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Author Archives: DebbyB

How To Survive After A Perceived Threat

Do you feel threatened right now?

Do this..

I had a wonderful day yesterday but woke up feeling threatened this morning.

The threat was real for me as it had happened before with dire consequences that have affected me ever since.

Now it was potentially happening again.

Even though it didn’t happen, I was still in need of something to calm down my nervous system, giving me the opportunity to write up and publish this blog post.

Through my research, just yesterday, I discovered this free mini-course for 10- days with an offer for a 10-week course, all free and online.

The very first day of the 10-day selection did the magic I desperately needed.

I hope it will do the same for you.

Visit this website to see the other 9 days of help.

Free Online Mental Health Course – 10 Days for Mental Health (


Accepting Mid-Life Crisis With Grace

Helping Each Other Is The Secret to Feeling Better

Feeling better is a step to being better

This is the last session at the Balya Cancer Retreat

By Dr Jason Han PhD

Disclaimer: Notes recorded by Debby Blettner

  1. Have your values changed since you had cancer?
  2. How? What are the disadvantages of having cancer?
  3. What are the advantages, good or bad of having cancer?

All of the above learned at the Retreat is needed to improve your immune system.

Even if you diet correctly and have no success- what happened? You missed the point!

Enjoy whatever you are doing.

Look at the whole picture.

Use a combination of diet, a nutritional program, a psychological group support program and the medical. A Holistic Approach!

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach him to fish and feed him for life.

Dr Han shared the story of the difference between Heaven and Hell, and gave the two pictures.

One picture was of hell, it had a big pot of stew and men sitting around the pot of stew all holding long wooden spoons, all grumbling and griping that they couldn’t eat the food.

The next scene was of the same pot of stew with each man dipping their wooden spoon into the soup and serving the other, and getting fed themselves.

Helping each other is the secret!

  • Just attending a support group six times a year has proven to double your life span.
  • If you feel saturated with knowledge, when the student is ready the teacher will teach.

Now, I’ve talked the talk, you walk the walk!

Enjoy the walk!


Feel Much Better With These Three Tips For Stress Reduction

Dr Libby’s Three Top Tips To Reduce Stress For You

After following Dr Libby over the past 10 years I respect her work, knowledge, insights and solutions and YES, I purchased and read the Rushing Woman’s Syndrome Book..

  • Summary of Dr Libby’s Three Tips to Reduce Stress:
  • Stress in the modern world
  • Biochemist -Dr Libby
  • Adrenal and cortisol
  • Life in danger– red alert perception
  • Caffeine
  • Availability 24/7
  • People pleasers
  • Putting others needs before our own
  • Can’t say no
  • Positive stress
  • Overwhelm causing dysfunction
  • High blood pressure
  • Inflammation
  • Recognizing stress
  • Rushing Woman Syndrome
  • Tired but wired
  • Sleep restoration
  • Caffeine and alcohol
  • best tips
  • Highly individual
  • Belly breathing
  • Feeling safe
  • Explore perceptions


Being Proud And Happy To Be In Perth During COVID-19

The New York Times appraisal for Perth, Western Australia for COVID-19

Making it possible to contain COVID-19…

Read all about it here:

Perth’s COVID-19 Lockdown Makes The New York Times

It was a shock to hear the Premier of Western Australia announcing a lock-down for a single COVID-19 patient. We had two hours before lock-down curfew began.

Check out the article above to see how Western Australia got into The NY times and how we enjoyed ten months of COVID-19 freedom, following COVID-19 rules, with the hope we can enjoy COVID-19 freedom once again.


A Functional Medicine Approach to COVID-19

How to Make Fibromyalgia Symptoms Disappear

Can Fibromyalgia Be Put Into Remission?

In Honour of the late Alf Pullen, Natural Therapist

By Debby Blettner


“He is an extension of God’s hands,”

was how my friend described Alf Pullin.

I had to see it to believe it.

Now I am a believer.

The Fascia Link

It was September of 2012, holding back my tears of pain while making my first phone call to Alf. His response hearing I had fibromyalgia was that I would be in a lot of pain.

I was new to Bowan Therapy and was a bit nervous not knowing what would result of my treatment.

