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Category Archives: Assertiveness

Why Recovery Is Better When You Have Healthy Relationships

Do You Value Your Friendships To Maintain Healthy Relationships?


Great friendships are really fun, offering you a multitude of health benefits.

They include everything from strengthening your immune system to helping you sleep better.

So friendships can make a huge difference in your health and recovery process.

Whether you are recovering from therapies that treat cancer, surgery or illness, those good relationships can help you recover faster and more easily.


For practical reasons:

  1. Friends reduce stress levels
  • low stress levels make for a faster recovery
  • high stress levels, on the other hand, can cause complications unnecessarily
  1. Friends help pick up the slack
  • you won’t have to overexert yourself trying to take care of others
  • no need to get around on your own
  • with the help of loved ones you can just rest as needed
  1. Friends offer information
  • in many cases at least one friend will have experience caring for someone
  • or else having experience during a similar recovery period
  • they might have helpful tips or
  • an especially understanding heart as you go through it
  1. Friends can remember what you can’t
  • when you have therapies or operations that require recovery, it’s easy to get overwhelmed with all the information given to you and coordinating all that needs to get done
  • a loved one can listen in, take notes, and help you to remember and sort everything out

Click on the link below if you’re interested in friendship and how it affects your health:


Does Your Doctor Make You Feel Comfortable And Safe?

Feel Better With A Doctor Who You Feel Comfortable With

Your relationship with your doctor can determine the type of care you get from him or her.

Being comfortable and able to talk honestly with your doctor is the best way I have found.

If you need more help understanding good patient/doctor relationships watch this helpful video on what to do and not to do.

Watch it now: Were your appointments like this for you?

Summary Of Doctor/Patient Relationships By:

Doctor Please:

  • Don’t rush
  • Don’t be late! Apologize if you are
  • Clean the room between patients
  • Introduce the people in the room
  • Be polite when speaking to patients
  • Don’t use jargon
  • Use words appropriate for the patient’s level of understanding
  • Don’t be distracted.
  • Use eye contact

DB: Having a life time of medical intervention I can say I can relate to all of the above experiences and worse, but also balanced with great relationships with doctor/patient relationships.

Self- educating yourself with assertiveness can be very helpful to know what to expect.

Once you have found the doctor you can relate to, try to stick with them for your future appointments, with the aim of improving your health. Try not to attend appointments only for ‘what is wrong’.

The appointments I have with my GP now are mostly for confirming the diagnosis I researched through self-education. So, when I present solutions through inquiry, I get to confirm what I have researched.

My life is so much more pleasant now with my doctor/patient relationships.

When I see a new doctor I respectfully listen and learn, confirming silently if my research was correct.

There is always plenty to learn in each appointment, while flourishing our doctor/patient relationship.

My most challenging relationships with doctors were times when I had no research or knowledge on the diagnosis. Through this lack of research I felt much more susceptible, helpless and anxious.

If it happens my research doesn’t match the doctor’s information I am open to the new information. Returning home I research deeply with my trusted Doctors online, mostly trained in Functional Medicine.

My next appointment is then more comfortable, having the privilege of making my own informed decision, knowing the ultimate decision was my own.


When You Need To Make Your Own Individual Meals

Having Fun Creating New Meals For You

Home Cooking Is The Best:

Summary By:

Ten Main Benefits of cooking at home:

  1. Saving money-
  • Main reason to cook at home
  • control of what you shop for and
  • spend store sales and coupons
  • portion control while learning to cook
  • make and freeze meals
  • always having something on hand in case you need “fast food”

2. Knowing exactly what’s in the food you’re eating-

  • Knowing exactly what’s in the food you’re eating
  • life saver for allergies
  • high blood pressure and migraines
  • by removing salt and MSG from your diet can help

3. A Balanced diet –

  • Consume less calories
  • carbohydrates
  • less sugar and
  • less fats in those who don’t cook

4. Being an educated “Consumer” –

  • Making healthy recipes
  • learning about food and nutrition and
  • calorie counts through a good food database
  • helping you to eat in a healthier manner

5. Staying Heart-Healthy –

  • You are what you eat
  • so a balanced diet full of nutrients can help you best stay healthy and slim
  • prevent high blood sugar leading to insulin resistance and Type 2 Diabetes
  • cook your own food to help be ‘heart smart’

6. “Slow Food” Verses “Fast Food” –

  • Eating slowly to eat less
  • feeling full on less food intake
  • as it takes 20 minutes for your stomach to register as full
  • studies show that fat and fiber fill you up
  • with 30% less of the food you usually eat

