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Category Archives: Immune System

Happy Meditative Healing With Birds, Bees, Flowers and Trees

Do you have a special corner at your house where you can meditate?

I have a special backyard where in a corner beside the garage is a large, tall tree that shades a grapevine.

Bee Meditation:

Here resides hanging pot plants creating a haven for our pet rabbit run with a local beehive and a willy-wag tail bird’s nest located in the tree on a lower branch.

My local beehive which was removed to a safer location, saving the queen bee.

Willy Wagtail Bird Meditation:

It is low enough for me to observe the willy-wag tails. A pair of them swoop in and out of the nest while feeding them in turn. One is feeding while the other is searching for food.

In and out they swoop like a swing in action, or like two trapeze artists crossing over from the left and right, passing each other in the middle.

Raising my head just a touch I see the baby birds heads peeking out of the nest, receiving nourishment to survive.

I stand there daily, come rain or shine for my daily meditation.

I know the season will pass soon enough after the babies grow and fly the coop to live their lives. They will be producing more offspring and contributing to the world of birds and their beauty.

Willy wag tails can be very aggressive, yet one sat a metre away from my feet, looking up at me for the first time.

Next one landed on my daughter’s feet as she was seated admiring her rabbit in his pet run.

It seemed to me they were checking the safety level of their nest since it was almost within reach of a human’s touch.

I love nature for reasons like this story.

My greatest meditation takes place in my backyard garden.

Kookaburra Meditation:

Soon the Kookaburras will return and inhabit my clothesline or sit close to the window trees.

I watch them laughing out loud with a mouse in his mouth, or wiggling around while the willy-wag tail swoops at him repeatedly. This drives him to the point of flying away for a safer location.

For those few moments I spend outside with the flowers and the trees, the birds and the bees is paradisaical for me.

No need to fly endless hours to find a foreign beach or location.

I simply slip out of the sun-room door and there I am with my cup of tea, or even a meal to meditate.

It’s relaxing to my eyes after my computer work and internal work.

Grounding On Grass Meditation:

Move to the outside world where all is natural, with your bare feet planted on the ground or even lying down on the grass, mat or not.

Enjoy the sensations of the earth, called grounding.

It can take a few minutes to hours, whatever I choose.

Do you also have a meditative moment outside, in the sun, with bare-feet on the ground?

Or picnicking your lunch while enjoying the sun with a gentle breeze?

Watching the birds, bees or flowers and trees?

Try it daily, you might like it. I do.


Can People Pleasing Be A Hidden Link?

Is your hidden link people pleasing?

It has been for me…what about you?

Try to please yourself before you please people.

Try to please yourself before you please people.

Summary of Kaliopi Nikitas on People Pleasing:

  • People pleasing and chronic illness
  • Nervous system and stress response
  • Suppressing your own emotions
  • Suppressing assertiveness and own needs
  • Impacts Immune System
  • Chronic state of stress
  • Lifetime people pleasing stress

Remember: We all have stress, choose wisely after what you learnt today.

In case you missed it:

Drop Five Inches Of Belly Bloat To Feel Happy Better

Great Success Dropping Up To Five Inches In Ten Days

I was doing so well on the Microbiome Labs products.

But my nutritionist requested I drop ALL supplements to retry all of them one at a time as my health became a medical emergency.


Eliminating all supplements helped me to rediscover which supplements were actually helping me and whether my body was absorbing them.

It was a relief for a short while to have no tablets, capsules and powders to take and I welcomed the relief of pill fatigue.

It didn’t take long before I could see which supplements were working while I was taking them. It took about 6 weeks before I was begging my new GP to reintroduce the Microbiome Labs MegaSporebiotic.

My belly was bloated to the max without Sporebiotic.

It was a hot mess!

I was tempted to purchase maternity clothing during the time I was off MegaSporebiotic! Fortunately I had some clothes I used before I was introduced to MegaSporebiotic.


Reintroducing them again was another experience as I recorded all of the slight changes occurring daily making it easier for me to share the possible outcomes of slowly introducing MegaSporebiotic.

After the first week I felt great relief, but it took a few more weeks before I could put those “maternity” clothes away. I measured my bloated gut previously curious as to how Megasporebiotic would impact my bloating measurement.

Steps 2 and 3:

Sure enough…I lost five inches of belly bloat and it hasn’t returned since I continued with the 3 month course. I am currently on the second month having reintroduced the MegaPre, which is the prebiotic , the food that feeds the MegaSporebiotic bacteria.

Next month I will reintroduce the MegaMucosa for the sealing of the lining of the intestines preventing leaky gut. Whew. What a relief.

My clients are also finding the same results as mine, which I am so happy to hear.

I even opened an online shop to make the products more available for the Australian Customers and especially for Perth, my hometown, to expedite the delivery of the products.

Also for me to meet and greet my clients face to face to assist them through their journey and success.

Buy it here:

Try Microbiome Labs Sporebiotic available here: for AEWA Shop for Australians and for all International orders.

A three month course of supplements with full instructions is available to guide you to rebuild your microbiome for your gut health.


Chemotherapy. Is It More Harmful Than Helpful?

What is Chemotherapy?

Lecture From Dr Koo Wen Hsin in 1999

Disclaimer: Notes recorded by Debby Blettner

Dr Koo Wen Hsin is an Oncologist visiting Perth WA, from Singapore.

He sat in the audience, as a student, for three days before surprising everyone by standing on stage giving us all a lecture!

His lecture is about Hospice Care.

What is Chemotherapy? Cytotoxic drugs, (ie cell/toxic), chemical agents for the treatment of cancer.

1) To cure cancer.

2) To improve the chances of curing the cancer.

3) Prolong life.

4) To relieve symptoms.

Ninety percent of cancer cannot be cured by chemotherapy. Colon, breast and lung cancers cannot be killed by chemotherapy, and these cancers make up 90% of all cancers.

Testicular tumors, ovarian cancer, leukemia’s in children, Hodgkin’s disease are very sensitive to chemicals and can be killed by chemotherapy.

Non Hodgekin’s Cancer, of the Lymph Nodes generally speaking, is very chemotherapy sensitive, also radiation works on these cancers.

Testicular cancer is very chemotherapy sensitive.

Dr. Hsin is a Palliative Physician, a Hospice doctor.

Non sensitive cancer:

  • It will do more harm than good to be given chemotherapy.

These include:

  • Non–small-cell lung cancer.
  • Liver cancer.
  • Renal Cell cancer.
  • Brain tumors.
  • Cancer of unknown primary.

Moderately Chemo Sensitive:

These include:

  • Small cell lung cancer.
  • Breast cancer.
  • Colon cancer.
  • Stomach cancer.

After surgery the cancer can return – 5 – 10 years which equals cured to a doctor.

Doctors give chemotherapy to improve the chances of survival and reduce the chances of relapse.

There are 3 types of Chemotherapy given:

Adjuvant chemotherapy, systemic chemotherapy and Palliative chemotherapy –all given to improve the chances.

The Immune System is lowered by Chemotherapy.

A Clinical trial took place:

Phase one trial – there was a request for volunteers. These volunteers were given drugs with no proven effect on cancer. The Clinical trial was required to give records of what damage the drugs will do. How much damage? Some volunteers died.

Phase 2: With the results of the Trial, the concentration of drugs is worked out.

Phase 3: New drug is compared with the gold standard, which has the best response etc., and is marketed.

“How long is my chemotherapy?”

This depends on:

1) Tumour size.

2) Symptom control.

3) Quality of life.

It is difficult to tell.

Adjuvant chemotherapy, where there is no more cancer, it has been surgically removed, is to prevent a relapse. Many don’t relapse anyway, even without 6 months of chemotherapy!

If cat scan shows up black, with defined edges, it usually indicates cancer, also ultrasound.

  • Liver cancer, surgery is only method, remove part of it, if can.
  • Not chemotherapy sensitive, liver cancer, but it does respond to Chinese herbs.
  • Symptom control- just check if symptoms are improving.
  • Quality of life – Stomach cancer cannot be cured by chemotherapy.

A woman with stomach cancer could eat and drink after chemotherapy, but she had a goal in mind, her wedding, a new apartment, she was not cured but she achieved her goal!

