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Day: 17 October 2020

Four Rooms Concept: For a well rounded life

Four Rooms Concept

By “Dusty” Susan Dustin

Four Rooms is a concept I found and have expounded on when I teach how to live a good, well-rounded life, also not to burn out in care-giving. Also, in the end of life to make sure the patient/person is able to have all their needs met on all levels.

Basically, it goes like this. We have four bodies of energy or four rooms in our one house, if we spend too much time in one and not enough in others, we’ll be in a state of imbalance.

THE FOUR BODIES: All bodies are equal and all need to be nourished, supported, and balanced!

Physical body: Does not make up more than others. Needs to be pain-free, comfortable, and in a clean, healthy, restful state.

Spiritual body: Needs to be provided a peaceful, supportive, tranquil space, where one can reflect upon their beliefs and states of being.

Mental body: The analytical mind craves stimulation, acknowledgement, and to be fed maturely and intelligently.

Emotional body: The subconscious body is responsible for negative talk or habits taken on either consciously or unconsciously throughout one’s life and these issues may need acknowledging, addressing and to be dealt with.

It’s important to note that through these bodies we experience great self-worth, pleasure, joy, comfort, love, care, and intimacy with others.

We’d be wise to tend to our four bodies in a balanced manner in order to be healthier, happier, and do a better job. This may help us to be at peace with our lives and relationships.

“Dusty” Susan Dustin

Facebook: Dusty Su Freebird

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October 2020

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