7. Go For Filling Foods Low In Calories and Cost-

  • Feeling stuffed after a restaurant meal after soup and salad
  • which are cheap foods full of water and fiber
  • make your own healthy soups and salads
  • without using a creamy soup base or
  • a creamy dressing making you feel full before the entree arrives
  • or try the Italian way of eating the salad at the end of the meal
  • helping you to feel full and satisfied
  • it also helps you feel less cravings for dessert

8. Controlled Portions –

  • Use a kitchen scale and measuring cup when cooking
  • while looking up the caloric and nutrient values of the recipe
  • dividing it up into portions suitable for your diet

9. Food Safety –

  • Food borne illnesses are everywhere.
  • keep yourself and your family safe
  • by keeping your kitchen and hands immaculately clean

10. Food Freedom

  • Cooking at home allows you to make gluten-free
  • meat-free or dairy-free as you choose
  • with experience your meals will improve with practice
  • with online recipes
  • tried and proven to be successful
  • digital cookbooks are available on Amazon
  • helping you to become a pro in the kitchen in no time
  • another benefit is making and eating together as a family

DB: I have been a home cook for decades now. I greatly benefited by transitioning from traditional foods to an alkaline diet/vegetarian prescribed by my doctor.

Transitioning to an individualized diet mostly in the form of Paleo cooking has benefited me with anti-aging meals keeping me looking younger than expected biologically.

Yet another benefit of home cooking as well is AIP meals, Autoimmune Protocol, which is more specific but very helpful to study.

I live between both cooking styles.


Striving To Make Your Identity Normal Can Make You Happy

Making my identity normal enough for me makes me happy

Summary by:

Identity and Chronic Illness

  • Chronic Illness can have a profound impact on our identity
  • I feel like saying: “This isn’t me. How did I come to be like this?”
  • Can’t perform our regular roles in society.
  • Source of focused identity rather than the illness
  • Disruption of self with chronic illnesses

Illness Identity:

  • Engulfment: How much does my illness engulf my life? Defining myself by my illness?
  • Rejection: Hiding my illness, not sharing it with others.
  • Acceptance:
  • Acknowledging my illness without being overwhelmed by it.
  • Difficulty coping getting engulfed by it, yet acceptance presents with less symptoms!
  • Which comes first?
  • Work on the acceptance, make it happen.
  • Incorporate the identity of illness without having it as my whole identity with enrichment.
  • Breathes less anxiety and depression, less symptoms and less pain.
  • A hyper focus required.

Enrichment: Allow myself to be positive despite the illness, enabling me to grow as a person.

Importance of Grief:

  • Grieve what is lost to us, very important.
  • Some things can be lost ‘forever’.
  • Accept and make peace with that.
  • Don’t allow myself to go into darkness that ‘all is lost’ as it isn’t realistic.
  • If we grieve over it and accept it, it can enrich our lives.
  • Relish and return to things you loved, even if you are not able to participate but enjoy anyway.
  • Example of losing ballet, seeing a ballet concert to enjoy it anyway.
  • Finding a way to validate my love of it that way.
  • Try to reclaim what I have lost and find a way to bring consistency in my life, just a different way.
  • For example: I can watch the ballet from YouTube in my bed if needed to keep the continuity.
  • Finding new ways, new passion.
  • Think in new ways and values as we age, priorities change with life experience with wisdom creating a renewed identity.

Personality Attributes:

  • Types of people is personality
  • Type A, and Hostility: Neurotic can make it more challenging for those with chronic illnesses
  • Optimistic personality makes the chronic illness more bearable with hope and positive thinking, believing a positive outcome will come of the illness and recovery.

DB: I wasn’t able to speak on stage after my chronic illnesses, but I found a way by writing blogs and eventually videos sharing all I have learnt about chronic illness and how to predict, prevent and reverse.

It began as a hobby for me to share my thoughts to others and to help grieve it all and make new pathways after acceptance and enrichment entered my life. My hope is that it will do the same for you.


My Helpful “Meaning Making” Brings Hope To Us

“Meaning Making” sounds helpful and hopeful for me…

With chronic illness it can be very hard to find meaning in it.

It all seems meaningless and unfair, but I have found that my chronic illnesses are now reversing. I am healing while sharing my new found knowledge with you.

It has been the most meaningful journey of my life!


Let’s make it mean something special for us…what do you think?

Summary from Timothy Weymann, LCSW for “Meaning -Making”

Religion: The Great Mystery

Spirituality: Part of the Great Mystery

Five Themes:

  • Loss and uncertainty
  • Learning one’s capacity
  • Maintaining fellowship and belonging
  • Having a source of strength
  • Building anew.