Results of Chemotherapy:

  • hair loss
  • vomiting.
  • Bone marrow suppression.
  • Low resistance.

The bad part of chemotherapy, is that every organ of the body can be affected by chemotherapy. Very tired after chemotherapy. Many bad results from chemotherapy, a long list of side effects.

After chemotherapy there were results on the patients x-rays, but the patient had no energy. He took herbal medicine and massage to maintain his function – lung and brain tumor. He stopped chemotherapy. The chemotherapy couldn’t heal, but took away the quality of life. He was given a choice of two years of lying at home or one year of active life, without chemotherapy. The patient needs to decide on their fate.

Chemotherapy Costs:

1) Consultation.

2) Lab tests.

3) Medication. In Singapore, all of these are very expensive.

4) Others – most important! The carer, the person taking care of the cancer patient, may have to give up their job to help the patient, has to wait with the patient to see the doctor. Consider the carer when deciding whether or not to take chemotherapy.

Today’s doctor is:

1) Scientist.

2) Saint.

3) Shopkeeper.

Therefore 5-10% people really benefit from chemotherapy!

Therefore every patient is offered chemotherapy.

“How long do I have to live?”

The doctor will study the Median Survival Chart of Statistics.

The general figure is figured out by statistics.

The first person lives three years and the rest live longer.

The doctor will inform the patient that he has three years to live!

Gross misrepresentation. Very inaccurate. It is impossible to predict.

Statistics only.

Evidence based herbs – lots of evidence to support for immune system! Not much scientific evidence for it.

How do I prepare for chemo?

1) Nutrition.

2) Exercise.

3) Talk to others. It’s hard travelling alone.

Cancer is a word, not a sentence.

Oncologists always treat, forget to prevent!

What they practice full time is what is supposed to be done after communication and nutrition.

Support groups respond much better to treatments than those that are hidden at home.

Neuro phycho neurology – right frame of mind affects hormones. Lab studies have proven this! Too much trust is in Lab’s and chemicals.

To cure sometimes, to relieve often, to comfort always!

Dr. Hsin showed a slide of two handfuls of drugs, which were taken by a patient each day – add a dressing and it can become a meal!

Dr Hsin showed a slide of a mother holding a baby that had a man’s head, a shirt and tie, a reminder to cuddle and hold close the person in need.

Dr. Hsin apologized for his lack of knowledge of nutrition care.

400 lymph nodes are around the neck and in underarms. Regional lymph nodes. Clusters of white blood cell – nodes.

Inject dye into tumor and wait and see how many lymph nodes are connected. Remove those. Lymph removal depends on the surgeon.

There is a group of doctors that are very aggressive with chemicals. They cause vomiting, hair loss, nausea, but this is no problem to the doctor, no worries to him, only to the patient.

There are injectable Chinese remedies.

Massage and oral Chinese medicine. Chi kung and tai- chi.

NB: Dr. Hsin also said that,

The Oncologist looks at the problem and focuses on the cure of the problem and often forgets about the patient.”

Read Next:

The Immune System: Helpful Gifts For Our Survival

From Dr Ivy Bullen in 1999

Disclaimer: Notes recorded by Debby Blettner

Immune System:

Dr Bullen first explained about the different cells present, the T Cells, T Helper Cells, T Suppressor Cells, Natural Killer Cells and B Cells.

  • The Thymus is the training ground for the immune system and is located under the chest bone, the sternum. Tapping this area, with your fingers, at least 20 times per day has the effect of stimulating the immune system.
  • B Cells are made in marrow and they spot viruses. After spotting the virus they become an ammunition factory of antibodies. This is not the most effective way of fighting cancer because they need ammunition to shoot.
  • “Cytokines” say grow, and “Anticytokines” say stop. This red light, green light system needs to be balanced for controlled growth and good health. If the brakes fail the cells reproduce and divide without check, and tumors develop.
  • NK Cells poke “fingers” into cancer cells and inject granules into the cancer cells (perforans), to kill their target. If their target is a cancer cell, they inject the granules and chemical reaction results in blowing a hole in the cancer cell to kill it!
  • The KSR’s (Stimulating receptors) detect between normal body cells and cancer cells and tell the NK when to kill. It leaves the normal cells alone. An inhibitory cell tells the NK cells to leave the normal cell alone and protects it!

