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Individualized Nutrition: Could It Make You Feel Better?

Individualized Nutrition: Could It Make You Feel Better?

With Dr Ivy Bullen from Cancer Retreat Lectures in 1999.

Disclaimer: Notes recorded by Debby Blettner

This next lecture is about nutrition presented by Dr. Ivy Bullen.

Nutrition can prevent 63% of health killer diseases such as cancer, heart attacks and strokes.

Diet patterns – are linked especially with breast and colon cancer.

Chew well – 23 times for each bite. Drink nothing with a meal to digest fully. Water – will dilute gastric juices in stomach.

Free Radicals cause damage to our bodies. They neutralize themselves by attaching themselves to our body cells. Free radicals are attacked by Antioxidants. Some foods are very high in Antioxidants.

Many things affect the food we eat:

1) Quality

2) Quantity

3) Efficiency of digestion.

4) Everyone is different.

Let’s first look at quality of food:

The soil, chemicals and the manufacturing of food, the trace elements are governed by farming. Is the soil overworked?

Chicken, in Australia, is soaked in chlorine, before it is sold. This makes the flesh a pink type color, instead of the original yellow color seen in many Asian countries. Even “free range” chicken is under this law, but escapes the added antibiotics that are added daily to the chicken feed.

People with chronic fatigue do much better after they change to organic food. Excellent food is needed right after surgery. It is often very difficult to get in hospitals. In Australia, the hospital food is very inadequate. When a person is sick they need better than average food to help them get better.

People on vegetarian diets seem to do better with an increase in the variety of vegetables and fruit in their diet.

There are 8 amino acids that you must take in daily. The right types of foods are needed for this.

There are various food groups that need to be eaten daily:

1) Cereals, nuts, rice and seed groups.

2) