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Month: October 2020

Nutrition Is Important For Cancer Patients: Can Save Lives

Nutrition: By Dr. I. Brighthope

Disclaimer: Notes recorded by Debby Blettner

Dated 1998: Dr. Ian Brighthope specializes in Nutritional Medicine with particular interest in cancer. He is the President of the Australian College of Nutritional Medicine and Fellow of the International College of Applied Nutrition, Fellow of the New York Academy of Orthomolecular Psychiatry and Author of a number of Books.

What are the reasons for nutrition for cancer patients?

-To put an antioxidant on every cell of your body.

-To increase resistance on the assault of Medical Professions.

–Selenium is a very important mineral. Everyone is deficient!

–Spontaneous Remission is very possible. Life style, diet, mental state all affect your health greatly!

–White sugar is the best-marketed drug on the market. It is a KILLER! Without exception, patients do better without it!

-Vitamin C is the most powerful Antioxidant, made available quickly to your body, with no side effects.

–Too much protein causes the liver to stress.

-Vegetable juices, carrot, celery, wheat-grass and beetroot, give lots of antioxidants.

-Any seeds suppress cancer, sunflower, sesame, pumpkin for example.

-Mushrooms are very good for the immune system.

-Metaplasia –means pre-malignant.

-Cook your food with garlic and ginger. It is a big help to your body.

–“Itis” –may result in cancer, example- hepatitis due to a depressed immune system.

-Exercise is very important.

–Phytoestrogens are chemicals from plants that are helpful to the body.

–Wheat grass juice and barley green are good.

-Pumpkin, sunflower and apricot kernels are great. 4-6 kernels a day is recommended.

–Aloe Vera gel: put on all affected skin, before and after Radiation Treatment, to prevent burns.

–Intravenous Vitamin C should be taken before and after Chemotherapy for best results, and least side affects.

-50mg of Vit C a day, does not optimize health.

-We need Vit C because we don’t produce it or store it in our bodies.

-Vit C is a natural sedative.

–S (Sex?)

–A Attitude

–L Life Style

–A Activity

–D Diet

Remember, SALAD!

-Garlic detoxifies chemicals and is active against infection.

–Mistletoe kills cancer cells and increases the immune system.

–Red Clover is a blood cleanser and helps with breast and ovarian and all cancers.

–Chaparral is an excellent antioxidant herb.

–Aloe Vera is an antioxidant.

–Comfrey– accelerates the healing of wounds. Use as a tea. Use only for 1 month at the most, each time, as it can cause liver problems. You can grow it yourself.

–Wheat grass – You can grow your own. One thimble-sized juice is full of antioxidants.

–Echinacea Angustitolia – Excellent for chronic bronchitis. Can be taken by tablet or tea.

–Cortizone suppresses the immune system.

–Pao d’Arco – tahibo tree, the bark suppresses cancer cell growth.

–Tea tree oil – good for skin infections.

–Dandelion – liver stimulation and kidney excretory purposes. Good for Radiotherapy.

–Berberis – Liver, Burdock root, blood cleansers. Used in Japan.

-Japanese tea is different from Chinese green tea.

–Ginseng – Don’t use with active cancer patients. It gives too much stimulation. Use it when the cancer is under control.

–Golden Seal – Helps to heal mucous membranes.

-Shelf Fungus – Mushrooms, shitaki mushrooms or powders, stimulate the immune system.

–Antibiotic Prescription is a plague of the human race.


-Legumes, soya products

-Grains, Linseed.

-Herbs- black cohosh, (important female hormone), red clover

-Soya lowers breast cancer.

-Hormone replacement increases Oestrogens, which is dangerous.

–Isoflavones – do have an effect on breast cancer- get on to it! Soy products!

-160mg\day recommended tablet for breast cancer. 120-180mg\day in 3-4 tablets a day. It is not cheap! Do it for 2-3 months and then drop to 1 tablet per day.

(Check with GP)

-Take in linseed and soya daily.

–Acidophilus is very good for gut bacteria.

Laughter is the best medicine.

-Animal products are more acidic.

-Use more alkaline products, more vegetables\fruits, etc.

-Drink water 1\2 hour before meals. Hydrate every cell in body. Drink before the meal and not with the meal as you dilute all the digestive juices.

-Berries, seeds, nuts, juices are all very good.

-Linseed is good to take daily, but it must be ground up and used the same day.

Mainstream Medicine is not scientific.

–A lot of the cancer survivors are mostly out of the mainstream Medicine and Doctors.


Horizon Vision Makes a Great Difference In My Sleep Patterns


By “Dusty” Susan Dustin

For years I have put my work station facing a window, or at the very least, had regular breaks by looking out a window into the distance.

I have done this for my eye health and in the morning to set my internal, circadian rhythm, clock. It has made a great difference in my sleep patterns and quality of work.

But there are other benefits too it seems. On my walks from here on out, I am going to consciously seek out the horizon more often.

“Getting outdoors or looking outside deserves special mention. The neuroscientist Andrew Huberman talks about the calming effect of horizon vision on our nervous system.

When we are staring at something close up for long periods of time (think iPhone or Zoom) our brains are vigilant and focused which leads to increased levels of norepinephrine (an adrenalin like molecule) in the brain which, guess what, creates low-grade anxiety.

Sound familiar?

The antidote is to get outside and look out into the horizon, intentionally.

If you are stuck inside look out a window or even across the room for several minutes multiple times a day.

Horizon vision diminishes the brain’s vigilance and therefore lowers norepinephrine levels, which reduces anxiety.” —Dr. Michael Maddaus

Facebook: Dusty Su Freebird

Four Rooms Concept: For a well rounded life

Four Rooms Concept

By “Dusty” Susan Dustin

Four Rooms is a concept I found and have expounded on when I teach how to live a good, well-rounded life, also not to burn out in care-giving. Also, in the end of life to make sure the patient/person is able to have all their needs met on all levels.

Basically, it goes like this. We have four bodies of energy or four rooms in our one house, if we spend too much time in one and not enough in others, we’ll be in a state of imbalance.

THE FOUR BODIES: All bodies are equal and all need to be nourished, supported, and balanced!

Physical body: Does not make up more than others. Needs to be pain-free, comfortable, and in a clean, healthy, restful state.

Spiritual body: Needs to be provided a peaceful, supportive, tranquil space, where one can reflect upon their beliefs and states of being.

Mental body: The analytical mind craves stimulation, acknowledgement, and to be fed maturely and intelligently.

Emotional body: The subconscious body is responsible for negative talk or habits taken on either consciously or unconsciously throughout one’s life and these issues may need acknowledging, addressing and to be dealt with.

It’s important to note that through these bodies we experience great self-worth, pleasure, joy, comfort, love, care, and intimacy with others.

We’d be wise to tend to our four bodies in a balanced manner in order to be healthier, happier, and do a better job. This may help us to be at peace with our lives and relationships.

“Dusty” Susan Dustin

Facebook: Dusty Su Freebird

Every Day In Every Way, I Feel Happy and Better

Affirmations! By the late Dr Ivy Bullen

Disclaimer: Notes recorded by Debby Blettner

Affirmations help achieve goals.

Affirmations must be positive.

It is hard to make a “not” picture.

Dr Bullen did a visualization asking us to “not see” a white horse, silhouetted by the moon. As soon as she described it everyone saw it!

Next, she did a visualization of a lemon, the taste in your mouth, with a full description in slow detail. She asked who, at the end, had produced saliva enough to swallow? The majority of the audience had! It being a positive affirmation made it easier to visualize.

She suggested to write six pages of Affirmations a day. Fill a book!

Speak, write, walk the Affirmation.

Make a statement in the present, of your future goal.

You will get to the health goal by saying you are well, you will not be lying, as this is your goal, to get better.

You are making a journey, by saying, “I am well”.

State the future goal.

Write it as many times as you can, in your spare time, even write it on scraps of paper.

“Every day in every way, I am better and better.”

Talk to yourself and say the Affirmation.

Walk and say short Affirmations. Say each step, “Healthy body, Healthy mind!”

Reinforce it through hearing and feeling.

Condition yourself through colored paper. Choose a color paper and write the Affirmation on it in bold writing.

Put it in a place where you will see it often, in the bathroom or on the fridge for example. Use smaller pieces of the same color paper and place in different places, in your handbag, on your dresser, mirror for example.

Whenever you see that color you will receive a subconscious affirmation, the statement written on the large colored paper.

Use a tape/mp3 with your affirmations on it and use it at night while you sleep. Repeat the Affirmations on the tape/mp3.

Visualize the Affirmation as a goal that happened. (Absolutely inevitable)

Don’t use “not, so not, have not, I should or I will be. Make the Affirmation, as has happened.

PS: I followed this Affirmation information in order to increase my Natural Killer cells and my health in general and I can say it really worked with a 60% increase over 6 weeks, verified by Dr Bullen’s lab testing.

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October 2020

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