If your immune system is fully switched on, you won’t get cancer.

Power of Prayer:

Three hundred patients in a group were separated into two groups. People from outside the group were given information on the cancer patients. One group of cancer patients was not prayed for and the other was.

The people prayed for had less death, were sent home earlier, had less cardio arrests, healed much faster and had less problems than the group that was not prayed for!

Any surgery can depress the immune system.

Do anything you can to take antioxidants after surgery to build it up to counteract the depression to your immune system.

Immune typing is a Blood test to check for NK’s (Natural Killer Cells.) Another name for it is LSM, (Lymphocyte surface markers).

There are 5 known causes of cancer:

1) Carcinogens– poisons

2) Genetic Disposition

3) Radiation

4) Diet

5) Life Styles and Stress

  • Genetic Disposition:
  • or predisposition.
  • An experiment was performed on mice, all of which had the same genetics. They all had oncogenes, which predispose them to cancer.
  • Some were given four times greater stress than the others, and they developed cancer. The highly stressed mice developed cancer, not the non-stressed ones.
  • Both groups were ‘oncogene’ predisposed. The gun was loaded, it just needed a trigger. Stress is often the trigger.
  • Japanese women have the lowest levels of breast cancer in the world. Yet, Japanese women in Hawaii have a much higher incidence of breast cancer. Could this be related to diet, or lifestyle?
  • Life Style and Stress:
  • A workaholic is someone who works 60-70 hours a week with no time for rest. They have high physical and emotional stress.
  • 8 hours of sleep is required.
  • Interleukins (produced by sleep), are good for the immune system.
  • Laughter, singing, and quiet meditation and thinking positive thoughts also greatly benefit the immune system as does exercise recreation and healthy food.
  • Avoid junk food.

Emotional Stress:

1) Inability to express emotions.

2) Unresolved conflicts.

3) Unresolved problems.

4) Denial behavior.

5) Excessive need for approval.

6) Helplessness.

The above have been found to be common in cancer patients.

  • Anger:
  • It is very important to express your emotions and tell the other person you are angry. An alternative to this is to run around the block, to get rid of anger.
  • Confusion about medical procedures and options for treatment can be very stressful.
  • Denial:
  • Denial of any health problems, spending lots of time helping others at the neglect of your own health can sometimes be symptoms of denial, ignoring the problem or not wanting to face it or accept it.

All these things can lead to stress, which can encourage cancer. It is not what happens to you but how you react to what happens to you, that is experience!

It is important to focus on the person, not the disease, to change the outcome of the illness. A change of thought patterns causes different hormones and chemicals to be secreted in the body. So a positive mind and keeping on top of things is very important.

A total of 152 very ill patients were studied. Those with a positive attitude responded better to treatment and did better than negative patients with less serious diseases!

Depression is very bad for the immune system and Natural Killer Cell count. Look at your stress level to improve your immune system.

Read Next:

Nutrition Is Important For Cancer Patients: Can Save Lives

Nutrition: By Dr. I. Brighthope

Disclaimer: Notes recorded by Debby Blettner

Dated 1998: Dr. Ian Brighthope specializes in Nutritional Medicine with particular interest in cancer. He is the President of the Australian College of Nutritional Medicine and Fellow of the International College of Applied Nutrition, Fellow of the New York Academy of Orthomolecular Psychiatry and Author of a number of Books.

What are the reasons for nutrition for cancer patients?

-To put an antioxidant on every cell of your body.

-To increase resistance on the assault of Medical Professions.

Selenium is a very important mineral. Everyone is deficient!

Spontaneous Remission is very possible. Life style, diet, mental state all affect your health greatly!

White sugar is the best-marketed drug on the market. It is a KILLER! Without exception, patients do better without it!

-Vitamin C is the most powerful Antioxidant, made available quickly to your body, with no side effects.

Too much protein causes the liver to stress.

-Vegetable juices, carrot, celery, wheat-grass and beetroot, give lots of antioxidants.

-Any seeds suppress cancer, sunflower, sesame, pumpkin for example.

