Happy Meditative Healing With Birds, Bees, Flowers and Trees
Category : Hope and Faith Immune System
Do you have a special corner at your house where you can meditate?
I have a special backyard where in a corner beside the garage is a large, tall tree that shades a grapevine.
Bee Meditation:
Here resides hanging pot plants creating a haven for our pet rabbit run with a local beehive and a willy-wag tail bird’s nest located in the tree on a lower branch.

My local beehive which was removed to a safer location, saving the queen bee.
Willy Wagtail Bird Meditation:
It is low enough for me to observe the willy-wag tails. A pair of them swoop in and out of the nest while feeding them in turn. One is feeding while the other is searching for food.
In and out they swoop like a swing in action, or like two trapeze artists crossing over from the left and right, passing each other in the middle.
Raising my head just a touch I see the baby birds heads peeking out of the nest, receiving nourishment to survive.
I stand there daily, come rain or shine for my daily meditation.
I know the season will pass soon enough after the babies grow and fly the coop to live their lives. They will be producing more offspring and contributing to the world of birds and their beauty.
Willy wag tails can be very aggressive, yet one sat a metre away from my feet, looking up at me for the first time.
Next one landed on my daughter’s feet as she was seated admiring her rabbit in his pet run.
It seemed to me they were checking the safety level of their nest since it was almost within reach of a human’s touch.
I love nature for reasons like this story.
My greatest meditation takes place in my backyard garden.
Kookaburra Meditation:
Soon the Kookaburras will return and inhabit my clothesline or sit close to the window trees.
I watch them laughing out loud with a mouse in his mouth, or wiggling around while the willy-wag tail swoops at him repeatedly. This drives him to the point of flying away for a safer location.
For those few moments I spend outside with the flowers and the trees, the birds and the bees is paradisaical for me.
No need to fly endless hours to find a foreign beach or location.
I simply slip out of the sun-room door and there I am with my cup of tea, or even a meal to meditate.
It’s relaxing to my eyes after my computer work and internal work.
Grounding On Grass Meditation:
Move to the outside world where all is natural, with your bare feet planted on the ground or even lying down on the grass, mat or not.
Enjoy the sensations of the earth, called grounding.
It can take a few minutes to hours, whatever I choose.
Do you also have a meditative moment outside, in the sun, with bare-feet on the ground?
Or picnicking your lunch while enjoying the sun with a gentle breeze?
Watching the birds, bees or flowers and trees?
Try it daily, you might like it. I do.