I was pleasantly surprised by the contrast of medical procedures I had endured with this gentle, but highly effective therapy.

I found Alf very professional and safe in his capable hands.

He seemed to know exactly what I needed, explaining as he went unlocking mysteries yet unfolded about my condition.

I was fascinated and also surprised at the severity of my condition.

After completing a thorough detox and accompanying therapy I was ‘relaxed ‘.

A person in my condition hardly knows the words, ‘relaxed and pain free’.

I had an advanced form of Fibromyalgia.

At home I followed Alf’s advice to “rest, feet up, and drink water”, but after I had completed these tasks I continued into a deep sleep, so deep and wonderful it was a pity to wake from it.

The most amazing realization came from that day forth. My sporadic body paralysis of seven years left me after my first Bowan Therapy Session.

The ascending paralysis which left my body tingling in a comatose state was gone!

Pain subsided dramatically, enabling me to leave my three-year Fibromyalgic bedridden state.

Partaking in activities such as eating my meals in the dining room at a table, verses all my former meals in bed, became my new reality. The change was dramatic!

This was only the first of my treatments. I saw Alf for another two follow-up treatments and I could have sworn my Fibromyalgia was gone. Alf agreed.

The Ridiculously Long List of Fibromyalgia Symptoms (as it was so called) from the Fibromyalgia Support Network here in Perth lists all of the researched symptoms.

I took the time to compare my symptoms before and after I was treated by Alf.

Before Alf’s treatments, I suffered from 84% of the symptoms.

After Alf’s treatments, 26% of the symptoms remained, which Alf is working on with me to successfully relieve.

This 64% reduction in symptoms has changed my life in wonderful ways. I feel alive and am grateful for each day that passes.

Most of all, I feel I have a future and desire to spread the word that Fibromyalgia can be majorly relieved.

It is said to be incurable, but a remission is enough for me.

Alf was also a teacher by nature, having received specialized advice which I haven’t found in my extensive medical research.

That made Alf and his therapy just that more valuable.

Now that he has passed who else can we go to for healing?

Fortunately, just before he passed I found a website called Bendable Body, which is also available on YouTube.

John and Sita provide many helpful exercises specific for ailments and general health. My Fibromyalgia didn’t return as I kept up toning the fascia.


Check it out here: Bendable Body and Bendable Body Playlists

An Outstanding Demonstration Of The Power Of Human Breath

Anthony Wee, Chi Master, with powerful breath demonstrations.

By Debby Blettner (in 1999)


Here’s a little talk on Chi Meditation by Anthony Wee, presented during a Cancer Support Night.

Anthony Wee is known as a Chi Master. He is well known for his outstanding event, showing a demonstration of the power of the human breath.

He had a 9.3 ton truck run over his chest twice in one day to demonstrate the power of his breathing.

Two other men attempted the same stunt. One man died and the other man was hospitalized with a ruptured spleen.

Breathing Techniques:

  • Basically it is breathing from your abdomen, taking in a breath and holding it for four seconds and gently breathing out for at least six seconds.
  • I’ve used this to relax and also for pain relief. During the four seconds of holding your breath, the oxygen is absorbed into the bloodstream.
  • Another helpful breathing method was to take a deep breath and swallow and hold it for a few seconds, and gently blow out for as long as you can.
  • After this the body does not need to breathe for a little while. This technique could be helpful for scuba diving and managing air while swimming, using fewer breaths and making more use of the breath.
  • I found this kind of breathing good for relaxing also.
  • Chi breathing, was said to increase health and healing.
  • Anthony Wee suggested that if you are healthy, practice this type of breathing for one hour a day, 20 minute sessions.
  • Squeeze backside and stomach while blowing out for twenty minutes, three times a day.


Visualization: What Powerful Things Can You See?


By Dr Jason Han PhD in 1999

Disclaimer: Notes recorded by Debby Blettner

This next chapter for the Cancer Retreat is about Visualization and Meditation breathing techniques, and a final note.

  • Athletes use visualization to achieve and break records.
  • Students use it to pass exams.
  • Businessmen use it to help their business.
  • We use it to help our health.

First make verbal affirmations, then make Visualizations

  • It helps to bring about changes in attitude.
  • It helps us to cope with stress,
  • It gives you a sense of control, and helps to abandon fear.
  • Use it to communicate through to subconscious mind.