-Mushrooms are very good for the immune system.

-Metaplasia –means pre-malignant.

-Cook your food with garlic and ginger. It is a big help to your body.

“Itis”may result in cancer, example- hepatitis due to a depressed immune system.

-Exercise is very important.

Phytoestrogens are chemicals from plants that are helpful to the body.

Wheat grass juice and barley green are good.

-Pumpkin, sunflower and apricot kernels are great. 4-6 kernels a day is recommended.

Aloe Vera gel: put on all affected skin, before and after Radiation Treatment, to prevent burns.

Intravenous Vitamin C should be taken before and after Chemotherapy for best results, and least side affects.

-50mg of Vit C a day, does not optimize health.

-We need Vit C because we don’t produce it or store it in our bodies.

-Vit C is a natural sedative.

S (Sex?)

A Attitude

L Life Style

A Activity

D Diet

Remember, SALAD!

-Garlic detoxifies chemicals and is active against infection.

Mistletoe kills cancer cells and increases the immune system.

Red Clover is a blood cleanser and helps with breast and ovarian and all cancers.

Chaparral is an excellent antioxidant herb.

Aloe Vera is an antioxidant.

Comfreyaccelerates the healing of wounds. Use as a tea. Use only for 1 month at the most, each time, as it can cause liver problems. You can grow it yourself.

Wheat grass – You can grow your own. One thimble-sized juice is full of antioxidants.

Echinacea AngustitoliaExcellent for chronic bronchitis. Can be taken by tablet or tea.

Cortizone suppresses the immune system.

Pao d’Arco – tahibo tree, the bark suppresses cancer cell growth.

Tea tree oilgood for skin infections.

Dandelion – liver stimulation and kidney excretory purposes. Good for Radiotherapy.

Berberis – Liver, Burdock root, blood cleansers. Used in Japan.

-Japanese tea is different from Chinese green tea.

GinsengDon’t use with active cancer patients. It gives too much stimulation. Use it when the cancer is under control.

Golden Seal – Helps to heal mucous membranes.

-Shelf Fungus – Mushrooms, shitaki mushrooms or powders, stimulate the immune system.

Antibiotic Prescription is a plague of the human race.


-Legumes, soya products

-Grains, Linseed.

-Herbs- black cohosh, (important female hormone), red clover

-Soya lowers breast cancer.

-Hormone replacement increases Oestrogens, which is dangerous.

Isoflavones – do have an effect on breast cancer- get on to it! Soy products!

-160mg\day recommended tablet for breast cancer. 120-180mg\day in 3-4 tablets a day. It is not cheap! Do it for 2-3 months and then drop to 1 tablet per day.

(Check with GP)

-Take in linseed and soya daily.

Acidophilus is very good for gut bacteria.

Laughter is the best medicine.

-Animal products are more acidic.

-Use more alkaline products, more vegetables\fruits, etc.

-Drink water 1\2 hour before meals. Hydrate every cell in body. Drink before the meal and not with the meal as you dilute all the digestive juices.

-Berries, seeds, nuts, juices are all very good.

-Linseed is good to take daily, but it must be ground up and used the same day.

Mainstream Medicine is not scientific.

A lot of the cancer survivors are mostly out of the mainstream Medicine and Doctors.


Horizon Vision Makes a Great Difference In My Sleep Patterns


By “Dusty” Susan Dustin

For years I have put my work station facing a window, or at the very least, had regular breaks by looking out a window into the distance.

I have done this for my eye health and in the morning to set my internal, circadian rhythm, clock. It has made a great difference in my sleep patterns and quality of work.

But there are other benefits too it seems. On my walks from here on out, I am going to consciously seek out the horizon more often.

“Getting outdoors or looking outside deserves special mention. The neuroscientist Andrew Huberman talks about the calming effect of horizon vision on our nervous system.

When we are staring at something close up for long periods of time (think iPhone or Zoom) our brains are vigilant and focused which leads to increased levels of norepinephrine (an adrenalin like molecule) in the brain which, guess what, creates low-grade anxiety.

Sound familiar?

The antidote is to get outside and look out into the horizon, intentionally.

