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Month: June 2021

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Let Go To Move Forward To Your Better Future

By Letting Go Of My Past I Gained A Wonderful Future

Leaving Your Past Behind

As an impulsive young adult I desperately wanted to leave my past behind.

By fulfilling my passionate lifetime future, I had to face the fact that those closest to me thought I had gone mad.

Once I met full-time missionaries, I got very excited when they shared this verse with me:

New King James Version Bible
‘Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.‘ 2 Corinthians 5:17

I boldly declared, “Old things have passed away! I am a NEW creature!

Obstacles Affecting Your Future

It was true but…

My biggest obstacle was my family, who wanted me to stay, when I wanted to go.

Saying goodbye to them was the hardest thing I could do…so…I decided to board a bus beginning my three day, four night travel from Perth to Sydney, across Australia.

I didn’t realize the implications.

In hindsight it was not the wisest thing to do.

Abandonment To Realize Your Goal

My trip to Sydney lead to my flight to the Philippines where I eventually met my husband.

After nine years, I returned to my family in Perth, both married and pregnant. I didn’t receive the welcome I was hoping for.

Realizing The Damage

When I realized the damage I had caused, we made plans to travel over the plain to Sydney.

Our initial plan to stay for ten days was interrupted due to a transport strike, forcing us to remain for five weeks. It was so taxing on me as I was desperate to leave.

While waiting to depart for Sydney by train, I burst into tears in front of my parents observing me through the window.

They naturally perceived this emotional outbreak of sorrow, departing once again. But in reality my tears fostered anxiety due to the departure time delayed by one minute.

Health Conditions Resulting From Anxiety

My mid life cancer crisis confronted me to address my past traumas, specifically my childhood and teen years.

Multiple health conditions developed resulting in surgical procedures, one after the other.

While recovering I did some deep reflecting to review my past using re-framing from an adult’s view overriding my childish emotional view.

Spiritual Interception

An epiphany taught me a lesson from the Bible from ‘the potter’:

Then I went down to the potter’s house, and there he was, making something at the wheel. And the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter; so he made it again into another vessel, as it seemed good to the potter to make.’ Jeremiah 18:3-4 NJKV

A gentle light filled my mind, opening a new thought pattern on my past.

I envisioned Jesus appearing at the potter’s wheel, holding a mottled lump of clay in His hands. I saw the clay was dry, cracked, lumpy and discolored.

My instinct was to throw it out but…I recognized it as my past with a touch of my present.


I watched His tears releasing the moisture needed to transform the clay.

As I watched Him quietly, I heard Him sing a new song. As a child I wouldn’t have understood these lyrics. Yet, as an adult I understood it clearly. It’s transforming, mesmerizing and transformative power shaped this new pot.

This new elegant pot was much stronger and more useful. It oozed gentleness and wisdom, as though it had a myriad of stories to share with the world.

My remade pot spoke of a new tale, woven from my traumatic past into a meaningful future.

I allowed the butterfly to be released from the suffocating cocoon.

As a result, I learned to fly.

Abandonment transformed into commitment, my shame to honor and betrayal to loyalty.

Life On Earth For Jesus

I’ve read that Jesus experienced these emotions personally during His life on earth.

My Commitment

As Jesus on earth experienced these emotions, so have I.

My new vessel has been refilled with new commitment.

Fresh loyalty and honor to Him who loved me enough to use my past to re-create me into a new creature.

With fresh eyes having seen my past, I now embrace all that I experienced made me who I am today.

My new vessel is what Jesus seemed good to make for me.

What can you take from your past to benefit your future? Call on an Epiphany for help like I did. Embrace what He has to show you..

Everything Has Its Time

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8


Possible Ways To Find A New Normal With Chronic Illness?

It’s Possible To Find a ‘New Normal” For Our Daily Lives.

Having been the one with chronic illness I can testify that it does change the normal daily life of a couple.

But I found a way which benefited me in a greater way than I ever expected.

“I just want them how they were…”

Is that really what you want?

Summary of the video above with Trafford Fischer: with additional comments.

Changing the ‘this is how it was’ to ‘this is now how it is” can strain any relationship including marriage, the elderly, accident victims and chronic illnesses.”

Grief and loss issue: For sure there is a grief and loss process to address.

Honor the grief, respect the loss: Honoring the grief for me helped me to respect the loss in order to move forward.

