out of the sun-room door and there I am with my cup of tea, or even a meal to meditate.

It’s relaxing to my eyes after my computer work and internal work.

Grounding On Grass Meditation:

Move to the outside world where all is natural, with your bare feet planted on the ground or even lying down on the grass, mat or not.

Enjoy the sensations of the earth, called grounding.

It can take a few minutes to hours, whatever I choose.

Do you also have a meditative moment outside, in the sun, with bare-feet on the ground?

Or picnicking your lunch while enjoying the sun with a gentle breeze?

Watching the birds, bees or flowers and trees?

Try it daily, you might like it. I do.


My Helpful “Meaning Making” Brings Hope To Us

“Meaning Making” sounds helpful and hopeful for me…

With chronic illness it can be very hard to find meaning in it.

It all seems meaningless and unfair, but I have found that my chronic illnesses are now reversing. I am healing while sharing my new found knowledge with you.

It has been the most meaningful journey of my life!


Let’s make it mean something special for us…what do you think?

Summary from Timothy Weymann, LCSW for “Meaning -Making”

Religion: The Great Mystery

Spirituality: Part of the Great Mystery

Five Themes:

  • Loss and uncertainty
  • Learning one’s capacity
  • Maintaining fellowship and belonging
  • Having a source of strength
  • Building anew.

Negative Findings:

  • Beware of shame
  • blame and abandonment with chronic illnesses
  • with religion or spirituality or neither

Neutral Findings:

  • Intercessory prayer and it’s affect on chronic illness

Positive Findings:

  • Lack of forgiveness with increased pain problems
  • With improved mental health with forgiveness

Post-traumatic Growth:

  • Chronic illness can be traumatic and life threatening leading to PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
  • Belief matters
  • Development of self
  • Internal growth making meaning out of life
  • What life is all about
  • Looking back on the post traumatic growth experienced
  • Benefit Finding through strengthening the individual with increased empathy relating to others
  • Motivated to help others after experiencing chronic illness themselves

Remember: Romans 8:28 King James Version

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

Note: I personally have experienced all of these situations. I empathize with those who suffer from chronic illness, hence this article. I hope it helps you as much as it helped me.

In case you missed it:

woman sitting on chair while leaning on laptop

Do You Need To Find Answers To Your Sleep Deprivation?

Are You Really Getting Enough Sleep?

For me, I was not getting enough sleep.

So I found these tips to be invaluable for me.

The changes I have made are making it possible for me to improve my sleep, by watching and following the tips on the video below.

Check out Brit Lab Video Below:

If you really are getting enough sleep, no matter what your age, you should find yourself ready for the day, if not bouncing out of bed after your restful, rejuvenating sleep!

If you can’t say a loud YES to this, then please watch the video above and take at least one action step towards your long term health and sleep benefits.


young lady covering eyes with hands

Helpful Tips To Be Sure You Are Sleep Deprived

Can you tell if you’re sleep deprived?

I was diagnosed as a chronic insomnia without me knowing that I couldn’t catch up on sleep just on the weekends.

So I took action to reverse my sleep patterns successfully.

See if this relates to you. Watch now..

What did you learn about yourself from this video?

I learnt a lot from this simple, yet effective information.

Sleep is often something we may not give much attention to.

We simply collapse after a long work day with the main goal of forgetting all, so you can prepare for your next day of work.

But we forget what work our body is doing while we are sleeping and how that body work prepares us for your next day of work.

Without the proper sleep the next day of work will not be the kind of work success you are wishing to accomplish.

So focus now on the symptoms of sleep deprivation.

Be aware so you can awake to both your work day and your sleep way.


Can People Pleasing Be A Hidden Link?

Is your hidden link people pleasing?

It has been for me…what about you?

Try to please yourself before you please people.

Try to please yourself before you please people.

Summary of Kaliopi Nikitas on People Pleasing:

  • People pleasing and chronic illness
  • Nervous system and stress response
  • Suppressing your own emotions
  • Suppressing assertiveness and own needs
  • Impacts Immune System
  • Chronic state of stress
  • Lifetime people pleasing stress

Remember: We all have stress, choose wisely after what you learnt today.

In case you missed it:

Fall Asleep Faster With These Six Proven Scientific Tips

Would you like to fall asleep faster?

Check out the science for it with this video:

Let’s have a bit of fun with sleep quiz:

See if you can answer these questions from the video…

  • Getting out of bed why?
  • Negative feelings toward your what?
  • Read a book on where?
  • Turn off your what?
  • Tricking your what?
  • 30 minutes before you what?
  • Try practicing what?
  • Relaxing what one at a time?
  • Start with your what?
  • Why stay awake?
  • Routine anyone?
  • Your body recognizes what?
  • 100 in multiples of 3?
  • Be bored? Why?

Did you find the answers?

It’s good to have a bit of fun with sleep, would you agree?


woman in gray tank top lying on bed

Does Your Body Really Suffer From Lack Of Sleep?

So what actually happens when you don’t get enough sleep?

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What a LOT of surprising information for us as humans.

No wonder we have such an ill populace world wide, and to think it is due to lack of sleep.

This video includes:

Reproduction System affecting men

Immune System causes reduction of natural killer cells increases cancer

Night Shift issues acknowledged by WHO

Cardiovascular System and blood pressure medication reboot

Daylight saving time and heart attacks

Recycle rate of the human being?

Brain function

16 hours of wakefulness

Repair the damage of wakefulness

Now that you have seen what lack of sleep causes..

Promise yourself good sleep from now on!

In case you missed it:

How To Feel Better And Safe With Complex Trauma

What is Complex Trauma while feeling better and safe?

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Complex Trauma:

I have been professionally diagnosed with Complex Trauma.

I’m sharing my story hoping you will find relief and safety. But most of all recognizing the change required for your happier life. Check this article out!

By copying and pasting the info of each section into my highlighted word doc, the highlighted words struck me. They revealed themselves as true and insightful, yet also very upsetting. So a trusted Psychological therapist will definitely help. That way you have someone confidentially to talk to another human being face to face in a safe environment.

By presenting this global overview of my life through this extra information, I believe my therapist will gain more insights into my healing.

Hopefully this will speed up my recovery process to live a more normal life as I age. So far it has been a massive relief like a huge part of me is no longer with me. It felt like I had lost a huge weight loss, feeling and looking so much better.

Check out the location nearest to you and view their website photos of the therapists. Scan their photos and see which one you feel comfortable with.

You could even try sharing your deepest secret with the photo you feel comfortable with, envisioning yourself in her therapy room. If you can share it via her photo in private, there is a good chance, with time, you could heal your life with this new found person sharing your life safety and confidentiality.

Check with your GP to set up a safe, recommended space for you. Start living again.

Complex Torture:

Recently my close friend was diagnosed with trauma at the level of torture by a professional Psychiatrist.

That got my attention!

Over the past eight months we both opened up to our traumas. Why did I identify with a diagnosis so grave?

The digging begins. Though it’s terrifying, it’s also relieving. It really isn’t and wasn’t my fault.

If this resonates with you please think about connecting with a clinical psychologist. It has the potential to heal you when you have tried everything else.

Watch this Video:

See if it helps you…


Visionary Victim? Retell Your Story By Changing Your Better History

Visionary Victim was my assessment outcome of my Stuck Story.

I also gained three personal power words: strategic, creative and determined to add to my bio, personal story and brand. How good is that?

Try it out yourself and see what your assessment tells you here. (

The very fact that I am in the process of writing my personal memoir makes this information very productive and insightful.

Will I come across as a strong female protagonist?

Who knows…as a spiritual author, both the book and myself are transforming regularly, so the titles and subtitles take a life of their own. They change with the waves splashing on the shore, bringing up new insights, new skills and new recognition of how and why I have come this far and still alive.


How To Survive After A Perceived Threat

Drop Five Inches Of Belly Bloat To Feel Happy Better

Great Success Dropping Up To Five Inches In Ten Days

I was doing so well on the Microbiome Labs products.

But my nutritionist requested I drop ALL supplements to retry all of them one at a time as my health became a medical emergency.


Eliminating all supplements helped me to rediscover which supplements were actually helping me and whether my body was absorbing them.

It was a relief for a short while to have no tablets, capsules and powders to take and I welcomed the relief of pill fatigue.

It didn’t take long before I could see which supplements were working while I was taking them. It took about 6 weeks before I was begging my new GP to reintroduce the Microbiome Labs MegaSporebiotic.

My belly was bloated to the max without Sporebiotic.

It was a hot mess!

I was tempted to purchase maternity clothing during the time I was off MegaSporebiotic! Fortunately I had some clothes I used before I was introduced to MegaSporebiotic.


Reintroducing them again was another experience as I recorded all of the slight changes occurring daily making it easier for me to share the possible outcomes of slowly introducing MegaSporebiotic.

After the first week I felt great relief, but it took a few more weeks before I could put those “maternity” clothes away. I measured my bloated gut previously curious as to how Megasporebiotic would impact my bloating measurement.

Steps 2 and 3:

Sure enough…I lost five inches of belly bloat and it hasn’t returned since I continued with the 3 month course. I am currently on the second month having reintroduced the MegaPre, which is the prebiotic , the food that feeds the MegaSporebiotic bacteria.

Next month I will reintroduce the MegaMucosa for the sealing of the lining of the intestines preventing leaky gut. Whew. What a relief.

My clients are also finding the same results as mine, which I am so happy to hear.

I even opened an online shop to make the products more available for the Australian Customers and especially for Perth, my hometown, to expedite the delivery of the products.

Also for me to meet and greet my clients face to face to assist them through their journey and success.

Buy it here:

Try Microbiome Labs Sporebiotic available here: for AEWA Shop for Australians and for all International orders.

A three month course of supplements with full instructions is available to guide you to rebuild your microbiome for your gut health.


Feel Better Happy Releasing Fear of Leaving Your Home

Helpful Tips For Agoraphobia Confining You To Your House

Get the release you deserve…

Dream or Premonition?

I woke up with two issues this morning.

One was a flashback of a severe car accident when I was nineteen when I was not at the wheel. So having my husband drive me to the appointment I had today made me shiver.

I realized I wasn’t in control of the car in either trips. Addressing the fear, recognizing it could paralyze me, but choosing to understand that I have made four trips previously to my appointed place today, so there was no reason to fear. I got through it.

I hadn’t thought of that accident for ever, so it surprised me that I still had that thought tucked away inside of me. Time to face it as I was no longer a teenager. So I can see it as an adult now.

But the weird thing was that my husband was parallel parking as he usually avoids it. I felt a strong feeling to get out of the car in order to help direct him.

Suddenly a young lady appeared in front of me while he was reversing directly towards her. I called out to her to move out of danger, myself included. It appeared he wasn’t looking behind him as he drove. She thanked me profusely before safely crossing the road.

My mind went numb and into panic mode and was quite shaken up. Fortunately the incident was right outside the building I was visiting for my complex trauma sessions.

Was the dream a form of a premonition? What would have happened if I hadn’t heeded the message to get out of the car when I did?


Next, I felt vulnerable with my last appointment. Some unexpected things happened, so it made me feel vulnerable to attend this recurring appointment.

On top of that I had an even more vulnerable incident a year ago, that I will be facing the same people who witnessed my vulnerability once again after having hid from them for a year. Another reason to stay home and feel safe.

But is that the solution?

Both events due today and tomorrow are valid. I know I need to face them both, so I will. I choose to face my own vulnerability as I also know that those I will interact with are safe, and I have had time to heal from the events.

But I used the autogenic technique I recently learnt from Light Hearts Uk and was calmed enough to tell you about my agoraphobia, making me feel vulnerable again! Such is life.

We are all vulnerable at some time in our life.

Since I have a goal to travel overseas post covid 19, I am taking this time to focus on my agoraphobia so that I can move forward.

Having been house bound for many years due to my chronic illnesses I am at a point of healing where I can restart my life, re-enter society, go shopping, help out voluntarily like I used to, and be a part of the world apart from my blog posts behind my computer. I’m coming out!

Ps: Both events I was traumatized by turned out very well for me, so much better than I thought they would be.




Helpful Information On Stress And It’s Affect On Our Health

Gaining enough sleep? This simple test should tell you..

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Did you do it? It’s simple and effective..

I definitely passed the test, confirming my diagnosis of insomnia.

Check out the video here:

With this confirmation I began researching and monitoring my new awareness with successful results.

Sometimes it just takes a jolt to get our attention.

It helps us to focus on things that we don’t notice until we are faced with reality.

It helped me to refocus on sleep, quality, quantity and quest for healing. So far, so good. I am finally enjoying an energetic awakening in the morning as opposed to a lethargic morning.

What have you got to lose?

What have you to gain? Try it now!


How To Survive After A Perceived Threat

Do you feel threatened right now?

Do this..

I had a wonderful day yesterday but woke up feeling threatened this morning.

The threat was real for me as it had happened before with dire consequences that have affected me ever since.

Now it was potentially happening again.

Even though it didn’t happen, I was still in need of something to calm down my nervous system, giving me the opportunity to write up and publish this blog post.

Through my research, just yesterday, I discovered this free mini-course for 10- days with an offer for a 10-week course, all free and online.

The very first day of the 10-day selection did the magic I desperately needed.

I hope it will do the same for you.

Visit this website to see the other 9 days of help.

Free Online Mental Health Course – 10 Days for Mental Health (


Accepting Mid-Life Crisis With Grace

Helping Each Other Is The Secret to Feeling Better

Feeling better is a step to being better

This is the last session at the Balya Cancer Retreat

By Dr Jason Han PhD

Disclaimer: Notes recorded by Debby Blettner

  1. Have your values changed since you had cancer?
  2. How? What are the disadvantages of having cancer?
  3. What are the advantages, good or bad of having cancer?

All of the above learned at the Retreat is needed to improve your immune system.

Even if you diet correctly and have no success- what happened? You missed the point!

Enjoy whatever you are doing.

Look at the whole picture.

Use a combination of diet, a nutritional program, a psychological group support program and the medical. A Holistic Approach!

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach him to fish and feed him for life.

Dr Han shared the story of the difference between Heaven and Hell, and gave the two pictures.

One picture was of hell, it had a big pot of stew and men sitting around the pot of stew all holding long wooden spoons, all grumbling and griping that they couldn’t eat the food.

The next scene was of the same pot of stew with each man dipping their wooden spoon into the soup and serving the other, and getting fed themselves.

Helping each other is the secret!

  • Just attending a support group six times a year has proven to double your life span.
  • If you feel saturated with knowledge, when the student is ready the teacher will teach.

Now, I’ve talked the talk, you walk the walk!

Enjoy the walk!


Feel Much Better With These Three Tips For Stress Reduction

Dr Libby’s Three Top Tips To Reduce Stress For You

After following Dr Libby over the past 10 years I respect her work, knowledge, insights and solutions and YES, I purchased and read the Rushing Woman’s Syndrome Book..

  • Summary of Dr Libby’s Three Tips to Reduce Stress:
  • Stress in the modern world
  • Biochemist -Dr Libby
  • Adrenal and cortisol
  • Life in danger– red alert perception
  • Caffeine
  • Availability 24/7
  • People pleasers
  • Putting others needs before our own
  • Can’t say no
  • Positive stress
  • Overwhelm causing dysfunction
  • High blood pressure
  • Inflammation
  • Recognizing stress
  • Rushing Woman Syndrome
  • Tired but wired
  • Sleep restoration
  • Caffeine and alcohol
  • best tips
  • Highly individual
  • Belly breathing
  • Feeling safe
  • Explore perceptions


Being Proud And Happy To Be In Perth During COVID-19

The New York Times appraisal for Perth, Western Australia for COVID-19

Making it possible to contain COVID-19…

Read all about it here:

Perth’s COVID-19 Lockdown Makes The New York Times

It was a shock to hear the Premier of Western Australia announcing a lock-down for a single COVID-19 patient. We had two hours before lock-down curfew began.