Negative Findings:

  • Beware of shame
  • blame and abandonment with chronic illnesses
  • with religion or spirituality or neither

Neutral Findings:

  • Intercessory prayer and it’s affect on chronic illness

Positive Findings:

  • Lack of forgiveness with increased pain problems
  • With improved mental health with forgiveness

Post-traumatic Growth:

  • Chronic illness can be traumatic and life threatening leading to PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
  • Belief matters
  • Development of self
  • Internal growth making meaning out of life
  • What life is all about
  • Looking back on the post traumatic growth experienced
  • Benefit Finding through strengthening the individual with increased empathy relating to others
  • Motivated to help others after experiencing chronic illness themselves

Remember: Romans 8:28 King James Version

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

Note: I personally have experienced all of these situations. I empathize with those who suffer from chronic illness, hence this article. I hope it helps you as much as it helped me.

In case you missed it:

How To Feel Better And Safe With Complex Trauma

What is Complex Trauma while feeling better and safe?

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Complex Trauma:

I have been professionally diagnosed with Complex Trauma.

I’m sharing my story hoping you will find relief and safety. But most of all recognizing the change required for your happier life. Check this article out!

By copying and pasting the info of each section into my highlighted word doc, the highlighted words struck me. They revealed themselves as true and insightful, yet also very upsetting. So a trusted Psychological therapist will definitely help. That way you have someone confidentially to talk to another human being face to face in a safe environment.

By presenting this global overview of my life through this extra information, I believe my therapist will gain more insights into my healing.

Hopefully this will speed up my recovery process to live a more normal life as I age. So far it has been a massive relief like a huge part of me is no longer with me. It felt like I had lost a huge weight loss, feeling and looking so much better.

Check out the location nearest to you and view their website photos of the therapists. Scan their photos and see which one you feel comfortable with.

You could even try sharing your deepest secret with the photo you feel comfortable with, envisioning yourself in her therapy room. If you can share it via her photo in private, there is a good chance, with time, you could heal your life with this new found person sharing your life safety and confidentiality.

Check with your GP to set up a safe, recommended space for you. Start living again.

Complex Torture:

Recently my close friend was diagnosed with trauma at the level of torture by a professional Psychiatrist.

That got my attention!

Over the past eight months we both opened up to our traumas. Why did I identify with a diagnosis so grave?

The digging begins. Though it’s terrifying, it’s also relieving. It really isn’t and wasn’t my fault.

If this resonates with you please think about connecting with a clinical psychologist. It has the potential to heal you when you have tried everything else.

Watch this Video:

See if it helps you…


Visionary Victim? Retell Your Story By Changing Your Better History

Visionary Victim was my assessment outcome of my Stuck Story.

I also gained three personal power words: strategic, creative and determined to add to my bio, personal story and brand. How good is that?

Try it out yourself and see what your assessment tells you here. (

The very fact that I am in the process of writing my personal memoir makes this information very productive and insightful.

Will I come across as a strong female protagonist?

Who knows…as a spiritual author, both the book and myself are transforming regularly, so the titles and subtitles take a life of their own. They change with the waves splashing on the shore, bringing up new insights, new skills and new recognition of how and why I have come this far and still alive.


How To Survive After A Perceived Threat

Feel Much Better With These Three Tips For Stress Reduction

Dr Libby’s Three Top Tips To Reduce Stress For You

After following Dr Libby over the past 10 years I respect her work, knowledge, insights and solutions and YES, I purchased and read the Rushing Woman’s Syndrome Book..

  • Summary of Dr Libby’s Three Tips to Reduce Stress:
  • Stress in the modern world
  • Biochemist -Dr Libby
  • Adrenal and cortisol
  • Life in danger– red alert perception
  • Caffeine
  • Availability 24/7
  • People pleasers
  • Putting others needs before our own
  • Can’t say no
  • Positive stress
  • Overwhelm causing dysfunction
  • High blood pressure
  • Inflammation
  • Recognizing stress
  • Rushing Woman Syndrome
  • Tired but wired
  • Sleep restoration
  • Caffeine and alcohol
  • best tips
  • Highly individual
  • Belly breathing
  • Feeling safe
  • Explore perceptions


Being Proud And Happy To Be In Perth During COVID-19

The New York Times appraisal for Perth, Western Australia for COVID-19

Making it possible to contain COVID-19…

Read all about it here:

Perth’s COVID-19 Lockdown Makes The New York Times

It was a shock to hear the Premier of Western Australia announcing a lock-down for a single COVID-19 patient. We had two hours before lock-down curfew began.

Check out the article above to see how Western Australia got into The NY times and how we enjoyed ten months of COVID-19 freedom, following COVID-19 rules, with the hope we can enjoy COVID-19 freedom once again.


A Functional Medicine Approach to COVID-19

Monthly Archives

February 2025

Aurora Education W.A. PO Box 4081, Myaree Business Centre. Perth. Western Australia. 6154. ABN: 48 268 719 797.