Living in denial: I lived in denial way too long until I found my life’s purpose in my illness.

Can’t always heal, even if they want to: True, you may not heal completely, so you use what you have to move forward.

Don’t isolate: a common trap and so easy to fall into, must be addressed at all cost.

Choose to connect: another must that is fight worthy, putting aside the shame, blame and abandonment.

Take care of yourself: it becomes the number one purpose of your life in order to seal your dream.

Find support network: new friends who you can talk to on your current level who truly understand you.

Remember: Sleep can be a causative item for chronic illness if sleep is deprived. Focus on the series presented earlier.

In case you missed it:

woman in gray tank top lying on bed

Shocking News About Insomnia – How To Wake Up Happy

Learn How To Listen To Your Body Clock Tonight..

  • What on earth is happening?
  • You slept all eight hours yet you can hardly drag yourself out of bed, let alone begin the day with happiness.

Let’s talk about the Circadian Rhythm and how it determines the outcome of your sleep.

  • Introducing the Traditional Chinese Medicine Circadian Rhythm method.
  • What can we learn from that?
  • Plenty! Enough to solve your problem.

I discovered through writing this blog post that due to my daily migraines I need to rest during 9-11 pm when the blood vessels are in heavy repair.

  • If you have thyroid or adrenal issues and you like to sleep around 11-pm.
  • You will find that the TMC body clock will advise you to be in bed, ready for sleep by 9-pm, resting through 11-pm while your body is restoring your thyroid and adrenals.

Chinese Body Clock

Following a body clock can be a new experience.

  • Study the chart and see which body symptoms stand out to you on the chart, like I did for my migraines.

I have tried the 9- pm sleep and did find I felt a lot better, but of course it is a challenge to go to bed so early with all the temptations of entertainment during that time.

  • So a choice must be made if you really want to heal. For me I will definitely give it a try as migraines are no fun.

I would love to have a migraine free future, even if it means to go to sleep at 9-pm.


Happy Meditative Healing With Birds, Bees, Flowers and Trees

Do you have a special corner at your house where you can meditate?

I have a special backyard where in a corner beside the garage is a large, tall tree that shades a grapevine.

Bee Meditation:

Here resides hanging pot plants creating a haven for our pet rabbit run with a local beehive and a willy-wag tail bird’s nest located in the tree on a lower branch.

My local beehive which was removed to a safer location, saving the queen bee.

Willy Wagtail Bird Meditation:

It is low enough for me to observe the willy-wag tails. A pair of them swoop in and out of the nest while feeding them in turn. One is feeding while the other is searching for food.

In and out they swoop like a swing in action, or like two trapeze artists crossing over from the left and right, passing each other in the middle.

Raising my head just a touch I see the baby birds heads peeking out of the nest, receiving nourishment to survive.

I stand there daily, come rain or shine for my daily meditation.

I know the season will pass soon enough after the babies grow and fly the coop to live their lives. They will be producing more offspring and contributing to the world of birds and their beauty.

Willy wag tails can be very aggressive, yet one sat a metre away from my feet, looking up at me for the first time.

Next one landed on my daughter’s feet as she was seated admiring her rabbit in his pet run.

It seemed to me they were checking the safety level of their nest since it was almost within reach of a human’s touch.

I love nature for reasons like this story.

My greatest meditation takes place in my backyard garden.

Kookaburra Meditation:

Soon the Kookaburras will return and inhabit my clothesline or sit close to the window trees.

I watch them laughing out loud with a mouse in his mouth, or wiggling around while the willy-wag tail swoops at him repeatedly. This drives him to the point of flying away for a safer location.

For those few moments I spend outside with the flowers and the trees, the birds and the bees is paradisaical for me.

No need to fly endless hours to find a foreign beach or location.

I simply slip out of the sun-room door and there I am with my cup of tea, or even a meal to meditate.

It’s relaxing to my eyes after my computer work and internal work.

Grounding On Grass Meditation:

Move to the outside world where all is natural, with your bare feet planted on the ground or even lying down on the grass, mat or not.

Enjoy the sensations of the earth, called grounding.

It can take a few minutes to hours, whatever I choose.

Do you also have a meditative moment outside, in the sun, with bare-feet on the ground?

Or picnicking your lunch while enjoying the sun with a gentle breeze?

Watching the birds, bees or flowers and trees?

Try it daily, you might like it. I do.


Monthly Archives

June 2021

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