Check out the article above to see how Western Australia got into The NY times and how we enjoyed ten months of COVID-19 freedom, following COVID-19 rules, with the hope we can enjoy COVID-19 freedom once again.


A Functional Medicine Approach to COVID-19

How to Make Fibromyalgia Symptoms Disappear

Can Fibromyalgia Be Put Into Remission?

In Honour of the late Alf Pullen, Natural Therapist

By Debby Blettner


“He is an extension of God’s hands,”

was how my friend described Alf Pullin.

I had to see it to believe it.

Now I am a believer.

The Fascia Link

It was September of 2012, holding back my tears of pain while making my first phone call to Alf. His response hearing I had fibromyalgia was that I would be in a lot of pain.

I was new to Bowan Therapy and was a bit nervous not knowing what would result of my treatment.

I was pleasantly surprised by the contrast of medical procedures I had endured with this gentle, but highly effective therapy.

I found Alf very professional and safe in his capable hands.

He seemed to know exactly what I needed, explaining as he went unlocking mysteries yet unfolded about my condition.

I was fascinated and also surprised at the severity of my condition.

After completing a thorough detox and accompanying therapy I was ‘relaxed ‘.

A person in my condition hardly knows the words, ‘relaxed and pain free’.

I had an advanced form of Fibromyalgia.

At home I followed Alf’s advice to “rest, feet up, and drink water”, but after I had completed these tasks I continued into a deep sleep, so deep and wonderful it was a pity to wake from it.

The most amazing realization came from that day forth. My sporadic body paralysis of seven years left me after my first Bowan Therapy Session.

The ascending paralysis which left my body tingling in a comatose state was gone!

Pain subsided dramatically, enabling me to leave my three-year Fibromyalgic bedridden state.

Partaking in activities such as eating my meals in the dining room at a table, verses all my former meals in bed, became my new reality. The change was dramatic!

This was only the first of my treatments. I saw Alf for another two follow-up treatments and I could have sworn my Fibromyalgia was gone. Alf agreed.

The Ridiculously Long List of Fibromyalgia Symptoms (as it was so called) from the Fibromyalgia Support Network here in Perth lists all of the researched symptoms.

I took the time to compare my symptoms before and after I was treated by Alf.

Before Alf’s treatments, I suffered from 84% of the symptoms.

After Alf’s treatments, 26% of the symptoms remained, which Alf is working on with me to successfully relieve.

This 64% reduction in symptoms has changed my life in wonderful ways. I feel alive and am grateful for each day that passes.

Most of all, I feel I have a future and desire to spread the word that Fibromyalgia can be majorly relieved.

It is said to be incurable, but a remission is enough for me.

Alf was also a teacher by nature, having received specialized advice which I haven’t found in my extensive medical research.

That made Alf and his therapy just that more valuable.

Now that he has passed who else can we go to for healing?

Fortunately, just before he passed I found a website called Bendable Body, which is also available on YouTube.

John and Sita provide many helpful exercises specific for ailments and general health. My Fibromyalgia didn’t return as I kept up toning the fascia.


Check it out here: Bendable Body and Bendable Body Playlists

An Outstanding Demonstration Of The Power Of Human Breath

Anthony Wee, Chi Master, with powerful breath demonstrations.

By Debby Blettner (in 1999)


Here’s a little talk on Chi Meditation by Anthony Wee, presented during a Cancer Support Night.

Anthony Wee is known as a Chi Master. He is well known for his outstanding event, showing a demonstration of the power of the human breath.

He had a 9.3 ton truck run over his chest twice in one day to demonstrate the power of his breathing.

Two other men attempted the same stunt. One man died and the other man was hospitalized with a ruptured spleen.

Breathing Techniques:

  • Basically it is breathing from your abdomen, taking in a breath and holding it for four seconds and gently breathing out for at least six seconds.
  • I’ve used this to relax and also for pain relief. During the four seconds of holding your breath, the oxygen is absorbed into the bloodstream.
  • Another helpful breathing method was to take a deep breath and swallow and hold it for a few seconds, and gently blow out for as long as you can.
  • After this the body does not need to breathe for a little while. This technique could be helpful for scuba diving and managing air while swimming, using fewer breaths and making more use of the breath.
  • I found this kind of breathing good for relaxing also.
  • Chi breathing, was said to increase health and healing.
  • Anthony Wee suggested that if you are healthy, practice this type of breathing for one hour a day, 20 minute sessions.
  • Squeeze backside and stomach while blowing out for twenty minutes, three times a day.


Visualization: What Powerful Things Can You See?


By Dr Jason Han PhD in 1999

Disclaimer: Notes recorded by Debby Blettner

This next chapter for the Cancer Retreat is about Visualization and Meditation breathing techniques, and a final note.

  • Athletes use visualization to achieve and break records.
  • Students use it to pass exams.
  • Businessmen use it to help their business.
  • We use it to help our health.

First make verbal affirmations, then make Visualizations

  • It helps to bring about changes in attitude.
  • It helps us to cope with stress,
  • It gives you a sense of control, and helps to abandon fear.
  • Use it to communicate through to subconscious mind.

Dr. Ivy Bullen showed pictures that were taken from the audience, in an earlier session, to show how different people pictured their cancer and immune system.

Some of the cancers looked like absolute demons and monsters and the immune system looked totally helpless.

Then she showed a picture of cancer cells like frail broken egg shells and huge “pack men” surrounding the cancer with shark’s teeth, looking very ferocious, the cancer cells were saying in a caption: “Were dead!”

By Debby Blettner:

One particular man was very, very fearful at the Retreat, and his picture that he drew was very frightening. Even at the end of the Retreat, after all of the input, when other patient’s pictures had vastly improved, his was still frightening, and showed little hope. He died one week after the Retreat.

Yet there was an interview with a patient who had had three brain tumors, two were surgically removed, and when the third tumor appeared he took time to go to the Cancer Retreat. He applied all that he had learned at the Retreat and after a period of six weeks, he saw his doctor for another scan.

He had been told there was no more the doctors could do, so they wanted to see how much it had grown, to determine how much time to give the patient. The results proved that there was no trace of the cancer, it had disappeared!

This was the same patient who drew the “packmen” as his immune system, and the fragile eggshell as his cancer cells. He meditated 2-3 hours daily, wrote and said lots of positive affirmations, had an attitude change, looked at the diet and juices as being good for him and beneficial. He also prayed, being a Catholic.

Give yourself more power!

No matter how big the tumor is, see it as weak and vulnerable. See the treatment you are doing as positive, everything under control.

If you choose to have chemotherapy or radiotherapy, be committed and think positively about it.

It you have a negative attitude about it, it won’t do you any good.

Look at radiation as a white healing light, that if you have it, it will make your immune system more powerful.

Visualize a mop up squad to clean up the battlefield!

You can drop your pulse rate through visualization.

Visualize in the future, what you would like to be happening.

You must have a cleaning up, mopping up squad to show the immune system has defeated the cancer, the end is complete in your visualization.

For a few days show the cancer cells being dealt with by the immune system, the cancer cells getting smaller, and the immune system getting larger and more powerful, attacking new cancer cells.

After that the Natural Killer cells are getting stronger and scouting out new cancer cells.

When taking vitamins, visualize the NK’s getting stronger and more powerful. Take one and a half hours meditation, two times a day at least when you are fighting cancer.

Juices: carrot, celery and beetroot, are very important. Enjoy the food and the juices.

When I followed this plan with visualization, my NK’s shot up from 92 to 156, which according to Dr. Bullen was quite phenomenal, in 6 weeks.

A second time, my NK’s fell, after my childhood girlfriend died from cancer. I was again aggressively using these methods and prayer, and my NK’s recovered almost to normal range over a short period of time.

Later that year my NK’s dropped again, after my husband had surgery for cancer. Even though the NK’s dropped low, I did not take the time or effort to visualize the NK’s increasing, nor did I concentrate on any specific positive affirmations concerning my health, and the NK’s continued to fall.

This was accompanied by an increase in pre-cancerous cells and tumor marker CA-15 increase, resulting in a mastectomy.

After these stressful events my NK test results rose once again, from 92 – 148. My tumor marker CA-15 also down 10 points from 34 to 24.

Testing is very helpful.

By Dr Ivy Bullen:

  • 10 minutes of laughter = 2 hours of no pain as it is releasing endorphins which are natural pain killers.
  • When laughing, air passes from your lungs at the rate of 50 -60 miles, per hour!
  • Watch a funny movie daily, if you have pain, one funny movie can give up to four hours of no pain.
  • Stats show that as people grow older, they laugh less. This is dangerous!
  • Children laugh a lot more.
  • It is statistically proven that NK’s increase after a funny movie. It increases cytokines, which are important for the function of the immune system.

He who laughs, lasts!


This is the last Cancer Retreat session by Dr Jason Han:

Encouragement – An Enormous Gift For All Of Us

“One of the greatest gifts a person can give another is support.” Unknown

By Debby Blettner

I was desperate for a great shot of encouragement.

In the late 1990’s my husband was given immediate surgery to extend the three months of life expected from his diagnosis with aggressive testicular cancer.

I felt it was unfair to be so heavily tested, especially my faith and belief.

My childhood friend died of bowel cancer shortly after I had been diagnosed with breast cancer, plus I was disabled with a severe frozen shoulder.

Surely my life would change forever, once I got through it, regardless of the outcome.

After my tears subsided, I saw a flower stall displaying a bright red, heart-shaped balloon with the inscription, “I love you.”

I purchased it without a thought.

Desperately waiting for his eyes to open after the surgery while my eyes shining from the tears, I approached him with my gift balloon.

I smiled knowing my love and acceptance was the greatest healing potion I could offer.

His eyes welcomed me, as if we had just shared our wedding vows while holding each other’s gaze.

The moment was broken by the announcement that I could take him home as soon as I was ready.

The surgery had been a success!

This memory is more than two decades old but still as fresh to me as a dew-covered rose.

Moving forward, comfort, faith, and acceptance encouraged me to comfort others.

My future became encouragement with those who inevitably fell into my arms, using my shoulder to cry on.

Simply holding them, while shedding tears, helped me to hold my faith and belief that all things work together for good, no matter what. (Romans 8:28)

Oh Lord, make me an instrument of your peace (and comfort.)

Paraphrased from The Prayer of St Francis.’

Unconditional Joy and Happiness: Can I Be Happy?

Lecture about Joy and Happiness:

By Dr Jason Han PhD, In 1999

Disclaimer: Notes recorded by Debby Blettner

Dr Han asked for a show of hands as to whom in the group was happy.

About 50% of the group responded with a “Yes.”

Life is full of simple pleasures.

An Epicurean – is someone who loves food.

Don’t look outside for happiness, all the ingredients are within you.

You don’t need to be a chef to mix all the ingredients to make happiness.

We are taught money can buy you anything, including happiness.

If so, all rich men would tell you they are all happy.

Optimistic people are happy.

Happy people are people who have:

1) High Self Esteem -they like themselves, they have a good sense of self worth.

2) Full sense of control.

3) Optimistic –they are always looking on the bright side.

4) Outgoing – make friends easily, have good communication skills.

Work on yourself to change to become happier!

If you want a good Role model – copy the above points!

When you’re happy you’re NK cells are bubbling over, lots of endorphins!

Let’s be happy!

You are happy because you sing, so reset your nervous system, try assuming a smile.

A frown doesn’t do anything to improve your immune system. It depresses even others immune systems. A smile does wonders for your immune system!

Lift up the corners of your mouth, even pretending does wonders to your immune system!

Endorphins are natural opiates, healing agents, they lower blood pressure, good oxygen therapy.

There are three types of Endorphins, one of those types is 700 times more powerful than morphine!

The Happiness Test:

1) If thing don’t go my way I get very upset. Yes/No

2) I feel good about my body. Yes/No

3) I can accept things the way they are. Yes/No

4) I dislike many people. Yes/No

5) I sometimes wish I had never been born. Yes/No

6) I love sex. Yes/No

7) I like most people. Yes/No

8) I rejoice within myself when someone does well. Yes/No

9) I frequently feel helpless and lost. Yes/No

10) When I make a mistake, I brood over it. Yes/No

Anything less than 7 points in this test means you are not happy!

This test leads you to look at areas where you need to expand on.

“I can accept things the way they are.” If “no”, then work on it. For example, if you get angry then work on it! Be solution oriented, not problem oriented.

Positive affirmations for happiness:

1) I enjoy everything I do.

2) I look forward to each day with great enthusiasm.

3) I have someone to confide in.

4) I love life and life is wonderful.

5) I love my job and I like the people I work with.

6) I am successful in all I do.

Repeat these affirmations 60 times a day to become happier, and to develop a new habit. Listen to the emotion of the words!

What is your Value system? – if you lost all your money, but you have good health and full function of your body, then be happy!

Some parts of India, if you run over a man’s wife he will not be bothered, but if you run over his cow, he will kill you! Different values!

People spend $100,000 or 1\4 of a million on a house, $50,000 on a car, but what about your health?

If you want to be happy – be happy!

LListen to the emotion of the answer to the question, when asking if someone is happy.


Aromatherapy- If You Try It You Might Love It

By Dr Ivy Bullen in 1999

Disclaimer: Notes recorded by Debby Blettner

  • Lavender oil heals burns, broken skin, it has incredible healing power.
  • Aromatherapy Products are absorbed into the blood stream.
  • The oils, being pure, are very strong, and it is advisable to get professional advice before using.
  • Smelling goes to the brain.
  • Put Lavender oil on a pillow to help you sleep.
  • If the oil has the Botanical name on the bottle, it has more quality, and is more pure.
  • For one Tablespoon – 30ml, 1 oz, use 7 drops of essential oil.


Application of Radiotherapy In The Treatment Of Cancer

Application of Radiotherapy

Disclaimer: Notes recorded by Debby Blettner

By Dr Barry Cassidy 1999

This next lecture was from Dr. Barry Cassidy, a speaker from the Radiotherapy Institute who will discuss the application of Radiotherapy in the treatment of cancer.

Radiology and Chemotherapy work together, Radiation Oncology.

There are a few methods used:

1) Ionizing radiation

2) Teletherapy – external beam therapy. The machine rotates. Linear excellerators are used to give high energy x-rays, it spares the skin, and uses electrons.

3) Brachytherapy – short range needles, wires, etc. or intravenous, no long term results have been recorded. (In 1999)

4) Palliative Radiotherapy is used for symptom relief for bone pain, bronchial obstruction, bleeding, head and neck diseases.

  • Tumors in the lung seem to respond to chemotherapy, but are not necessarily cured.
  • There are new ways to minimize the bad effects from breast cancer, using new techniques.
  • Wire implants are used for primary treatment, either implant or beam.
  • Lymphoma is sensitive to radiation and responds rapidly.
  • Adjuvant therapy can be used for the breast, if cancer is in early stages, the smaller the tumor, the more curative the treatment.

(Check with your Oncologist for explanation)

  • NB: Dr Cassidy said that it must be treated at this stage as it can develop into the tumors shown on the slides he projected to the audience.
  • Also experiments of lumpectomy with radiation.

