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Emotional Healing

By Debby Blettner

Emotional healing to me is personal.

Each of us have our own journey, deep, shallow or neutral. My journey has been mostly deep, not intended, it just happened to be that way.

A lot depends on our reactions, choices and perceptions of each event that passes through our lives, daily, weekly or seasonal. I see it as our souls growing, expanding and living our truth. Without the emotional healing we get stuck. With the healing we move forward where the happiness, joy and love live.

Self-love, self-care, self-acceptance are all part of the journey. Without emotional healing we may not see ourselves as human. We may seem separated from our body, living in our mind and missing the key ingredient to humanity.

Self-love affects our emotions and especially our healing.

The healing process can seem overwhelming at times, but pay special attention and you will start to feel the real you once again.

Embrace tears, let them flow, for joy or for sorrow. Live a full, rich, fulfilling life with a surrendered heart with a flow of emotions, facing the truth so you can follow your dearest dreams.

Self-educate on emotional healing to bring to life your physical healing.

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