Dr. Ivy Bullen showed pictures that were taken from the audience, in an earlier session, to show how different people pictured their cancer and immune system.

Some of the cancers looked like absolute demons and monsters and the immune system looked totally helpless.

Then she showed a picture of cancer cells like frail broken egg shells and huge “pack men” surrounding the cancer with shark’s teeth, looking very ferocious, the cancer cells were saying in a caption: “Were dead!”

By Debby Blettner:

One particular man was very, very fearful at the Retreat, and his picture that he drew was very frightening. Even at the end of the Retreat, after all of the input, when other patient’s pictures had vastly improved, his was still frightening, and showed little hope. He died one week after the Retreat.

Yet there was an interview with a patient who had had three brain tumors, two were surgically removed, and when the third tumor appeared he took time to go to the Cancer Retreat. He applied all that he had learned at the Retreat and after a period of six weeks, he saw his doctor for another scan.

He had been told there was no more the doctors could do, so they wanted to see how much it had grown, to determine how much time to give the patient. The results proved that there was no trace of the cancer, it had disappeared!

This was the same patient who drew the “packmen” as his immune system, and the fragile eggshell as his cancer cells. He meditated 2-3 hours daily, wrote and said lots of positive affirmations, had an attitude change, looked at the diet and juices as being good for him and beneficial. He also prayed, being a Catholic.

Give yourself more power!

No matter how big the tumor is, see it as weak and vulnerable. See the treatment you are doing as positive, everything under control.

If you choose to have chemotherapy or radiotherapy, be committed and think positively about it.

It you have a negative attitude about it, it won’t do you any good.

Look at radiation as a white healing light, that if you have it, it will make your immune system more powerful.

Visualize a mop up squad to clean up the battlefield!

You can drop your pulse rate through visualization.

Visualize in the future, what you would like to be happening.

You must have a cleaning up, mopping up squad to show the immune system has defeated the cancer, the end is complete in your visualization.

For a few days show the cancer cells being dealt with by the immune system, the cancer cells getting smaller, and the immune system getting larger and more powerful, attacking new cancer cells.

After that the Natural Killer cells are getting stronger and scouting out new cancer cells.

When taking vitamins, visualize the NK’s getting stronger and more powerful. Take one and a half hours meditation, two times a day at least when you are fighting cancer.

Juices: carrot, celery and beetroot, are very important. Enjoy the food and the juices.

When I followed this plan with visualization, my NK’s shot up from 92 to 156, which according to Dr. Bullen was quite phenomenal, in 6 weeks.

A second time, my NK’s fell, after my childhood girlfriend died from cancer. I was again aggressively using these methods and prayer, and my NK’s recovered almost to normal range over a short period of time.

Later that year my NK’s dropped again, after my husband had surgery for cancer. Even though the NK’s dropped low, I did not take the time or effort to visualize the NK’s increasing, nor did I concentrate on any specific positive affirmations concerning my health, and the NK’s continued to fall.

This was accompanied by an increase in pre-cancerous cells and tumor marker CA-15 increase, resulting in a mastectomy.

After these stressful events my NK test results rose once again, from 92 – 148. My tumor marker CA-15 also down 10 points from 34 to 24.

Testing is very helpful.

By Dr Ivy Bullen:

  • 10 minutes of laughter = 2 hours of no pain as it is releasing endorphins which are natural pain killers.
  • When laughing, air passes from your lungs at the rate of 50 -60 miles, per hour!
  • Watch a funny movie daily, if you have pain, one funny movie can give up to four hours of no pain.
  • Stats show that as people grow older, they laugh less. This is dangerous!
  • Children laugh a lot more.
  • It is statistically proven that NK’s increase after a funny movie. It increases cytokines, which are important for the function of the immune system.

He who laughs, lasts!


This is the last Cancer Retreat session by Dr Jason Han:

Encouragement – An Enormous Gift For All Of Us

“One of the greatest gifts a person can give another is support.” Unknown

By Debby Blettner

I was desperate for a great shot of encouragement.

In the late 1990’s my husband was given immediate surgery to extend the three months of life expected from his diagnosis with aggressive testicular cancer.