All cures so far have been experimenting, while waiting for long term results.

  • The patient will need to make an elective decision, to take or not to take the treatment.
  • Mastectomy can still get cancer cells developing outside of the area removed.

The treatment should never be worse than the disease.

  • How effective is radiotherapy? (No notes taken here)


  • Curative: this is the intent for tumors, for them to be cured.
  • Palliative: treatment is given to slow things down, yet it is not curative.
  • Radiotherapy – is x-ray therapy, at a microscopic and chemical level.
  • Normal cells are injured as well as cancer cells. The body’s DNA – has 2 strands –the double strand breaks after this treatment.
  • There is damage to the cell, and they are unable to replicate, then they die.
  • Radiation therapy is 100 years old.
  • New hormone drugs, tamoxifen has failed sometimes. (In 1999)
  • Drugs leave body after 24 hours.
  • Effects wear off 6-8 weeks after.
  • It is the same with Radiotherapy.
  • Carcinoma insitu – very early breast cancer. Some doctor’s wouldn’t even call it cancer as it is not invasive. Some cases of carcinoma insitu can be treated by radiation therapy.

End of Lecture by Dr Barry Cassidy


Chemotherapy. Is It More Harmful Than Helpful?

What is Chemotherapy?

Lecture From Dr Koo Wen Hsin in 1999

Disclaimer: Notes recorded by Debby Blettner

Dr Koo Wen Hsin is an Oncologist visiting Perth WA, from Singapore.

He sat in the audience, as a student, for three days before surprising everyone by standing on stage giving us all a lecture!

His lecture is about Hospice Care.

What is Chemotherapy? Cytotoxic drugs, (ie cell/toxic), chemical agents for the treatment of cancer.

1) To cure cancer.

2) To improve the chances of curing the cancer.

3) Prolong life.

4) To relieve symptoms.

Ninety percent of cancer cannot be cured by chemotherapy. Colon, breast and lung cancers cannot be killed by chemotherapy, and these cancers make up 90% of all cancers.

Testicular tumors, ovarian cancer, leukemia’s in children, Hodgkin’s disease are very sensitive to chemicals and can be killed by chemotherapy.

Non Hodgekin’s Cancer, of the Lymph Nodes generally speaking, is very chemotherapy sensitive, also radiation works on these cancers.

Testicular cancer is very chemotherapy sensitive.

Dr. Hsin is a Palliative Physician, a Hospice doctor.

Non sensitive cancer:

  • It will do more harm than good to be given chemotherapy.

These include:

  • Non–small-cell lung cancer.
  • Liver cancer.
  • Renal Cell cancer.
  • Brain tumors.
  • Cancer of unknown primary.

Moderately Chemo Sensitive:

These include:

  • Small cell lung cancer.
  • Breast cancer.
  • Colon cancer.
  • Stomach cancer.

After surgery the cancer can return – 5 – 10 years which equals cured to a doctor.

Doctors give chemotherapy to improve the chances of survival and reduce the chances of relapse.

There are 3 types of Chemotherapy given:

Adjuvant chemotherapy, systemic chemotherapy and Palliative chemotherapy –all given to improve the chances.

The Immune System is lowered by Chemotherapy.

A Clinical trial took place:

Phase one trial – there was a request for volunteers. These volunteers were given drugs with no proven effect on cancer. The Clinical trial was required to give records of what damage the drugs will do. How much damage? Some volunteers died.

Phase 2: With the results of the Trial, the concentration of drugs is worked out.

Phase 3: New drug is compared with the gold standard, which has the best response etc., and is marketed.

“How long is my chemotherapy?”

This depends on:

1) Tumour size.

2) Symptom control.

3) Quality of life.

It is difficult to tell.

Adjuvant chemotherapy, where there is no more cancer, it has been surgically removed, is to prevent a relapse. Many don’t relapse anyway, even without 6 months of chemotherapy!

If cat scan shows up black, with defined edges, it usually indicates cancer, also ultrasound.

  • Liver cancer, surgery is only method, remove part of it, if can.
  • Not chemotherapy sensitive, liver cancer, but it does respond to Chinese herbs.
  • Symptom control- just check if symptoms are improving.
  • Quality of life – Stomach cancer cannot be cured by chemotherapy.

A woman with stomach cancer could eat and drink after chemotherapy, but she had a goal in mind, her wedding, a new apartment, she was not cured but she achieved her goal!

Results of Chemotherapy:

  • hair loss
  • vomiting.
  • Bone marrow suppression.
  • Low resistance.

The bad part of chemotherapy, is that every organ of the body can be affected by chemotherapy. Very tired after chemotherapy. Many bad results from chemotherapy, a long list of side effects.

After chemotherapy there were results on the patients x-rays, but the patient had no energy. He took herbal medicine and massage to maintain his function – lung and brain tumor. He stopped chemotherapy. The chemotherapy couldn’t heal, but took away the quality of life. He was given a choice of two years of lying at home or one year of active life, without chemotherapy. The patient needs to decide on their fate.

Chemotherapy Costs:

1) Consultation.

2) Lab tests.

3) Medication. In Singapore, all of these are very expensive.

4) Others – most important! The carer, the person taking care of the cancer patient, may have to give up their job to help the patient, has to wait with the patient to see the doctor. Consider the carer when deciding whether or not to take chemotherapy.

Today’s doctor is:

1) Scientist.

2) Saint.

3) Shopkeeper.

Therefore 5-10% people really benefit from chemotherapy!

Therefore every patient is offered chemotherapy.

“How long do I have to live?”

The doctor will study the Median Survival Chart of Statistics.

The general figure is figured out by statistics.

The first person lives three years and the rest live longer.

The doctor will inform the patient that he has three years to live!

Gross misrepresentation. Very inaccurate. It is impossible to predict.

Statistics only.

Evidence based herbs – lots of evidence to support for immune system! Not much scientific evidence for it.

How do I prepare for chemo?

1) Nutrition.

2) Exercise.

3) Talk to others. It’s hard travelling alone.

Cancer is a word, not a sentence.

Oncologists always treat, forget to prevent!

What they practice full time is what is supposed to be done after communication and nutrition.

Support groups respond much better to treatments than those that are hidden at home.

Neuro phycho neurology – right frame of mind affects hormones. Lab studies have proven this! Too much trust is in Lab’s and chemicals.

To cure sometimes, to relieve often, to comfort always!

Dr. Hsin showed a slide of two handfuls of drugs, which were taken by a patient each day – add a dressing and it can become a meal!

Dr Hsin showed a slide of a mother holding a baby that had a man’s head, a shirt and tie, a reminder to cuddle and hold close the person in need.

Dr. Hsin apologized for his lack of knowledge of nutrition care.

400 lymph nodes are around the neck and in underarms. Regional lymph nodes. Clusters of white blood cell – nodes.

Inject dye into tumor and wait and see how many lymph nodes are connected. Remove those. Lymph removal depends on the surgeon.

There is a group of doctors that are very aggressive with chemicals. They cause vomiting, hair loss, nausea, but this is no problem to the doctor, no worries to him, only to the patient.

There are injectable Chinese remedies.

Massage and oral Chinese medicine. Chi kung and tai- chi.

NB: Dr. Hsin also said that,

The Oncologist looks at the problem and focuses on the cure of the problem and often forgets about the patient.”

Read Next:

Helping Life To Be Better!

By Dr Pat Giles in 1999

Introducing: Dr. Pat Giles, Formerly Associate Professor of Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology OB-GYN, University WA.

He is an acclaimed speaker for Western Australian graduate Doctors and Medical Students.

Presenting: A lecture on “Helping life to be better.”

Disclaimer: Notes recorded by Debby Blettner

Grief can be a very strengthening experience.

Laughter is a great tranquilizer.

There are 3 phases to grief

1st phase – the problems hit you, you receive the diagnosis.

2nd phase– The acute stress is gone but you still can’t see beyond the horizon.

3rd phase– No person’s land in between.

Survivors develop strategies that help them survive.

Phase 1:

After the diagnosis has sunk in, life is grey. Lap up kind gestures and acts of kindness. It does you good.

When words are used in empathy, it is not so much the words, but the emotion that sticks.

The good company of friends is worth a pharmaceutical shelf of medicines.

Praying: say what you feel like.

Take it easy on yourself, have what you enjoy, take it easy on yourself.

Phase 2:

NB: Yoga training was taken up by this doctor, Dr Giles. He did it for 20 minutes a day.

Talk through your worries when you need to, it reduces them significantly.

We want to feel that we are being cared for, mended spiritually, emotionally, physically and mentally.

Relaxation is important. Attend concerts and movies.

NB: Dr Giles took meditation and yoga and prayer as an antidote for all the negative, after his child was suddenly killed in a car accident.

One day a week be free from the News.

Walking is the cheapest, least hazardous exercise. Walk leisurely- enjoy social interaction.

Walking by the sea or in a forest helps us to see ourselves as a smaller creation, part of the big picture.

Enjoy good company- good sleep and good food.

Social help– people who help us are very important, relationships are important.

There is a lot of evidence to prove that relationships and touch are very important.

Social support can help people live longer.

Socially isolated – if you are it is difficult to make friends after diagnosis. You should do it before hand.

Spiritual values – become at peace with yourself and your Creator.

Believe that suffering has a meaning and bear their cross with them, or stay with people that have positive outlooks.

Joke: The greatest sin is to overcook fish!

(Everybody present roared with laughter!)

Feel fulfilled by helping others!

NB: After Dr Gile’s tragedy, he blew kisses to people who honked at him at the lights. He said that two women followed him home!

By giving you receive, physically.

People with Aides who helped others, lived 3x longer!

If you have cancer don’t make any big decisions, sit tight.

Seek information, misinformation can be very distressful.

Some people think that cancer is contagious.

For your GP doctor:

  • Make a list.
  • If you can’t get through it in one consultation, just tick it off as it gets done.
  • Get all of the information you feel you need.
  • If you feel rushed, confused or intimidated, tell your doctor to slow it down.

For Yourself:

Maintain fitness.

Use different methods of relaxing, feeling good and helping others.

Never let the treatment be worse than the disease.

Anything that is therapeutic has a thorn.

Every therapeutic rose has its thorn.

Keep an open mind, but no so open that your brains drop out!

You’ll be happy if you strive for fitness, feel in control, be optimistic, have friends you can share confidence with.

Many people feel benefited from having cancer. They appreciate things they once took for granted.

Support groups make you feel better and add days to your life. Ventilate feelings, communicate, it helps you to cope.

Despair over diagnosis: sometimes getting the diagnosis can be worse than the disease.

A patient was ready to die and he asked the doctor if he had cancer. The doctor told the patient that he did not have cancer and the patient died with a smile on his face.

Forgive freely.

PrayerIf you pray, you change, and the way you look at life changes.

Happiness isn’t in the future, but here and now with whom you are with and where you are.


Everyone Has a First Time To Face New Experiences

Category : Hope and Faith

My First Deep Dive Facing New Challenges

By Debby Blettner

I was not brave, I was scared stiff, but the curiosity of the dive, knowing Who was “holding my hand”, gave me courage.

Diving can be thrilling!

My first dive came after I was pushed into a 30 meter diving pool at Beatty Park Swimming Pool in Western Australia when I was 15. I found my cycling skills very effective for keeping my head above water until I clawed the wall of the pool to escape drowning.

A year later it was the intimidating diving board. I watched a few jumping, a few people diving. I had to try. Prancing down the diving board to the edge overhanging the water was exhilarating, so was the decision to jump or dive.

I chose the dive, neatly tucking my head into my arms, forming into an arrow without too much hesitation, leaving the bouncing diving board.

Flying through the air with the greatest of ease was beautiful. I imagined myself as I did in my dreams, flying freely and effortlessly. My dream crashed when I broke the surface of the water with my hands. The rest was downhill all the way into the depths of the pool.

Pondering if I should attempt to reach the bottom of the pool, reality struck as my breath became more challenging to hold. The water changed rapidly to a deeper shade of blue, the thrill was becoming a thriller.

Putting panic aside, I connected to the One I had always known and loved, having faith this was indeed not my last moment on earth.

Gravity began pulling me upwards gracefully to the light. It seemed an eternal distance, like a light at the end of a long tunnel. I began to blow bubbles to avoid my head from splitting from the intense pressure of the water.

I felt a special moment between me and my Creator. There was nothing I could do but surrender, kick gently and paddle my arms with cupped hands powering my way to the surface.

Patience, hope and faith became my life’s lesson. Somehow I knew I would surface, keeping my eyes fixed firmly on the pale blue-lit water while surfacing.

I lost focus, my face surrounded with bubbles, fearing I would not make it. I thought of my parents, my stupidity at taking the dive, the risk, all for the thrill of it.

With each moment the surface became clearer, the more I surrendered the faster I surfaced. As my kicking and digging slowed, being almost faint with exhaustion with no breath left in me with no more thoughts, the miracle happened.

In surreal slow-motion my head surfaced through the pale blue circle I had focused so hard on. I gasped so hard I thought I would pass out.

I believed I was still alive, though not absolutely sure. Without knowing I found myself holding the wall of the pool, too weak to get out.

Again, without knowing how, I found myself on dry land, walking towards my towel and gear. It took me a few days to comprehend all that had happened. This is my first time to describe it in words, but the impression of it lasted my life time.

So often I related my first dive to my new endeavors including my wedding, natural childbirths for my two daughters, my experience in a hijacked airplane, cancer surgeries, reversing autoimmune diseases as a few examples.

It seems no matter how deep I fall, I know I will always rise again to the surface. My faith pulls me through every time.

What dives have you taken lately?

What dives are overdue?


Help Is Here With Five Tips For Gluten-Induced Fatigue

By Healthy Living Sage


What Causes Autoimmune Disease, Can I Feel Better?

The Immune System: Helpful Gifts For Our Survival

From Dr Ivy Bullen in 1999

Disclaimer: Notes recorded by Debby Blettner

Immune System:

Dr Bullen first explained about the different cells present, the T Cells, T Helper Cells, T Suppressor Cells, Natural Killer Cells and B Cells.

  • The Thymus is the training ground for the immune system and is located under the chest bone, the sternum. Tapping this area, with your fingers, at least 20 times per day has the effect of stimulating the immune system.
  • B Cells are made in marrow and they spot viruses. After spotting the virus they become an ammunition factory of antibodies. This is not the most effective way of fighting cancer because they need ammunition to shoot.
  • “Cytokines” say grow, and “Anticytokines” say stop. This red light, green light system needs to be balanced for controlled growth and good health. If the brakes fail the cells reproduce and divide without check, and tumors develop.
  • NK Cells poke “fingers” into cancer cells and inject granules into the cancer cells (perforans), to kill their target. If their target is a cancer cell, they inject the granules and chemical reaction results in blowing a hole in the cancer cell to kill it!
  • The KSR’s (Stimulating receptors) detect between normal body cells and cancer cells and tell the NK when to kill. It leaves the normal cells alone. An inhibitory cell tells the NK cells to leave the normal cell alone and protects it!

If your immune system is fully switched on, you won’t get cancer.

Power of Prayer:

Three hundred patients in a group were separated into two groups. People from outside the group were given information on the cancer patients. One group of cancer patients was not prayed for and the other was.

The people prayed for had less death, were sent home earlier, had less cardio arrests, healed much faster and had less problems than the group that was not prayed for!

Any surgery can depress the immune system.

Do anything you can to take antioxidants after surgery to build it up to counteract the depression to your immune system.