If you are stuck inside look out a window or even across the room for several minutes multiple times a day.

Horizon vision diminishes the brain’s vigilance and therefore lowers norepinephrine levels, which reduces anxiety.” —Dr. Michael Maddaus

Facebook: Dusty Su Freebird

What Causes Autoimmune Disease, Can I Feel Better?

Transcribed by

Claim a FREE PDF: Sleep Well Tonight + FREE E-Program to help you feel better.

By Dr Tom O’Bryan and Jonathan Landsman

What Causes Autoimmune Disease?

Jonathan: What are the top causes of Autoimmune Disease?

This is a serious topic which we are going to discuss three natural tips to reverse it. This is very important information.

Lots of people are suffering from Autoimmune Disease.

There are over one hundred diseases out there. Dr Tom O’Bryan is an expert on Autoimmune Disease and helping people to get out of the problems.

Let’s talk about the top causes of Autoimmune Disease.

Dr Tom: Everybody asks what is an Autoimmune Disease. The body’s immune system…designed to protect you, decides to attack your own body’s tissues. That is the autoimmune mechanism. Why is that happening?

Has your immune system gone haywire? And the answer is no. Almost all the time the immune system has not gone haywire, it’s trying to protect you. What is it trying to protect you is the million dollar question. And the most common “triggers” in the medical literature are:

Most Common ‘Triggers’ – Environmental Toxins- air you breathe, water we drink, etc

The first one is Environmental Toxins– air that you breathe, water we drink and sometimes the air we breathe indoors is more toxic than the outdoor air, so you have to learn about that.

Foods – WHEAT (Non-Celiac Wheat Related Disorder)

The second one is foods associated with autoimmunity is – WHEAT (Non-Celiac Wheat Related Disorder) not just Celiac patients, but all of us. It used to be called Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity but now we know it’s much more than just gluten. We now call it Non-Celiac Wheat Related Disorder.

And the third one is bacteria that’s getting out of our gut and into the blood stream. Let’s say the bacteria is called Proteus. If it gets into your blood stream and your immune system makes antibodies to fight Proteus.

It’s like Proteus has an orange vest, and the antibodies are looking for the orange vest in the blood stream, but the surface of your joints, the protein on the surface of your joints called Collagen includes what looks like the orange vest, the protein signature of the Proteus.

So the antibodies, going after Proteus can attack your joints. Then you start getting the inflammation that can start the whole autoimmune mechanism against your joints. You get Rheumatoid Arthritis. Just go into Google and type in Rheumatoid Arthritis and Proteus and you’ll see some of the studies on that.

That’s true for Multiple Scoliosis and Psoriasis and losing your hair called Alopecia. Most Autoimmune diseases, we now know have an antigenic, fancy word for a trigger, that the immune system is attacking that trigger and it may go after your tissue.

And so it’s wheat, environmental toxins and bacteria. Those are the big three.

Jonathan: You just really want an answer, that Western mindset. Tell me what I have got to do to get rid of Autoimmune Disorders. I’ve been exposed to environmental toxins, bacteria and wheat.

You’re eight, you’re ten, you’re fifteen, you’re twenty years old. Everything was ok. Why are you sounding the alarm about all of these things and why are you saying to everybody that these are the top causes for Autoimmune Disorders when I was fine my whole life?

It’s only NOW that I’m suffering. How could it be these things? What’s your answer Dr Tom to those who are thinking that way, right now.

Dr Tom: That’s a really good question and the answer is:

The straw that broke the Camel’s back.

We have more toxins in our environment than ever before in the history of humanity.

We suffer from toxic OVERLOAD in our environment!

The list is startling and overwhelming to learn just how much this is going. You want to know how bad your air is where you live? Go to a car wash, a nice car wash. Drive home, park outside, set your alarm for four hours.

Go back outside, run your hand across the windshield of your car. That’s what you’re breathing, all the time. And that particulate matter can be very, very toxic and in most cities, it is.

Car fresheners – I won’t go into an Uber if it’s got an air freshener, cancel the ride and do another one. Every exposure just adds a little more.

Your analogy of a bath tub of water…every exposure, a little more water in the tub, and a little more water in the tub, and a little more water in the tub.