I felt it was unfair to be so heavily tested, especially my faith and belief.

My childhood friend died of bowel cancer shortly after I had been diagnosed with breast cancer, plus I was disabled with a severe frozen shoulder.

Surely my life would change forever, once I got through it, regardless of the outcome.

After my tears subsided, I saw a flower stall displaying a bright red, heart-shaped balloon with the inscription, “I love you.”

I purchased it without a thought.

Desperately waiting for his eyes to open after the surgery while my eyes shining from the tears, I approached him with my gift balloon.

I smiled knowing my love and acceptance was the greatest healing potion I could offer.

His eyes welcomed me, as if we had just shared our wedding vows while holding each other’s gaze.

The moment was broken by the announcement that I could take him home as soon as I was ready.

The surgery had been a success!

This memory is more than two decades old but still as fresh to me as a dew-covered rose.

Moving forward, comfort, faith, and acceptance encouraged me to comfort others.

My future became encouragement with those who inevitably fell into my arms, using my shoulder to cry on.

Simply holding them, while shedding tears, helped me to hold my faith and belief that all things work together for good, no matter what. (Romans 8:28)

Oh Lord, make me an instrument of your peace (and comfort.)

Paraphrased from The Prayer of St Francis.’

Unconditional Joy and Happiness: Can I Be Happy?

Lecture about Joy and Happiness:

By Dr Jason Han PhD, In 1999

Disclaimer: Notes recorded by Debby Blettner

Dr Han asked for a show of hands as to whom in the group was happy.

About 50% of the group responded with a “Yes.”

Life is full of simple pleasures.

An Epicurean – is someone who loves food.

Don’t look outside for happiness, all the ingredients are within you.

You don’t need to be a chef to mix all the ingredients to make happiness.

We are taught money can buy you anything, including happiness.

If so, all rich men would tell you they are all happy.

Optimistic people are happy.

Happy people are people who have:

1) High Self Esteem -they like themselves, they have a good sense of self worth.

2) Full sense of control.

3) Optimistic –they are always looking on the bright side.

4) Outgoing – make friends easily, have good communication skills.

Work on yourself to change to become happier!

If you want a good Role model – copy the above points!

When you’re happy you’re NK cells are bubbling over, lots of endorphins!

Let’s be happy!

You are happy because you sing, so reset your nervous system, try assuming a smile.

A frown doesn’t do anything to improve your immune system. It depresses even others immune systems. A smile does wonders for your immune system!

Lift up the corners of your mouth, even pretending does wonders to your immune system!

Endorphins are natural opiates, healing agents, they lower blood pressure, good oxygen therapy.

There are three types of Endorphins, one of those types is 700 times more powerful than morphine!

The Happiness Test:

1) If thing don’t go my way I get very upset. Yes/No

2) I feel good about my body. Yes/No

3) I can accept things the way they are. Yes/No

4) I dislike many people. Yes/No

5) I sometimes wish I had never been born. Yes/No

6) I love sex. Yes/No

7) I like most people. Yes/No

8) I rejoice within myself when someone does well. Yes/No

9) I frequently feel helpless and lost. Yes/No

10) When I make a mistake, I brood over it. Yes/No

Anything less than 7 points in this test means you are not happy!

This test leads you to look at areas where you need to expand on.

“I can accept things the way they are.” If “no”, then work on it. For example, if you get angry then work on it! Be solution oriented, not problem oriented.

Positive affirmations for happiness:

1) I enjoy everything I do.

2) I look forward to each day with great enthusiasm.

3) I have someone to confide in.

4) I love life and life is wonderful.

5) I love my job and I like the people I work with.

6) I am successful in all I do.

Repeat these affirmations 60 times a day to become happier, and to develop a new habit. Listen to the emotion of the words!

What is your Value system? – if you lost all your money, but you have good health and full function of your body, then be happy!

Some parts of India, if you run over a man’s wife he will not be bothered, but if you run over his cow, he will kill you! Different values!

People spend $100,000 or 1\4 of a million on a house, $50,000 on a car, but what about your health?

If you want to be happy – be happy!

LListen to the emotion of the answer to the question, when asking if someone is happy.


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February 2025

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