Immune typing is a Blood test to check for NK’s (Natural Killer Cells.) Another name for it is LSM, (Lymphocyte surface markers).

There are 5 known causes of cancer:

1) Carcinogens– poisons

2) Genetic Disposition

3) Radiation

4) Diet

5) Life Styles and Stress

  • Genetic Disposition:
  • or predisposition.
  • An experiment was performed on mice, all of which had the same genetics. They all had oncogenes, which predispose them to cancer.
  • Some were given four times greater stress than the others, and they developed cancer. The highly stressed mice developed cancer, not the non-stressed ones.
  • Both groups were ‘oncogene’ predisposed. The gun was loaded, it just needed a trigger. Stress is often the trigger.
  • Japanese women have the lowest levels of breast cancer in the world. Yet, Japanese women in Hawaii have a much higher incidence of breast cancer. Could this be related to diet, or lifestyle?
  • Life Style and Stress:
  • A workaholic is someone who works 60-70 hours a week with no time for rest. They have high physical and emotional stress.
  • 8 hours of sleep is required.
  • Interleukins (produced by sleep), are good for the immune system.
  • Laughter, singing, and quiet meditation and thinking positive thoughts also greatly benefit the immune system as does exercise recreation and healthy food.
  • Avoid junk food.

Emotional Stress:

1) Inability to express emotions.

2) Unresolved conflicts.

3) Unresolved problems.

4) Denial behavior.

5) Excessive need for approval.

6) Helplessness.

The above have been found to be common in cancer patients.

  • Anger:
  • It is very important to express your emotions and tell the other person you are angry. An alternative to this is to run around the block, to get rid of anger.
  • Confusion about medical procedures and options for treatment can be very stressful.
  • Denial:
  • Denial of any health problems, spending lots of time helping others at the neglect of your own health can sometimes be symptoms of denial, ignoring the problem or not wanting to face it or accept it.

All these things can lead to stress, which can encourage cancer. It is not what happens to you but how you react to what happens to you, that is experience!

It is important to focus on the person, not the disease, to change the outcome of the illness. A change of thought patterns causes different hormones and chemicals to be secreted in the body. So a positive mind and keeping on top of things is very important.

A total of 152 very ill patients were studied. Those with a positive attitude responded better to treatment and did better than negative patients with less serious diseases!

Depression is very bad for the immune system and Natural Killer Cell count. Look at your stress level to improve your immune system.

Read Next:

Receive Supernatural Grace When You Need It Most

By Debby Blettner

A freshly baked doughnut, drizzled with hot chocolate, was passed under my nose.

At a shared dinner the person on my left passed it to the person on my right. Through it’s transit, the aroma of the doughnut wafted past my nostrils.

“All through life my brother, if you be a happy soul, keep your eye upon the doughnut and not upon the hole“.

I fled to my bedroom in tears.

Such is the pain of gluten intolerance.

Lonely….a bitter word…misunderstood, a sad word…rejected…

But to be invisible also?

Do I matter?

The agony continued through the years.

Did I feel forgotten? Yes

Did I feel lonely? Yes

Did I feel invisible? Yes

Did I feel hurt, rejected, alone? Yes.

For many years I endured multiple surgeries, was bedridden for three years with Fibromyalgia and a combination of autoimmune diseases.

My supernatural grace came in the form of acceptance.

I felt accepted, accompanied, quite visible, honored, and loved by the invisible world of the Spirit.

The unseen forces and beings beyond the veil came to my rescue, ministered to me, strengthened me and became my grace.

I felt they were my reason to continue living. I felt comfort and companions in them, friends who truly understood, had time for me, fed my soul, nourished me and cared for me.

It reminded me of the ravens that ministered to Elijah at the brook Cherith. The ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning, and bread and meat in the evening; and he drank from the brook. (1)

I had been given GRACE.

To me grace is all that is supernatural.

My help through loneliness came predominantly from the unseen world, beyond the veil.

I envisioned meeting up with loved ones who had passed on, close friends, former lovers, children, my pets, my personal angels of the heart, conscience and protection.

I also envisioned people, who I had known to have passed on, who cared for me . I felt I was gifted with not only hearing them, but with all the senses in varying degrees at various times, according to my greatest need.

Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation? (2)

For there stood by me this night the angel of God, whose I am, and whom I serve, saying, Fear not. (3)

And there appeared an angel unto (me) from heaven, strengthening (me). (4)

I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. (5)

I found that changing my attitude to gratitude for God’s grace during my time of ‘tribulation’ was a constant reminder to me forever after; the good happy times, and the low times.

Did I ever recover from my health issues? Not yet.

Do I still receive the help from beyond the veil. Yes, I do.

Would I ever change or give up this special gift? Never.

I believe God has reasons for everything He does, and He always gives us grace.

I love the idea of grace being the embodiment of all that is supernatural.

How do you define grace?

1. I Kings 17:6 NKJV

2. Acts 27:23, 24

3. Luke 22:43

4. Hebrews 1:14

5. I Thessalonians 4:13


Accepting Mid-Life Crisis With Grace

Nutrition Is Important For Cancer Patients: Can Save Lives

Nutrition: By Dr. I. Brighthope

Disclaimer: Notes recorded by Debby Blettner

Dated 1998: Dr. Ian Brighthope specializes in Nutritional Medicine with particular interest in cancer. He is the President of the Australian College of Nutritional Medicine and Fellow of the International College of Applied Nutrition, Fellow of the New York Academy of Orthomolecular Psychiatry and Author of a number of Books.

What are the reasons for nutrition for cancer patients?

-To put an antioxidant on every cell of your body.

-To increase resistance on the assault of Medical Professions.

Selenium is a very important mineral. Everyone is deficient!

Spontaneous Remission is very possible. Life style, diet, mental state all affect your health greatly!

White sugar is the best-marketed drug on the market. It is a KILLER! Without exception, patients do better without it!

-Vitamin C is the most powerful Antioxidant, made available quickly to your body, with no side effects.

Too much protein causes the liver to stress.

-Vegetable juices, carrot, celery, wheat-grass and beetroot, give lots of antioxidants.

-Any seeds suppress cancer, sunflower, sesame, pumpkin for example.

-Mushrooms are very good for the immune system.

-Metaplasia –means pre-malignant.

-Cook your food with garlic and ginger. It is a big help to your body.

“Itis”may result in cancer, example- hepatitis due to a depressed immune system.

-Exercise is very important.

Phytoestrogens are chemicals from plants that are helpful to the body.

Wheat grass juice and barley green are good.

-Pumpkin, sunflower and apricot kernels are great. 4-6 kernels a day is recommended.

Aloe Vera gel: put on all affected skin, before and after Radiation Treatment, to prevent burns.

Intravenous Vitamin C should be taken before and after Chemotherapy for best results, and least side affects.

-50mg of Vit C a day, does not optimize health.

-We need Vit C because we don’t produce it or store it in our bodies.

-Vit C is a natural sedative.

S (Sex?)

A Attitude

L Life Style

A Activity

D Diet

Remember, SALAD!

-Garlic detoxifies chemicals and is active against infection.

Mistletoe kills cancer cells and increases the immune system.

Red Clover is a blood cleanser and helps with breast and ovarian and all cancers.

Chaparral is an excellent antioxidant herb.

Aloe Vera is an antioxidant.

Comfreyaccelerates the healing of wounds. Use as a tea. Use only for 1 month at the most, each time, as it can cause liver problems. You can grow it yourself.

Wheat grass – You can grow your own. One thimble-sized juice is full of antioxidants.

Echinacea AngustitoliaExcellent for chronic bronchitis. Can be taken by tablet or tea.

Cortizone suppresses the immune system.

Pao d’Arco – tahibo tree, the bark suppresses cancer cell growth.

Tea tree oilgood for skin infections.

Dandelion – liver stimulation and kidney excretory purposes. Good for Radiotherapy.

Berberis – Liver, Burdock root, blood cleansers. Used in Japan.

-Japanese tea is different from Chinese green tea.

GinsengDon’t use with active cancer patients. It gives too much stimulation. Use it when the cancer is under control.

Golden Seal – Helps to heal mucous membranes.

-Shelf Fungus – Mushrooms, shitaki mushrooms or powders, stimulate the immune system.

Antibiotic Prescription is a plague of the human race.


-Legumes, soya products

-Grains, Linseed.

-Herbs- black cohosh, (important female hormone), red clover

-Soya lowers breast cancer.

-Hormone replacement increases Oestrogens, which is dangerous.

Isoflavones – do have an effect on breast cancer- get on to it! Soy products!

-160mg\day recommended tablet for breast cancer. 120-180mg\day in 3-4 tablets a day. It is not cheap! Do it for 2-3 months and then drop to 1 tablet per day.

(Check with GP)

-Take in linseed and soya daily.

Acidophilus is very good for gut bacteria.

Laughter is the best medicine.

-Animal products are more acidic.

-Use more alkaline products, more vegetables\fruits, etc.

-Drink water 1\2 hour before meals. Hydrate every cell in body. Drink before the meal and not with the meal as you dilute all the digestive juices.

-Berries, seeds, nuts, juices are all very good.

-Linseed is good to take daily, but it must be ground up and used the same day.

Mainstream Medicine is not scientific.

A lot of the cancer survivors are mostly out of the mainstream Medicine and Doctors.


Horizon Vision Makes a Great Difference In My Sleep Patterns


By “Dusty” Susan Dustin

For years I have put my work station facing a window, or at the very least, had regular breaks by looking out a window into the distance.

I have done this for my eye health and in the morning to set my internal, circadian rhythm, clock. It has made a great difference in my sleep patterns and quality of work.

But there are other benefits too it seems. On my walks from here on out, I am going to consciously seek out the horizon more often.

“Getting outdoors or looking outside deserves special mention. The neuroscientist Andrew Huberman talks about the calming effect of horizon vision on our nervous system.

When we are staring at something close up for long periods of time (think iPhone or Zoom) our brains are vigilant and focused which leads to increased levels of norepinephrine (an adrenalin like molecule) in the brain which, guess what, creates low-grade anxiety.

Sound familiar?

The antidote is to get outside and look out into the horizon, intentionally.

If you are stuck inside look out a window or even across the room for several minutes multiple times a day.

Horizon vision diminishes the brain’s vigilance and therefore lowers norepinephrine levels, which reduces anxiety.” —Dr. Michael Maddaus

Facebook: Dusty Su Freebird

Four Rooms Concept: For a well rounded life

Four Rooms Concept

By “Dusty” Susan Dustin

Four Rooms is a concept I found and have expounded on when I teach how to live a good, well-rounded life, also not to burn out in care-giving. Also, in the end of life to make sure the patient/person is able to have all their needs met on all levels.

Basically, it goes like this. We have four bodies of energy or four rooms in our one house, if we spend too much time in one and not enough in others, we’ll be in a state of imbalance.

THE FOUR BODIES: All bodies are equal and all need to be nourished, supported, and balanced!

Physical body: Does not make up more than others. Needs to be pain-free, comfortable, and in a clean, healthy, restful state.

Spiritual body: Needs to be provided a peaceful, supportive, tranquil space, where one can reflect upon their beliefs and states of being.

Mental body: The analytical mind craves stimulation, acknowledgement, and to be fed maturely and intelligently.

Emotional body: The subconscious body is responsible for negative talk or habits taken on either consciously or unconsciously throughout one’s life and these issues may need acknowledging, addressing and to be dealt with.

It’s important to note that through these bodies we experience great self-worth, pleasure, joy, comfort, love, care, and intimacy with others.

We’d be wise to tend to our four bodies in a balanced manner in order to be healthier, happier, and do a better job. This may help us to be at peace with our lives and relationships.

“Dusty” Susan Dustin

Facebook: Dusty Su Freebird

Every Day In Every Way, I Feel Happy and Better

Affirmations! By the late Dr Ivy Bullen

Disclaimer: Notes recorded by Debby Blettner

Affirmations help achieve goals.

Affirmations must be positive.

It is hard to make a “not” picture.

Dr Bullen did a visualization asking us to “not see” a white horse, silhouetted by the moon. As soon as she described it everyone saw it!

Next, she did a visualization of a lemon, the taste in your mouth, with a full description in slow detail. She asked who, at the end, had produced saliva enough to swallow? The majority of the audience had! It being a positive affirmation made it easier to visualize.

She suggested to write six pages of Affirmations a day. Fill a book!

Speak, write, walk the Affirmation.

Make a statement in the present, of your future goal.

You will get to the health goal by saying you are well, you will not be lying, as this is your goal, to get better.

You are making a journey, by saying, “I am well”.

State the future goal.

Write it as many times as you can, in your spare time, even write it on scraps of paper.

“Every day in every way, I am better and better.”

Talk to yourself and say the Affirmation.

Walk and say short Affirmations. Say each step, “Healthy body, Healthy mind!”

Reinforce it through hearing and feeling.

Condition yourself through colored paper. Choose a color paper and write the Affirmation on it in bold writing.

Put it in a place where you will see it often, in the bathroom or on the fridge for example. Use smaller pieces of the same color paper and place in different places, in your handbag, on your dresser, mirror for example.

Whenever you see that color you will receive a subconscious affirmation, the statement written on the large colored paper.

Use a tape/mp3 with your affirmations on it and use it at night while you sleep. Repeat the Affirmations on the tape/mp3.

Visualize the Affirmation as a goal that happened. (Absolutely inevitable)

Don’t use “not, so not, have not, I should or I will be. Make the Affirmation, as has happened.

PS: I followed this Affirmation information in order to increase my Natural Killer cells and my health in general and I can say it really worked with a 60% increase over 6 weeks, verified by Dr Bullen’s lab testing.

Read Next:

What Causes Autoimmune Disease, Can I Feel Better?

Transcribed by

Claim a FREE PDF: Sleep Well Tonight + FREE E-Program to help you feel better.

By Dr Tom O’Bryan and Jonathan Landsman

What Causes Autoimmune Disease?

Jonathan: What are the top causes of Autoimmune Disease?

This is a serious topic which we are going to discuss three natural tips to reverse it. This is very important information.

Lots of people are suffering from Autoimmune Disease.

There are over one hundred diseases out there. Dr Tom O’Bryan is an expert on Autoimmune Disease and helping people to get out of the problems.

Let’s talk about the top causes of Autoimmune Disease.

Dr Tom: Everybody asks what is an Autoimmune Disease. The body’s immune system…designed to protect you, decides to attack your own body’s tissues. That is the autoimmune mechanism. Why is that happening?

Has your immune system gone haywire? And the answer is no. Almost all the time the immune system has not gone haywire, it’s trying to protect you. What is it trying to protect you is the million dollar question. And the most common “triggers” in the medical literature are:

Most Common ‘Triggers’ – Environmental Toxins- air you breathe, water we drink, etc

The first one is Environmental Toxins– air that you breathe, water we drink and sometimes the air we breathe indoors is more toxic than the outdoor air, so you have to learn about that.

Foods – WHEAT (Non-Celiac Wheat Related Disorder)

The second one is foods associated with autoimmunity is – WHEAT (Non-Celiac Wheat Related Disorder) not just Celiac patients, but all of us. It used to be called Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity but now we know it’s much more than just gluten. We now call it Non-Celiac Wheat Related Disorder.

And the third one is bacteria that’s getting out of our gut and into the blood stream. Let’s say the bacteria is called Proteus. If it gets into your blood stream and your immune system makes antibodies to fight Proteus.

