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A Unique Letter for a Unique Woman

A Unique Letter for a Unique Woman

To a Patient From the Nursing Staff at Ward 8 South

Dec, 1998,

Dearest Neridah,

This is a truly unique occasion we find ourselves in, writing a letter to a patient that has left our little world, Ward 8 South, to wish them a Merry Christmas.

In truth, so many people pass through our ward, the beds never seem to get cold before another patient is in it and requiring our care. The demands are endless and often we don’t feel we have the time to give them what they need or teach what we should whilst hey are on the ward, patients too many, nurses too few! People come and go and the work goes on, so therefore when they leave our little world they often leave our memories as we only have enough time to focus on the next patient.

But you changed all that, you may have left our ward, but you certainly have not left our memories. In fact, we are writing for many reasons, we have so much to say, yet it’s difficult to know where to begin… so I guess it should be from the beginning.

When you were first admitted to our ward, you were just another patient… but it was quickly apparent that you were not ‘just’ anything. Here you were, this incredible 38 year old woman, wife, mother of 2 beautiful children, facing the inevitable, much earlier than one ever should, showing us how to grab life with both hands and live it.

You made us stop and realise that this is not ‘just another patient’ that we have to look after and move on, you changed the rules, you made us want to stop, look and meet the real person that has so much to teach us about living. With your incredible sense of humour, you demonstrated that no matter what, living was not something to be taken for granted, but a bonus, a gift, and with each day that lay ahead there was an experience to be savoured. Even after the enormous operations, after all the interventions, when you must have being feeling so tired and sick, when most would complain, you would find something to be thankful for.

With the combined years of experience amongst the staff, we are used to supporting, both patients and family when the ordeals seem overwhelming, when the going gets tough. Suddenly, we found ourselves in a situation where the going was really, tough, you had tubes, drains, drips, infusions and, what seemed to be, every medical device attached to your body. We were ready to perform our role… but it was you who supported us. Life the saying goes, ‘when the going gets tough, the tough get going.” Well you just didn’t stop ‘going!’

Your faith is inspirational. We are in awe of your strength, your courage and your ability to find something good, no matter how small, and against all odds, in each and everyday. You brightened our day and nights with your wonderful hugs and your beautiful and ever ready smile touched and warmed our hearts.

When we think of Neridah Coxe, and we do think of her often, we think:


Like we said, this is a unique letter…but it seems fitting as it is most certainly for a unique woman.

Merry Christmas Neridah, to you and all your family.

Know that you are in our prayers, our heart and will live on in our memories forever as the woman that taught ward 8S about living!

Thank you and God bless.

Love from all the staff of Ward 8 South.

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