Just think of the clothing you wear, going often to the cleaners, and if you don’t go to a green cleaner, the chemicals are in your shirt, your pants, your coat and they out-gas it into the air and you’re breathing this stuff.

That’s just one more load, a little more water in the bath tub.

You pump gas. When you pump gas, can you sometimes smell the benzine? You smell the gas? You’re smelling Benzine! Benzine, when you’re smelling it is causing a ‘leaky brain’. When you’re smelling it, you’ve heard of ‘leaky gut’, you get a ‘leaky brain’ which activates inflammation in the brain every time you smell it.

So when you have to get gas, you smell the gas because you’re downwind, walk around the other side of the hose and now you’re upwind. We have to start thinking like that, the little things we can do to reduce the load, the toxic load that we’re being exposed to.

We have more toxins in our environment than ever before in the history of humanity.

Every exposure adds a little more in the tub, analogy of water in a tub. When you get a leaky gut, you get a leaky brain. Start thinking of little things that help us to reduce the toxic load that we are being exposed to.

Jonathan: You know I am educating you on these things a little bit more, but I have to be honest with you, a lot of the health providers I work with, they often have said to me, their experience with the public is that most people are not interested in prevention. And that’s a sad commentary.

I’m hoping it’s wrong for the people who are watching this video, I’ll be very honest with you, but that is exactly what we are talking about here.

It’s appreciating all of these things before they become a real problem, should be addressed. We should really be making this a top priority. Have fun with it! Don’t get stressed about it.

We’re now getting into three natural tips that we have for you that will absolutely help you to calm things down. Because when we aren’t mindful, we are living a pro-inflammatory lifestyle when we aren’t very disciplined in our own life, just like Dr Tom just mentioned… ‘No, I won’t get into an Uber that smells like an air freshener.’ Or changing the position where you are standing at a gas station so you can be upwind and breathe air that is okay.

Let’s talk about some of the ways that we can help people to know that they are going in the right direction and can calm down this inflammatory response in the body. And they don’t always have to live with these Autoimmune Disorders.

Dr Tom: I’m going to comment first on what you said about most people don’t think about prevention, and that’s true unfortunately and for those who are watching this at this point you haven’t clicked off, it’s because you are thinking about prevention. For those who don’t think about prevention, well you’ll come back when you’re sick enough. That’s all you can do and it’s when they’re ready.

So I was asked to give three things that can help with the entire Autoimmune Mechanism:

The first one is Test…Don’t Guess. Find a Practitioner who will run the test for you to see, are you in danger right now?

Get a doctor that will run the test to see…are you at risk RIGHT NOW?

Because you don’t develop an autoimmune disease when you get the symptoms of your hair falling out or you’re wearing socks to bed, ‘cause you’re so cold, which is a thyroid thing. That’s not when you develop the disease. That’s when you’ve killed off so much tissue. Now the symptoms are obvious that it’s years beforehand that this occurs, so you want to test to identify if you are on the Autoimmune Spectrum.

The second thing is Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Sugar Free

FREE!! Live: Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Sugar Free

Go squeaky clean, gluten free, dairy free and sugar free for three weeks. Just see how you feel and if you notice that you’re feeling better overall, no cheating for three weeks, you can be assured that there was an autoimmune mechanism going on in your body to some degree.

Jonathan: What was the exact testing that would be a good for them to do with the right healthcare provider?

Dr Tom: You can go to my website: All the tests are there.

The bottom line, there’s two laboratories there, is that tests there that go in that direction , there are a number of tests, depends on which one you need. One laboratory is Cyrex Laboratories, the other one is Vibrant Wellness Laboratories, and the second one is the most current, up to date, comprehensive of any thing on the planet, but both of those are really good labs and which test depends on your genetics, your history, your family history.

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Jonathan: The biggest thing obviously food-wise for a lot of you dealing with Autoimmune Disorders is definitely food number two. Take a good, hard look at the glutenous foods that you might be eating, that conventional dairy out there, the processed sugars, really be okay with doing this kind of work and start getting them out of your life. As Dr Tom just mentioned it’s so important to realize that in the next few weeks you make these changes, you should feel a lot better.


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