It’s like Proteus has an orange vest, and the antibodies are looking for the orange vest in the blood stream, but the surface of your joints, the protein on the surface of your joints called Collagen includes what looks like the orange vest, the protein signature of the Proteus.

So the antibodies, going after Proteus can attack your joints. Then you start getting the inflammation that can start the whole autoimmune mechanism against your joints. You get Rheumatoid Arthritis. Just go into Google and type in Rheumatoid Arthritis and Proteus and you’ll see some of the studies on that.

That’s true for Multiple Scoliosis and Psoriasis and losing your hair called Alopecia. Most Autoimmune diseases, we now know have an antigenic, fancy word for a trigger, that the immune system is attacking that trigger and it may go after your tissue.

And so it’s wheat, environmental toxins and bacteria. Those are the big three.

Jonathan: You just really want an answer, that Western mindset. Tell me what I have got to do to get rid of Autoimmune Disorders. I’ve been exposed to environmental toxins, bacteria and wheat.

You’re eight, you’re ten, you’re fifteen, you’re twenty years old. Everything was ok. Why are you sounding the alarm about all of these things and why are you saying to everybody that these are the top causes for Autoimmune Disorders when I was fine my whole life?

It’s only NOW that I’m suffering. How could it be these things? What’s your answer Dr Tom to those who are thinking that way, right now.

Dr Tom: That’s a really good question and the answer is:

The straw that broke the Camel’s back.

We have more toxins in our environment than ever before in the history of humanity.

We suffer from toxic OVERLOAD in our environment!

The list is startling and overwhelming to learn just how much this is going. You want to know how bad your air is where you live? Go to a car wash, a nice car wash. Drive home, park outside, set your alarm for four hours.

Go back outside, run your hand across the windshield of your car. That’s what you’re breathing, all the time. And that particulate matter can be very, very toxic and in most cities, it is.

Car fresheners – I won’t go into an Uber if it’s got an air freshener, cancel the ride and do another one. Every exposure just adds a little more.

Your analogy of a bath tub of water…every exposure, a little more water in the tub, and a little more water in the tub, and a little more water in the tub.

Just think of the clothing you wear, going often to the cleaners, and if you don’t go to a green cleaner, the chemicals are in your shirt, your pants, your coat and they out-gas it into the air and you’re breathing this stuff.

That’s just one more load, a little more water in the bath tub.

You pump gas. When you pump gas, can you sometimes smell the benzine? You smell the gas? You’re smelling Benzine! Benzine, when you’re smelling it is causing a ‘leaky brain’. When you’re smelling it, you’ve heard of ‘leaky gut’, you get a ‘leaky brain’ which activates inflammation in the brain every time you smell it.

So when you have to get gas, you smell the gas because you’re downwind, walk around the other side of the hose and now you’re upwind. We have to start thinking like that, the little things we can do to reduce the load, the toxic load that we’re being exposed to.

We have more toxins in our environment than ever before in the history of humanity.

Every exposure adds a little more in the tub, analogy of water in a tub. When you get a leaky gut, you get a leaky brain. Start thinking of little things that help us to reduce the toxic load that we are being exposed to.

Jonathan: You know I am educating you on these things a little bit more, but I have to be honest with you, a lot of the health providers I work with, they often have said to me, their experience with the public is that most people are not interested in prevention. And that’s a sad commentary.

I’m hoping it’s wrong for the people who are watching this video, I’ll be very honest with you, but that is exactly what we are talking about here.

It’s appreciating all of these things before they become a real problem, should be addressed. We should really be making this a top priority. Have fun with it! Don’t get stressed about it.

We’re now getting into three natural tips that we have for you that will absolutely help you to calm things down. Because when we aren’t mindful, we are living a pro-inflammatory lifestyle when we aren’t very disciplined in our own life, just like Dr Tom just mentioned… ‘No, I won’t get into an Uber that smells like an air freshener.’ Or changing the position where you are standing at a gas station so you can be upwind and breathe air that is okay.

Let’s talk about some of the ways that we can help people to know that they are going in the right direction and can calm down this inflammatory response in the body. And they don’t always have to live with these Autoimmune Disorders.

Dr Tom: I’m going to comment first on what you said about most people don’t think about prevention, and that’s true unfortunately and for those who are watching this at this point you haven’t clicked off, it’s because you are thinking about prevention. For those who don’t think about prevention, well you’ll come back when you’re sick enough. That’s all you can do and it’s when they’re ready.

So I was asked to give three things that can help with the entire Autoimmune Mechanism:

The first one is Test…Don’t Guess. Find a Practitioner who will run the test for you to see, are you in danger right now?

Get a doctor that will run the test to see…are you at risk RIGHT NOW?

Because you don’t develop an autoimmune disease when you get the symptoms of your hair falling out or you’re wearing socks to bed, ‘cause you’re so cold, which is a thyroid thing. That’s not when you develop the disease. That’s when you’ve killed off so much tissue. Now the symptoms are obvious that it’s years beforehand that this occurs, so you want to test to identify if you are on the Autoimmune Spectrum.

The second thing is Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Sugar Free

FREE!! Live: Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Sugar Free

Go squeaky clean, gluten free, dairy free and sugar free for three weeks. Just see how you feel and if you notice that you’re feeling better overall, no cheating for three weeks, you can be assured that there was an autoimmune mechanism going on in your body to some degree.

Jonathan: What was the exact testing that would be a good for them to do with the right healthcare provider?

Dr Tom: You can go to my website: All the tests are there.

The bottom line, there’s two laboratories there, is that tests there that go in that direction , there are a number of tests, depends on which one you need. One laboratory is Cyrex Laboratories, the other one is Vibrant Wellness Laboratories, and the second one is the most current, up to date, comprehensive of any thing on the planet, but both of those are really good labs and which test depends on your genetics, your history, your family history.

Find more information on

Jonathan: The biggest thing obviously food-wise for a lot of you dealing with Autoimmune Disorders is definitely food number two. Take a good, hard look at the glutenous foods that you might be eating, that conventional dairy out there, the processed sugars, really be okay with doing this kind of work and start getting them out of your life. As Dr Tom just mentioned it’s so important to realize that in the next few weeks you make these changes, you should feel a lot better.


Individualized Nutrition: Could It Make You Feel Better?

With Dr Ivy Bullen from Cancer Retreat Lectures in 1999.

Disclaimer: Notes recorded by Debby Blettner

This next lecture is about nutrition presented by Dr. Ivy Bullen.

Nutrition can prevent 63% of health killer diseases such as cancer, heart attacks and strokes.

Diet patterns – are linked especially with breast and colon cancer.

Chew well – 23 times for each bite. Drink nothing with a meal to digest fully. Water – will dilute gastric juices in stomach.

Free Radicals cause damage to our bodies. They neutralize themselves by attaching themselves to our body cells. Free radicals are attacked by Antioxidants. Some foods are very high in Antioxidants.

Many things affect the food we eat:

1) Quality

2) Quantity

3) Efficiency of digestion.

4) Everyone is different.

Let’s first look at quality of food:

The soil, chemicals and the manufacturing of food, the trace elements are governed by farming. Is the soil overworked?

Chicken, in Australia, is soaked in chlorine, before it is sold. This makes the flesh a pink type color, instead of the original yellow color seen in many Asian countries. Even “free range” chicken is under this law, but escapes the added antibiotics that are added daily to the chicken feed.

People with chronic fatigue do much better after they change to organic food. Excellent food is needed right after surgery. It is often very difficult to get in hospitals. In Australia, the hospital food is very inadequate. When a person is sick they need better than average food to help them get better.

People on vegetarian diets seem to do better with an increase in the variety of vegetables and fruit in their diet.

There are 8 amino acids that you must take in daily. The right types of foods are needed for this.

There are various food groups that need to be eaten daily:

1) Cereals, nuts, rice and seed groups.

2) Legumes and tofu, soy group.

For a vegetarian, they must take food from both these groups daily to obtain the 8 amino acids that are needed to replace red meat.

Fish is very good, but add to the diet after chemotherapy and radiation treatments are completed. Deep sea oily fish contain essential Omega 3 fatty acids.

Mullet, tuna, salmon and sardines are examples of deep sea oily fish.

Oil, when cold pressed, during manufacturing, and not heated, do not contain free radicals. Buy Extra Virgin Olive Oil in a brown bottle for best results. Do not heat oil to prevent free radicals from developing.

Processed food is dead food and should be avoided.

Sugar is stress food, and causes hyperactive behavior. Better to develop low stress eating habits.

A study in Australia on sugar intake by the public was done at the turn of the century and the following statistics were shown:

People consumed 4-5 lbs. pounds, per head, per year.

They consumed 25 lbs. per head, per year, after the war.

The early 90’s showed that they consumed 120 lbs. per head, per year. These statistics can be halved to get the weight in kilos.

Sugar is in tinned foods, packed cereals, cakes, biscuits, drinks, coco-cola, Soya drinks, yogurt, diet cola, which also has some very nasty chemicals in it.

Dried fruit is highly concentrated sugar, though natural, still sugar and the body reacts the same as receiving sugar. Should be reserved for special occasions.

The Macdonald’s Hamburgers are sometimes water buffalo meat and beef from the cow. The health department can’t tell the difference. Macdonald’s buys it for 50 cents a kilo. Hamburger helper, which tastes like beef has been an addition to the hamburgers, when beef was in short supply. ( Stated by the late, Dr Ivy Bullen, 1999)

Lysteria on vegetables in hotels can develop just from being in the fridge.

Always wash fruit and vegetables very well, with a vegetable wash from the health food shops. If possible, drain and rinse in fresh water with a cup of cider vinegar in it.

This doesn’t kill the lysteria, but it slows it down. Lysteria doesn’t like lemon juice or lime, and they are good to pour over fresh salads. Lysteria doesn’t like the acids.

Fresh veges are better than frozen, as they contain more antioxidants!

Peel all root veges, due to possible soil problems.

Limit oil in salads and only use cold pressed oils, such as olive oil.

Preferable to grow 1/3 of your veges, eat 1/3 organic, and 1/3 from regular market.

Raw food is healthy food. The longer veges are cooked, the less nutrients they contain. Lots of salads are recommended, but do not keep overnight. Use same day.

Vegetable juices, mix of carrots, celery and beetroot are best taken 2 times a day, 2 glasses, and 750 mls- 1000 mls especially during treatment times.

Alfalfa sprouts produce toxins to protect themselves. Causes blood disorder in cows. Eat lettuce, fennelcreek, snowpea, sunflower sprouts.

Try seed crackers with avocado, tomato, sunflower seeds and pepper.

Tempe is made from fermented soy products. Cook in low salt soy sauce or cut in strips and eat in salads or “stir fries”.

Almonds and Brazil nuts are protected from oxidation by their protective coats. Raw cashews are not protected, no protective shell.

Peanuts can be infected by a fungus, which leaves a toxin and can cause liver cancer.

Pasta is processed and not recommended for daily intake.

Plastic electric jugs are not good to use, due to the chemicals released from the plastic when it is heated.

Microwave ovens are very dangerous and are not recommended for cancer patients, or anyone who is conscious of their health.

Aluminium saucepans are also not safe to heat.

White flour is heavily processed.

Avoid caffeine, coffee, chocolate and tea to avoid adverse effects.

Peppermint tea is good for digestion and Chamomile is good for sleep.

Unprocessed honey is preferred if sweet is needed. Processed honey is often cut with sugar.

Drinks that have no added sugar are concentrated, the water has been removed, then added to reconstitute. They don’t add as much water again, so it is recommended to dilute it by 50% again.

Fruits are complex carbohydrates. Dark grape juice is very concentrated. Red grape juice also contains lots of antioxidants!

The immune system is very sensitive to wine. The brain, liver and immune system respond better to no alcohol.

Red meat and animal fat contain chemicals and antibiotics.

Orange juice that says it has no added sugar is covered legally due to the fact that the amount of sugar added is to cover the taste of the peel and pith that is added while being processed.

Japanese green tea is very good, especially for Oesophageal cancer. It is made from new green shoots and has a negligible amount of caffeine in the growing part of the plant. 4 cups of green tea a day is very good. It is full of Antioxidants!

Margarine is very bad for us. It has been a liquid and chemicals are used to make it a solid. Additives are added and more chemicals. The oils are heated to make it a solid.

Butter is a dairy product and contains animal fat, which is not recommended for health reasons. Good alternatives to butter are avocado, hommus, (chic pea dip), and mashed banana.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), is better without dairy products. Asthma is better without dairy products.

Sensitivity to dairy products can cause health problems.

Children up to 3 or 4 have rennin in their stomachs and can therefore digest dairy products better. After that it becomes more difficult to digest properly.

Good alternatives are soy milk, especially calcium enriched if available, tofu, and veges, for extra calcium. Soy cheese is also a good alternative for occasional use.

Calcium is used to make Tofu.

Goats milk is more easily digested than cow’s milk.

Take goat’s or sheep’s yogurt, rather than dairy.

If you have arthritis, give up milk.

Smoking has an anti Vitamin C effect.

Salt has an effect on calcium requirements, if stopped then you increase your calcium intake. Rock salt and sea salt is not recommended for this reason.

Salt is very bad for Osteoporosis. Low salt Tamari Soy Sauce is recommended to use instead of regular Soy sauce. But only 1 tablespoon a day, to help flavor a meal.

Calcium also is affected by too much protein, if the protein intake is very high, the calcium level drops.

Salt is connected to hypertension. If using heavy labor, and losing lots of sweat, then add salt on food, otherwise not.

Tofu should be used within 48 hours of purchase.

Chop a selection of veges and place them in a little low salt soy sauce, add fresh ginger and garlic and cook. Cook harder veges first, and steam and gradually add all the veges.

Add precooked brown rice after veges are cooked, chinese mushrooms, shitake mushrooms, slice small and thin and add. Add “ultra cube”, vegetable stock cube, to ginger and garlic. Steam all in water and you have healthy “fried rice”.

List of Antioxidant Vitamins and Minerals:

1) Vitamin A.

2) Vitamin C.

3) Vitamin E.

4) Minerals- Zinc

5) Selenium.

6) Enzyme COQ10 , S.O.D.

Note: End of lecture. My husband and I followed this counsel for over 14 years and felt all the better for it! It leaves no room for junk food, fried food, or sugar and has done us a world of good, not only for the cancer, but for a range of other illnesses as well.

Read Next:

Goals & How To Achieve Them

Lectured by Jason Han PhD, Psychologist on Affirmations Balya Retreat 2000

Disclaimer: Notes recorded by Debby Blettner

The next lecture was by Dr Jason Han about goals and how to achieve them.

Goals – A goal is a statement of your current needs and wants. The needs and the wants can be very different!

Victor Frankl studied 2 groups of concentration camp prisoners. One group survived and the other group died. Why?

The group that survived all had a goal, they talked in great detail about their goal, with great gusto and enthusiasm, and held in their minds a picture of that goal. It was very graphic in their minds. They survived to see the goal fulfilled!

The group that died had not established any goals.

Carl Simonton studied 2 groups under treatment. There was no response to the treatment given to the group who had no goals.

There was a tremendous response to treatment given to the group that had set goals.

The stepping stones to success come with our own perception to look for the silver lining.

The shortest way to achieve goals is in 6 steps:

1) Be clear:

Write down on paper what you want. Wait one week. See if it is clear.

At the end of one more week or a month, check if it is still clear. If you are satisfied, then go for it! The initial step is the most important.

2) Realistic Goals:

Stretch your personal resources a little and it will do something for you. It will spur you on to more goals. Nothing succeeds like success.

Look for when and where to find the results to avoid disappointment.

Small improvements are improvements.

Health goals take time!

3) Prioritise.

Which goals are more urgent?

Health goals take president. Then you can do everything else.

Your health goal will help you to achieve your career goal. Mutually inclusive or mutually exclusive – single goal only. Accomplish one only.

4) Long term, Medium term and Short term:

Anything longer than a year is a long-term goal. Short-term goal is anything under a month.

Long term goals are difficult to sustain the motivation. Make it more achievable by making smaller goals and reach them during the same amount of time.

5) Commitment:

Put your heart and soul into it. Give the goal time, energy and concentration. Intention (not by chance), and attention (focus).

6) Want and belief:

Want it and believe you will do it. It is not a goal if someone else sets it for you. Do what you believe. Only use the methods that you believe in!

The most important condition is in Latin, Sine qua non – meaning, without which not. I think I can changes to, I can!

Note: All the above can be achieved through the logical mind and even more easily through the subconscious mind. The words “I can”, will motivate you to achieve. Where there is a will, there is a way. The will needs to be developed first. The “will” will help you develop the “way“.

The lecture was completed with the song, “Climb every Mountain”, from the Sound of Music”, music tract. This was followed by a “neck rub” session of everyone standing in a row and rubbing the neck of the person in front of them and turning around and reciprocating it to the one who was giving it.

Note: This lecture was preceded by a group therapy session in which we were asked to discuss: What is our greatest fear? We were asked to name five things we wanted to do after we were first diagnosed with cancer. Also name 5 things we wanted to do with our spouse after we were first diagnosed. This was followed by a relaxation/meditation.

Note: For my “health goals”, my Dr Ivy, suggested I project my Natural Killer (NK’s) cell goal of 350, to, for example, the year 2005. At the time they measured around 183. Then after my husband discovered he had cancer, the NK’s dropped to 138.

This long-term goal made it easier for me to relax about my goal. Having committed to it, I am not worried about it any longer. It took the sting out of it.

Read Next:

Helpful Natural Killer Cells And Three States Of Consciousness

Doctor Ivy Bullen on Conscious States

Disclaimer: Notes recorded by Debby Blettner

Dr. Ivy Bullen presenting: The Conscious States.

There are three states of consciousness:

1) awake

2) asleep

3) trance

Sleep takes place in 90-minute cycles, deep and then light. Melatonin production at 2 AM. is increased. There are 4 levels of Trance States.

Just prior to waking is one of them and is a very good time to give a child positive affirmations, and is very important to make this time very positive for them.

Beta and Alpha States make up a normal relaxation or simple meditation.

Hypnosis means to influence and put in suggestions, the deeper the relaxation the better a suggestion is received.

Suggestion for those desiring to receive hypnosis:

1) Agree beforehand what suggestions will be made.

2) 100% trust and consent is necessary. The conscious mind is bypassed and the subconscious mind listens.

Meditation can be done while waiting for a red traffic light, relax the hands and breathe deeply, and simply relax.

Trance is a waking suggestion. At the time a patient is told that they have cancer, they go into Shock Trance. “Awaking Hypnosis” is what’s told them after the shock of finding out. Post- traumatic shock is the result and the doctor “hypnotizes” the patient.

This can be similar to the Aboriginal ritual of “bone pointing”, where the person being in shock, receives a waking suggestion, the body responds to the waking suggestion, shuts down and dies. If some person came along and told them positive affirmations, the body would change.

Anesthetic is a form of hypnosis. Hypnotic suggestions occur during surgery, during this time of deepest trances, and can seriously affect the outcome of the surgery and the patients desire to live.

If Surgeons really wanted to help increase the survival rate of cancer patients receiving surgery, they should put in positive suggestions during this time. Even cassette tapes taped to the ears of the patient with continuous play of positive input have proven to give patients good recovery after surgery.

There are 3 types of meditation.

1) Passive Meditation, mind and body relaxation.

2) Creative Meditation, visualise a healthy body and make things happen.

3) Insight – not necessary here.

The first 2 are the most important regarding health.

Imagining a white light = healing energy.

After 3 deep breaths train yourself to totally relax.

Choose a regular place and time to meditate and do it daily. You will look forward to it. If possible do it 2 times a day. The task is to relax and be still. Natural Killer cells increase with Meditation.

Even in a very deep meditation you can still hear a cassette tape, so be sure the tape is full of positive affirmations. (Notes recorded in 1999)

Note: Next, we were asked to draw a picture of our family, all members, when we were 5 years old.

Later we were asked to do a meditation to go back to the time we were 5-years- old to try to visualize everyone then and try to understand what happened at that time.

The meditation included us visualizing and feeling the emotion of us holding and cuddling our own 5-year-old child.

Then later we were asked to sketch our present day family, could include in-laws etc.

We then discussed possible childhood influences affecting our health today.

End of Lecture by Dr Ivy Bullen.

Note: I’ll end by saying that I have experienced the trauma and shock of first hearing I had cancer. The first time I heard it, my doctor tried to persuade me to have a mastectomy, arranging it to be performed in 6 days time.

Fortunately, I was able to tell him I needed 6 days to think about it. His response was that most women in my condition, precancerous cells and a family history, wouldn’t even be able to wait 6 days to “have it off”. I never had that surgery, although I did consent to minor surgery.

He also added a pleaful story that if I had been his wife, he would have insisted that I have the mastectomy ASAP. (As soon as possible.)

So, the doctors can have a lot of influence and pressure you, as they are very aware of the hypnotic advantage they have over their patients, after they hear the initial prognosis.

Dr. Ivy told my husband about his cancer, saying, “It seemed like it was, but that she wouldn’t say for certain, until the last test result was in, and anyway this type of cancer was easily cured, so not to worry. Take it one day at a time, one test at a time and see how it goes.” This made it all the easier to bear.

His specialist was not quite as gentle and was quite graphic in regards to the surgery needed and upset me a lot, as I also suffered from the shock. We were able to take it home to pray, and went through with the surgery.

Taking time to listen to the procedure presented and requesting time to process it can be very helpful stress wise, if you were to receive the cancer diagnosis.

Protecting yourself from any negative statements about your particular type of cancer and how advanced or hopeless the diagnosis is may help you make an informed decision on the treatments available.

Resting can be very beneficial with the use of meditation during this strenuous time. Taking time for yourself can also be very beneficial for your family. I was able to use these techniques so I endorse them.

In my experience a diagnosis of cancer can create pressure to choose treatment quickly. It can be quite challenging to think of alternative treatments during the space between the diagnosis and the treatment options.

Requesting a time frame for your life span, after being diagnosed with cancer, may not be the best choice as each person has a different experience. The estimates can often determine the time frame in the patients mind with painful results.

Taking time, meditating and self-educating can help take the sting out of the initial cancer diagnosis, treatment, to become a cancer survivor.

Read Next:

The Garden Of My Heart

The Joy and Beauty of Garden Meditation

By Debby Blettner

Five stairs, five minutes, at five o’clock-

“In the cool of the day He walks with me, in the rose bordered way He talks with me. In perfect communion we have our full union in the garden of my heart”(1)

Treading lightly, spreading my toes between the pathway of white, gold-hearted Frangipani flowers, to avoid crushing them, I enter my garden.

Hugging the branch of my lemon tree assures me all is well. Lemon tree is half blackened on her trunk; she has seen better days, yet her fruit is delicious, organic and healing for me.

Stunning red Bottle-brush tree awaits me next brushing my shoulder with her velvety brush, followed by Hibiscus, pink and fresh, Poinsettia pale yellow, our dear rabbits contributing to the greenery of the garden, a spacious grape vine drawing me close to check her timely fruit.

Reaching for the sky is my shade tree, housing several hanging baskets overlaid with cacti, eye-catching red lustrous flowers, bold and beautiful, Rattail cactus and Red Orchid Cactus Flower.

A few more steps to the Lantana bush spreading her generous flowers o’er the pet graves beneath; a continual reminder of their presence. Visiting the white/pink flower tree I discover her secret, she buds white and matures pink, bearing white and pink flowers simultaneously at any one time.

Pink Frangipani approaches my sight beside Christmas red Poinsettia. More flamboyant pink Hibiscus to complete the setting.

Crossing over the garden I engage with two Palm trees, more Bottle-brush with Ivy covered trunks, a monumental Grass Tree I am learning to sculpture; Bougainvillea, fluorescent purple, Jacaranda in full bloom, lilac in color, reaching to the sky, and the lowly parsley bush feeding our family with herbs.

During my healing I spent time daily meditating on God’s creation, my own backyard, watching the birds visiting, nesting, fighting for territory, eating, droppings and singing. My meditation was timeless and beautiful.

Our family united together to watch the Kookaburras visit, or the Cockatoos in their crowd, the Doves so gentle, the Willy Wagtails that claimed most of the yard, Ravens oft visiting also with other birds of names I know not.

Healing arrived for me this year. Instead of sitting and watching I became a tender of the garden, trimming, edging, weeding, watering, fertilizing, raking, checking and maintaining the reticulation, recycling the rabbits offerings into manure for the plants.

I have witnessed my Palm tree, flattened to the ground, when the back fence collapsed after a heavy storm, only to find my dear husband rescuing it, roots intact standing once again, unharmed. I took strength from this tree. I wrapped my arms around several trees, felt their energy, their life, which fed my energy supply.

They are always there for me, all I need to do it walk out of my back door and I am with them.

I like to think that is how God is, a reflection of His creation, He is JUST always there. Ready to hug, a shoulder to cry on, something to admire, smell, see, feel, hear and maybe taste. A place to laugh, breathe, rest and reflect, and be.

Precisely five o’clock every afternoon I am drawn to our special garden, the one of my heart and the one of our yard. I unlock the treasures of my heart amidst the pruning, weeding, gathering watering, planting, in my garden.

The parallel for me is clear, both for my heart and my garden. Both need pruning, weeding, watering, fertilizing, edging, a gentle but firm hand to create the needed boundaries to perfect a beautiful garden.

(1) Refrain from: The Garden of My Heart, by Haldor Lillenas

Wheat, blessing or burden?

Wheat Causes Intestinal Permeability In Every Human

Presentation From Dr Tom O’Bryan and Professor Alessio Fasano on Wheat Disorders

Click on the link for the Video Version below to watch the presentation:

Transcript of Interview with Dr Tom O’Bryan and Professor Fasano on Intestinal Permeability, aka Leaky Gut Syndrome and Gluten.

Dr Tom O’Bryan:

Your team has published, and others have published that wheat, irrespective of Celiac disease, vulnerability or not, wheat can cause intestinal permeability in every human, every human. And that’s some of of the fastest growing cells in the body, we regenerate new cells every day. And some of the fastest ones are the inside lining of the intestines.

So some people will eat wheat, there is damage to the intestines that occurs, intestinal permeability, but it’s not pathogenic, that it heals. And they have a sandwich for lunch, and they cause permeability, but it heals, and pasta for dinner, cause permeability, but it heals.

And I’ve used that concept to say, and then one day, somewhere down the road, you cross an imaginary line, you lose oral tolerance, you don’t heal anymore, and now you have systemic inflammation.

Is that line of thinking fairly straightforward, or do we need to shift our thinking from that?

Professor Alessio Fasano:

So again, some people, you’re right, everybody, not just the people with Celiac disease or gluten leaks assume that when they eat gluten, they can increase gut permeability.

And again, some people they brought this concept to the extreme by saying, because of that, everybody should go gluten free because everybody will pay consequence of that. I believe that this is an oversimplification of a much more complex situation.

First of all, gluten is one of the many, many factors that can increase gut permeability. You know, stress, excessive use of alcohol, infections. There are many okay? So gluten is one of them, proximal bacterial over growth and so and so forth.

And that needs to be recognized, no matter what, though, and as I mentioned before, to really lose tolerance and develop problems, you have to have five elements with gut permeability, one of the five.

If you don’t have the genetic predisposition or you don’t have the exposure to an environmental trigger or your immune system is not diligent enough or the microbiome is defending you.

Despite that intestinal leaks, you’re not going to develop problems. You know, the more I study gluten, the more I realized that it really put in motions all the machines of defense that we use when we’re exposed to pathogens. Well, it’s the same kind of weaponry. We are supposed to value these all the time. Thankfully, lose the war very rarely.

And when we lose the war we develop infections. Otherwise it would be a disaster if every single time we’re exposed, we lost it. By the same token, you know, everybody that eats gluten leaks with the guts, but very rarely that translates to disease because takes much more really to get to the point to lose tolerance.

So the point that I’m trying to make, you can eat gluten every day for your life and if your intestine leaks on and off all the time. And that doesn’t translate into disease.

Or you can be an individual that eats gluten once a week.

And sure enough, that one time, because you have the perfect storm of the other elements coming, into play will lead to breaking tolerance. At that point, you’re that kind of vicious loop that ingesting gluten that is not matter anymore.


Helpful Information On Stress And It’s Affect On Our Health

Disclaimer: Notes recorded by Debby Blettner

What are fatal pleasures?

BBalya Lecture by Jason Han PhD, 1999

Psychologist, Jason Han PhD, began with a question:

“What are fatal pleasures? ”

Dying happy can also be dangerous..

Extreme joy can be stressful, but, “He died happy!”

The first lesson on Psychology is to observe. Watch other people in a queue, how they stand, waiting for their turn to pay for their goods. Dr. Han observed that one lady was reading a book. She was relaxing.

He suggested that we watch animals how they relax, for example cats.

Stress is beneficial up to certain point.

Up to this point, you increase your performance.

Past this point, your performance then deteriorates.

Eustress – with the stress of performance there is an increase in demand, the performance increases. Some people thrive on stress.

$50 -70 billion is spent each year on stress treatments in the US.

Coronary Heart disease, cancer and lung diseases, in fact the 6 major diseases known, are caused by stress.

Many people don’t admit to being depressed, they say, ” Me depressed, don’t make me laugh”.

There is such a thing as latent or hidden stress where people don’t realize they are getting into hot water. Dr Han gave the example of the frog in a pan of cool water that was placed on a stove. Unbeknownst to the frog, the pan was being heated. The frog didn’t realize until it was too late.

Worry, irritability, and sickness are all signs of stress.

What is stress? It is defined as the degree of arousal, how stirred up one becomes, if one is stirred up a lot, this is considered great stress!

Dr. Han drew a few graphs on the board to demonstrate. The greater the degree of stress, the lower the performance rate of the person.

Another graph was drawn to demonstrate the optimum stress level:

The level ‘A ‘ was the stress of boredom, not enough stress to keep any one excited about anything. Boredom can be stressful too.

Then there was the level “B”, which was a moderate level of pressure.

Level “C” was the stress of excess pressure. So the three categories were stress under-load, optimum stress, and stress overload.

Keep the stress in “B” level.

“A” level showed increasing ill health.

“B” showed increasing health, and

“C” showed increasing ill health.

Workaholics fit the “C” level.

When our bodies are under stress overload, our bodies start a distress response. It senses a threat and activates a distress response. The Hypothalamus is a part of the brain and the Pituitary Gland is the master gland that controls all hormone secretion.

ACTH Hormones are released when stressed. When these hormones are produced, and not used, they suppress the immune system. They produce corticosteroids, which give energy, glucose and carbohydrates. Adrenalines gets released first.

The body goes into a fight or flight response. This is not so suited to our modern lifestyle and to modern man! Stress affects lymphocytes.

Low stress should be a priority during radiotherapy treatments.

Spread things out, take your time. If you are building up too much stress take more time, slow down to be less likely to be in distress.

Why don’t zebras get ulcers? Because when they sense danger or are under stress, they use their flight response.

If you get stressed, go for a run or a brisk walk, or run around the block to use up all the corticosteroids.

The lesson is, if you get angry, use up these hormones, or don’t produce them at all. Chronic stress increases the chance of cancer. If you get angry it is good to go for a run and use up the excess adrenaline.

Cancer patients have weakened immune systems. Work on getting your immune system healthy, and watch out for stress.

“Time” is a very important word to high achievers. They are Type “A” personality. They talk fast, eat fast, walk fast and are agitated type people. It is good to reverse this!

Try to talk slowly, eat slowly, and spend a half an hour at each meal! Enjoy the food and be happy! Change the way we think about health and healing. Then hope and anticipation replace depression and despair.

Time can be very stressful – deadlines! The focus on the deadline for cancer patients can make them lose their ability to live.

One rule to remember:

Keep within Eustress – One thing at a time:

One step at a time

One day at a time

An efficient person never does anything in a hurry

The Precious Present

The past is history,

The future is a mystery,

And this moment is a gift.

That is why this moment is called

“The Present”.

By Dr Johnson.

The secret of enjoying life is to enjoy every moment and watch out for deadlines!

End of Lecture by Dr. Jason Han.

Read Next:

Accepting Mid-Life Crisis With Grace

And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 2 Corinthians 12:9 Bible (KJV)

By Debby Blettner

Three successive years of mid-life crises took place in Perth, Western Australia from 1998-2000. I was in my late 30’s and my husband in his late 40’s with our two girls aged 7-9, and 2-4 years.

Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Bible KJV. Hebrews 11: 6

– July 1998: By faith the Asian Financial Crisis lead us to return to Perth from Indonesia only to discover my childhood best-friend had stage 4 cancer.

– January of 1999: By faith I also discovered I had cancer, choosing surgery to remove the primary tumor, requiring 4 days in hospital; but evidence of precancerous cells remained. After a fall I developed an acute frozen shoulder, regretfully placing my arm in a sling for pain relief, extending my healing outcome from 1 to 3 years of disability.

– February 1999: By faith I was invited to attend a Cancer Retreat for 5 days, researching immune system functionality as a viable cancer treatment. Upon my return, I found my childhood friend comatose, stirring for a moment of time to secure eye contact; conversing all we needed to say in our departure.

– April 1999: By faith I attended my childhood best friend’s funeral; leaving behind her parents, her husband and two young sons.

– September 1999: By faith our family moved from our small apartment to a large, unfurnished, 111 year old house, beside friends who needed our assistance with their 5th child’s delivery.

– November 1999: By faith my husband, was diagnosed with cancer with the prospect of having three months to live, without immediate surgery. The surgical results were so astounding his surgeon requested permission to share the outcome with his colleagues. He is still alive and well today.

– July 2000: By faith I had a mastectomy for preventative cancer with reconstruction, requiring 10 days in hospital. After my husband’s surgical loss, I felt prepared to face mine. We survived with the help of live in friends to assist our family in time of crisis.

Through it all I could only surrender, accept and pray for divine grace to be able to make it through the mounting events, attempting to avoid psychiatric care, which during that time, was a genuine concern.

In order to save my sanity I plugged into music and audios from The songs helped transport me to the heavenlies, changing my perspective, re-framing my thoughts, if not my situation. I sang out loud, laughed out loud when possible, quoted scriptures and flooded my world with God’s Word, Scriptures, promises, love and mercy.

Through it all I discovered that when I had no fear, I felt intense faith.

Surrendering to His higher will, choosing acceptance, being willing to surrender while giving up what I treasured, gave me peace, serenity and faith. The only way to heal was to say YES to the situation, knowing there must be a reason for this midlife crisis.

It’s difficult to describe my transformation. It was like looking at myself as a former caterpillar, now morphing into a butterfly.

Our future continued to be uncertain, both of us now cancer patients, yet we were blessed with a three-year pension for my frozen shoulder disability.

Grace came when I surrendered to my situation and God’s plan for my life, feeling release from pain- emotional and physical. I felt loved like never before, awakening to new possibilities, opening my eyes to the ones I loved the most. The transformation made it worth it all.

These three years are my special touchstone for any future trials and tribulations. When you come to the end of yourself, everything becomes possible.

Song: Don’t be afraid of tears. (One Day At a Time #4 )

A Little Memoir on Cancer Remissions

Self-Education helped put Breast Cancer in remission. Memoir By Debby Blettner

My cancer journey began in 1995 when, due to my mother’s insistence and the hereditary factor in our family, I had a mammogram, an x-ray of the breasts for cancer detection. Immediately it was discovered that I had some pre-malignant breast cells.

After a biopsy, surgery removing a small section of the breast it was decided that I was in need of a mastectomy, complete removal of my left breast. The doctor strongly recommended I had the surgery in 6 days time. Knowing I didn’t have enough information regarding cancer to really make an educated decision, I declined.

I didn’t have peace about such a drastic surgery, being only 35 years of age. I learnt the name of my cancer being Ductal Carcinoma In Situ (DCIS) meaning non malignant, (Stage 0 Cancer).

The doctor referred me to a surgeon, who suggested I talk to a Radiologist for a second opinion. The radiologist suggested only partial surgical removal of the breast with Radiotherapy.

A Naturopathic Doctor also suggested radical mastectomy, with information about carrot juice, staying positive, looking after myself and getting enough rest.

With the news that I was pregnant with my second child, the surgeon referred to see me in a year, causing me to question the urgency of the Stage 0 cancer. After I miscarried at 3 months I continued with conceiving once again as I was told I was fertile for a short period of time.

Four months later I again conceived and gave birth to a healthy baby. Out of concern I took another mammogram to check if the calcification levels had increased, before I moved overseas with my family. The results showed a 50% chance of malignancy, referring me for a biopsy. Once again I was pressured to have a double mastectomy due to my family’s heredity, with both my mother and grandmother having breast cancer.

With strong denial of having breast cancer I took a 7 month break in Asia, with my family, doing voluntary work with a Mission Based Project. Political instability forced us to return to our homeland, Australia.

A close friend who had recently lost her husband to cancer, referred me to a doctor who delivered Cancer Retreats to self-educate patients to help them make educated decisions, which I was looking for. My reluctance was clear as I had very uncomfortable sessions with the doctors, surgeons, radiologists in the past, but fortunately I found Dr Ivy Bullen to be someone I could trust.

Dr Ivy, as she was called, discovered a lump which had not been present before. From the test results it showed up very suspicious but not 100% proven cancer. I kept my hopes very high and actually went into denial, I simply could not face the facts.

I accepted a Lumpectomy procedure to remove the tumor having it tested under “frozen section” testing for malignant cancer, and a surgical check of the lymph nodes, under my armpit. Although the one centimetre tumor was malignant, my lymph nodes were all clear.

Dr. Ivy consulted me about building up my immune system to fight off the cancer. With less malignant cells/tumors, my immune system would have less work to do. Once the tumor was removed, my immune system could be built up to fight off any recurrence. She explained everything to me in great detail, very gently and motherly and even hugged me. It was my first experience with a doctor with such personal care for her patients.

I went to hospital with full faith that I did not have cancer and was very surprised to find out I had 2 incisions instead of one! The lumpectomy, removal of the lump from my breast and the auxiliary clearance, removal of lymph nodes under my left armpit.

Soon after the surgery I had a fall, resulting in an acute frozen shoulder which took 16 months of recovery. I was invited to my first Cancer Retreat known as the BALYA Retreat, a 5 day retreat for cancer patients and their carers to learn about cancer and self-help. The information was both stimulating and hopeful for natural healing. After the 5 Day Retreat, for the next 6 weeks I put all I learnt into practice with the support of my husband and my two young girls.

My blood draw, checking for Natural Killer Cell Count, before the Retreat was compared with the blood draw 6 weeks after the Retreat with outstanding results. My results were due on Monday morning at 9am, but Dr. Ivy phoned me at 8pm on Sunday instead, so excited to tell me my results. My Natural Killer Cells, had risen by 60% which was a medical phenomena resulting in optional surgery, which I declined, for extracting more tissue to clear the margin.

She explained it was possible to convert suspicious cells back to normal cells using my immune system. I decided to take that course. I was given a goal to reach my optimum Natural Killer Cell count five years from then. Within the same year my husband was diagnosed with cancer had an Orchiectomy, my childhood best friend had a colostomy, but sadly passed, my brother-in-law also with cancer had a Colectomy, and my disability with a frozen shoulder, two young children, resulted in my NK Cell count dropping by 25% due to extreme stress. Fortunately three out of the four of us went into remission and became cancer survivors.

The pressure was on to accept the mastectomy, so my optional surgery became a non-option. I gave into a preventative surgery, even without having the BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene, including mastectomy reconstruction. The combination of the multiple surgeries resulted in Lymphodema in my left arm which has become more of a disability as I age.

Forced to slow down as a workaholic my life, as it was, had to change. Dietary changes for our whole family focused on a vegetarian diet, for alkalinity to help cancer to reverse. All home made meals, no junk food, no sugar, no dairy and a lot of other no’s. Lifestyle changes included slowing down, exercising, taking self care into our lives, appreciating each day as it comes and keeping the faith.

Through these dietary changes of supplementation, wheat free, dairy free, sugar free diet I found a much more relaxed lifestyle. I also had the benefit of no longer facing laryngitis and bronchitis which I had constantly been afflicted twice a year for over a 8 years. I am so grateful for all the self-help and wellness programs I learnt from the cancer retreats, having my husband move from cancer survivors for the past 20 years, to cancer thrivers.

What Is Helpful to Stimulate the Immune System?

Cancer Retreat Notes in honor of the late Dr Ivy Bullen, recorded 20 years ago by Debby Blettner – Cancer Survivor

Disclaimer: Notes recorded by Debby Blettner

What stimulates the immune system?

Nutrition, exercise, happiness, laughter, meditation, sleep, hugs, stress management, positive affirmations, (which are positive statements repeated over and over verbally and mentally), forgiveness, prayer, love, support – support groups with other people with cancer is very beneficial.

What depresses the immune system?

Anger, hate, frustration, fear, negative thinking, stress overload, bad diet, depression, emotional conflicts, just to name a few.

Tumor Markers are used by doctors to check for cancer, it indicates but is not all-conclusive.

CA 15-3 is used for breast tumours.

CA 125 is used by oncologists for ovary and endometrial.

PSA free– used with prostate cancer.

Recommended Blood Count tests: for patients receiving chemotherapy.

Disclaimer: Please check the accuracy of this information with your doctor.

1) Haemoglobin – should be above 9. (9 or less is dangerous and could lead to need for blood transfusion.) Iron injections can save transfusions. Nobody should take iron unless they really need it. Warning: Iron storage is detrimental, especially to a patient with liver cancer.

Haemoglobin doesn’t drop as much with chemotherapy. This test is mainly used for kidney patients.

2) White cell count – should be between 4 and 11.These are Abbreviated figures. (4000 – 11,000) It shouldn’t go lower than 4. (3 or less is getting very dangerous.) Do the count before chemotherapy, to check the white cell count. If the white blood count is too low to receive Chemotherapy the patient can be given bone marrow stimulation, GCSF, which is an extract from marrow and is a natural treatment, but is not readily available.

Note: My observation at the Cancer Retreat was that one patient taking Chemotherapy was told he could not continue because his White Blood Cell count was too low. Dr Ivy administered an intravenous dose of Vitamin C, (IVC) a megadose level of 30,000 mg and after 2 days he was able to resume his chemotherapy, because the white blood cell count had returned to normal. I also have benefited from megadose IVC via Dr Ivy Bullen, on a few occasions with very beneficial results.

3) Platelets – Must be greater than 4,000 before taking in more chemotherapy. If they are lower they must increase by GSF, a platelet transfusion. If platelets go down there is increased risk of bleeding. Work on bringing up platelet cells. It is very expensive in the States.

Note: Another testimony I observed was a patient who taking chemotherapy to fight a brain tumor. His platelets were so low he was told to put his chemotherapy on hold as it would be too dangerous. Dr. Ivy gave him an intravenous Vit C injection (IVC) and after 2 days he was also back on Chemotherapy treatment. Intravenous Vit C (IVC) is considered an Interactive or Complimentary Cancer Therapists. Having personally tried it, I found it to be very beneficial with only good results.

4) E.S.R. – Not so reliable, non-specific indicator that something is wrong in the body, up to 20 and higher indicates a problem. It uses the process of Sedimentation (of the red blood cells). How much sedimentation occurring over 1 hour, is measured? The normal range is between 1 and 20. It is an activity indicator and could also indicate arthritis or inflammation, not necessarily cancer.

5) UES is a test for Kidney function – the body’s level must be good when having chemotherapy to excrete the drugs. Ask for a kidney function test – bicard. Have a Blood test for chloride, if the Creatnine is up (high), the kidney is not excreting well. Find out what level it is and if it is working well. If it is high then perhaps the chemotherapy is affecting it or some infection is present. If Creatnine reads 200 – 300 then no chemotherapy should be taken, or you may discuss it with a Renal Physician.

Need to drink more water, lots of water while taking chemotherapy. Ask for copies of all tests, keep own file. Even public hospitals are entitled to give records, in Australia.

Should assess kidney function. Is it working well? Question the doctor about the test and get results before taking more chemotherapy. If it is very high don’t use chemotherapy. 80 -120 is the top level. 180 will give you renal problems.

Disclaimer: Ask your doctor about Renal Function Tests and Liver Function Tests.

Liver Function Tests-

Enzymes – AST

– ALK phosphorus, alkaline phosphorus, if these are beyond the normal range there is a problem, check! It could be gallstones, hepatitis, and medications.

– 8 Gt Gamma GT. (Can be raised even by alcohol.)

Bile Pigment – Bilirubin – causes jaundice, coloration.

Protein – Albumen, check it if it is within the normal range. Liver makes and breaks protein.

– Globulin

Ask for tests from normal GP, and wait for results before and during chemotherapy to check if everything is OK. Also check heart condition as some patients have developed heart complaints after chemotherapy, as their heart was not in good condition for it.

If you are having Chemotherapy do blood tests every month. If not, have regular checks every now and then to monitor your body. Blood count should be tested before Chemotherapy.

Biological treatments are being investigated and will reduce the need for chemotherapy in the future.

Shark cartilage has been proven to be high in Mercury and is not advised. It is anti -angiogenesis, it stops the growth of new blood vessels by strangling them. Where there are rapidly growing blood vessels there could be cancer. Bovine shark cartilage also contains mercury, which is poisonous.

There are 5 main methods of curing cancer:

1) Surgery

2) Chemotherapy

3) Radiotherapy

4) Hormone therapy

5) A biological treatment natural treatments using what the body makes itself! (The immune system.)

Unsuccessful Treatments:

Interleuken 2-– is not so successful.

Tumor Necrosis Factor TNF – secretion to kill was found to be dangerous and not very successful!

Ozone Therapy can be is also dangerous due to the high level of free radicals introduced into the body.

More experimental remedies:

Interferon is a natural remedy. Colony stimulating factors – growth factors, stimulate the white cells to work better.

Erythropoietin – makes red blood cells increase.

Gene therapy– inject gene to repair problem and change the genes to stimulate Natural Killer cells.

Monoclonal antibodies– trial testing has proven successful, long-term effects unknown.

Note: Having been a patient I found I do have rights to demand to see my results and even to have copies of them. Having all my results, I have learned to read and understand them. It helps me feel more in control of my health journey.

Another point I wanted to bring up about chemotherapy is the importance of the attitude of the person taking the chemotherapy.

If the patient sees the chemotherapy as a healing light that is cleaning up their body and making all things well, the chemotherapy has a greater effect on the body.

If however, the patient does not have the faith for the chemotherapy and sees it as a poison entering their body, wreaking havoc and damage in it’s path, the chemotherapy does not have as effective an outcome and the patient may become sicker.

Dr. Ivy also advised Megadose Vitamin C, intravenous injections of 30,000 mg before and after the chemotherapy injection. This acts as a very powerful detoxification for the chemicals used in the chemotherapy and takes away any sickness and after effects from the chemotherapy. The Vitamin C is given according to bowel tolerance.

Note: I personally have seen Chemotherapy patients who have taken the Vitamin C and have coped dramatically better than those who did not. The Vitamin C also seemed to help the chemotherapy to be more effective in its job.

In my testimonies above I mentioned 2 people who were told they would need to discontinue their chemotherapy treatment due to their low white blood cell count, and a patient whose platelet count was too low. These 2 patients both took a dose of intravenous Vitamin C and after 2 days were able to receive the rest of their treatment. They told me their doctors were amazed at the effect of the Vitamin C.

Vitamin C cannot be profited by manufacturers as a new drug as it can not be Patentable. Since Vitamin C is already established it is not profitable for the Drug Companies.

Read Next:

Cancer 101, Helpful, Uplifting Lectures From Cancer Retreats

Self-Education and Self Help Sourced From Balya Self Help & Wellness Inc. Retreats From 20 years ago.

Disclaimer: Notes recorded by Debby Blettner

The Immune System.

Self-education began for me in 1998 when I first attended Cancer Retreats at Balya Self Help & Wellness Inc though it is no longer existent.

A student nurse was browsing through my notes commenting they seemed very similar to her nursing notes from nursing school! So the information I am presenting is not new and could probably be found in many textbooks, yet my intent is to relate it specially to fighting cancer, as it was presented to me at the Retreat.

Immune System:

The first lecture was about the immune system. Dr Ivy Bullen, first explained about the different cells present, the T Cells, T Helper Cells, T Suppresser Cells, Natural Killer Cells and B Cells. The Thymus is the training ground for the immune system and is located under the chest bone, the sternum. Tapping this area, with your fingers, at least 20 times per day has the effect of stimulating the immune system. Effectively stimulating the immune system.

B Cells are made in marrow and they spot viruses. After spotting the virus they become an ammunition factory of antibodies. This is not the most effective way of fighting cancer because they need ammunition to shoot.

T Cells fight and damage invading cells. They mop up war zones.

T Helper Cells are non killing scouts that send messages to T Cells who kill on command from headquarters.

Specialised T Cells called NK Cells, (Natural Killer Cells) are well trained! They need no messages. They shoot to kill – the SS Squad!

T Suppressor Cells are the Headquarters who regulate all production of cells and prevention of more production, keeping things at a correct balance. There is a Stop – Grow message between cells. Accelerator and brakes help to control cell division.

“Cytokines” say grow, and “Anticytokins” say stop. This red light, green light system needs to be balanced for controlled growth and good health. If the brakes fail the cells reproduce and divide without check, and tumors develop.

NK Cells poke “fingers” into cancer cells and inject granules into the cancer cells (perforans), to kill their target. If their target is a cancer cell, they inject the granules and chemical reaction results in blowing a hole in the cancer cell to kill it!

The KSR’s (Stimulating receptors) detect between normal body cells and cancer cells and tell the NK when to kill. It leaves the normal cells alone. An inhibitory cell tells the NK cells to leave the normal cell alone and protects it!

If your immune system is fully switched on, you won’t get cancer.

Power of Prayer: 3oo patients in a group were separated into 2 groups. People from outside the group were given information on the cancer patients. One group of cancer patients was not prayed for and the other was. The people prayed for had less death, were sent home earlier, had less cardio arrests, healed much faster and had less problems than the group that was not prayed for!

Though some Cancer Patients Choose Complementary and Alternative Medicine instead of Conventional Treatment, the outcome of using both can enhance the performance of the conventional treatment.

Any surgery can depress the immune system. Do anything you can to take antioxidants after surgery to build it up to counteract the depression to your immune system.

Immune typing is a Blood test to check for NK’s (Natural Killer Cells.) Another name for it is LSM, (Lymphocyte surface markers).

There are 5 known causes of cancer:

1) Carcinogens- poisons

2) Genetic Disposition.

3) Radiation.

4) Diet.

5) Life Styles and Stress.


Examples include tobacco, which is directly linked with lung cancer, car fumes are linked to leukemia, PVC making pipes is linked to liver cancer. There is more cancer in heavily industrialized countries, as there are more carcinogens. Carcinogens penetrate the nucleus of the cell and cause damage to genetic material causing mutations, which equals cancer.

Genetic Disposition:

Or predisposition. An experiment was performed on mice, all of which had the same genetics. They all had oncogenes, which predispose them to cancer. Some were given 4 times greater stress than the others, and they developed cancer. The highly stressed mice developed cancer, not the non stressed ones. Both groups were ‘oncogene’ predisposed. The gun was loaded, it just needed a trigger. Stress is often the trigger.

Japanese women have the lowest levels of breast cancer in the world. Yet, Japanese women in Hawaii have a much higher incidence of breast cancer. Could this be related to diet, or lifestyle?


Leukemia, lung cancer and thyroid cancer, can result from extreme exposure to radiation. Everyone is daily exposed to radiation through microwave ovens, televisions, computer and electrical currents radiate a radiation field.

Never leave an electric blanket on while you are sleeping, due to radiation exposure The cut off point for harm is not known.

Don’t look in microwave while cooking.


7th Day Adventists have been found to have significantly lower levels of cancer. Himalayan Tribes live to 100 years and are vegetarian, they eat no meat. The Japanese diet is high in fish and rice and has overall low cancer statistics.

Life Style and Stress:

A workaholic is someone who works 60-70 hours a week with no time for rest. They have high physical and emotional stress.

8 hours of sleep is required.

Interleukens (produced by sleep), are good for the immune system! Laughter, singing, and quiet meditation and thinking positive thoughts also greatly benefit the immune system as does exercise recreation and healthy food. Avoid junk food.

Emotional Stress:

1) Inability to express emotions.

2) Unresolved conflicts.

3) Unresolved problems.

4) Denial behaviour.

5) Excessive need for approval.

6) Helplessness.

The above have been found to be common in cancer patients.


It is very important to express your emotions and tell the other person you are angry. An alternative to this is to run around the block, to get rid of anger.

Confusion about medical procedures and options for treatment can be very stressful.


Denial of any health problems, spending lots of time helping others at the neglect of your own health can sometimes be symptoms of denial, ignoring the problem or not wanting to face it or accept it.

All these things can lead to stress, which can encourage cancer. It is not what happens to you but how you react to what happens to you, that is experience!

It is important to focus on the person, not the disease, to change the outcome of the illness. A change of thought patterns causes different hormones and chemicals to be secreted in the body. So a positive mind and keeping on top of things is very important.!

152 very ill patients were studied. Those with a positive attitude responded better to treatment and did better than negative patients with less serious diseases!

Depression is very bad for the immune system and Natural Killer Cell count. Look at your stress level to improve your immune system.

IIn conclusion to this article, I would have to add that the knowledge that our bodies contain Natural Killer cells, that are capable of destroying cancer cells, is phenomenal! Anything necessary to increase these is worth learning about!

Read Next:

Follow in His Footprints: Success Will Happily Follow You

Testimonial by Debby Blettner 2014

Asserting Your Faith, Before, Through and After Transformational Events

Each person’s footprints are unique – as, I believe, are God’s footprints. Once recognized, they can take you to places you never dreamed of. If you are like me, you will love the journey with all of its excitement. You might be shocked by where He takes you. Hang onto Him like your life depends on it and reach the summit, which is to die for!

The synchronicity of the Universe is a popular topic: putting out your intention with the Universe providing. For me, it is Jesus’ eyes seeing my need, with His hands outstretched supplying it. It is also His shoulder to cry on during the difficult parts of the journey and His arms to comfort me. It is His smile, ever present to encourage me, and His footprints for me to follow.

From 2007 to 2009 I was bedridden. I was diagnosed with an acute case of fibromyalgia and adrenal fatigue. I needed help – a lot of help. I needed a miracle. Dreams led the way for me; whispers of hope in my desperation to recover. Following His footsteps was my only hope.

Since 2005, my husband and I had been operating a Food Rescue at the local weekend markets. In 2009, when helping out at the markets, I met Jan. Jan introduced me to Tony, who operated conference rooms. While attending a conference at Tony’s, I met Elaine who arranged to meet with me for coffee to exchange products. Her products were supplemental; mine were Aurora Productions. At our meeting at my home, I purchased her “five-star supplements” and she bought a book from me. I returned to my bed exhausted after she left.

After three days of taking these new supplements, I had what I like to call a “resurrection”. I stood unaided, putting my walking stick aside. I felt energized; my pain vanished and I felt hunger. I believed it to be a miracle.

I later learned from my health practitioner that I had been severely nutritionally depleted. I felt the Lord sent supplements to help strengthen me. I often wonder, what if I had opted to stay home the night I met Elaine, a friend who understood my health plight? What if I hadn’t followed the footprints? I wonder how my life would be today.

February 2010 proved to be very exciting. My husband and I became entrepreneurial business owners with the health science company. By purchasing from our own virtual shop we received discounts and commissions. With my health improving, I began researching preventative health measures, basing my research on the advice of my health practitioner regarding these supplements.

I was referred to a world of renowned doctors and health professionals, which lead me to an abundant pool of literature, webinars, virtual conferences, virtual world summits and books that I used my healing time to study.

I was searching for the common denominator, the root cause, a solution and healing, as well as prevention of worse conditions. What did they all say? What did they all have in common? I closely followed both professionals and laypersons who researched for their own health conditions that were medically incurable, like mine.

The research revealed that healing came from emotional-spiritual connectivity, highlighting gut health, body, mind and spirit. As an expert on my healing, I then felt led to write about all that I discovered. This could in the future lead to authorship, speaking events, seminars, coaching and marketing my book and supplements.

God’s ways are so different from man’s ways, His wonders to behold. In order to perform these duties I should be in the peak of good health – though as of this moment, I am still far from that. While my head is filling with knowledge and my heart is pouring forth these words, the seeming fantasy of authorship, seminar leadership, Internet marketer, coach and speaker are far from me; another lifetime, perhaps.

But what if He is calling me into these fields? What if I was healed completely? Or what if I was only healed enough to desperately follow His footsteps in my utter weakness and dependence on His every word, every footprint I begin to see appearing in the sand before me? Could this be His way?

I am yet to find out, but there is precedence for this. All throughout history the weak were chosen to accomplish His tasks, for they know Who is the one bringing about the results. It is much easier to give God the glory when you can hardly speak, have difficulty standing for any period of time, when your body wracks of unending pain, and when your thoughts are fog.

When He fills me with His presence and I surrender, I KNOW who is performing tasks through me; a yielded vessel only desiring His highest will. There is no question of WHO is performing the task, the only question could be HOW. Thus contains the miracle, the amazing grace, the sheer joy and splendor of surrender to He who loves us all more than is imaginable; such is the importance of His footprints which I determine to follow.

“Ye shall hear a voice behind thee saying this is the way, walk ye in it.” –Isaiah 30:21

In reality, I have already been a published writer; I have coached, spoken, led a seminar and sold products via Internet. All I need to do now is follow His footsteps into my future, which might contain more emphasis on these talents and gifts I have been bequeathed.

“Your health, your life, your way,” is the slogan of our health science company. As an Associate to this company, equipped with the talents I have gained as a veteran missionary, teacher, educator, parent and wife, I wonder if I am in line for a promotion to develop these skills. I am still watching out for the footprints.

What do you have a passion for that can help others? It will probably be something pertinent in your life, as mine was with health. All paths lead to it; it calls you, it frustrates you, and you have to find the answer. You find yourself researching it, and information flows to you from every direction on that topic. The fragmented pieces begin to join the dots and form a picture.

You feel compelled to talk about it, write about it, share it with the individuals that come to you for your information and in turn spread the word. You become a trusted source and people know you are honest, reputable and trustworthy. They might even want to hear about your Savior because of your testimony of assistance, always being there for them even if you never mentioned a word about your faith until their trust was born in you.

It is an amazing path to follow – and yes, it was unexpected – but I am so glad I have followed this far and am excited to peek a little bit further into my future to see where He is leading, grasping His hand like a little child with her father. But I know it will be thrilling and that I will have all that I need as I follow in His footprints. I encourage you to do the same. What is calling you?

Release What’s Holding You Back To Set You Free

Self-Educate Yourself With Constipation Home Remedies

http://Courtesy of

What causes constipation?

Many factors are involved. I found this article by Elena Klimenko MD which focuses on low stomach acid, covering the importance, the causes and a self-exam for low stomach acid. I tried the self-exam and found it to be 100% accurate. I definitely had low stomach acid. I already knew I had, but my daughter wasn’t convinced, although she had the symptoms, the self-exam showed her also to be low in stomach acid.

From there we were able to resolve the issue by taking Apple Cider Vinegar, fermented foods, reducing processed foods, increasing zinc, reducing chronic stress especially while eating meals and seeing a functional medicine doctor to discover the underlying root cause.

Dr Elena Klimenko also has an article on the importance of bile flow. Acid reflux occurs during low bile flow, GERD (Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease), fatigue and more. The article also talks about the causes of low bile flow including gallstones, diabetes, and obesity.

Home Remedies include a warm lemon juice first thing in the morning, activating the liver. Remember “Lemon for Liver.” Apple Cider Vinegar for Stomach Acid or “ACV for Acid.”

Constipation can also be a result of dysbiosis (aka microbial imbalance in the body) For constipation the imbalance is in the gut, the good bacteria verses the bad bacteria and which one is dominating.

SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacteria Overgrowth) and SIFO (Small Intestinal Fungal Overgrowth) have been accounted for the dysbiosis (the bad guys taking over.) Learn about the importance of your gut microbiota here.

Food digestion, breaking down the food preparing to pass from the stomach to the small intestine. If you get this wrong all havoc begins including “leaky gut syndrome” where undigested food particles enter the blood stream causing food intolerance.

Hormone imbalance is also a result of gut dysbiosis.

Two home remedies are to reduce sugar as bacteria thrives on it and avoid fluoride/chlorinated drinking water as it damages the good microbes. Try a quality water filter instead.

A rather interesting factor to constipation is pelvic floor dysfunction. This was new to me, but this article tells a compelling story. It turns out it is a leading cause of constipation!

The causes include recurrent UTI’s (Urinary Track Infections), if you have IBS and even pain during intercourse.

Pelvic Floor Exercises are found here but I also have found another solution that is very effective, the Yoni Egg. It has a long history. I was introduced to it by Christiane Northrup MD.

Last but not least Gut Nourishing Foods to help ease or reverse your constipation. I had chronic constipation and found these nourishing foods very helpful. I am now in remission! The foods include sauerkraut, yogurt, onions, garlic and more. Bone Broth is essential.

Homework: Self-Educate yourself and surprise yourself with self-healing!

Bonus Links: From the round table discussion

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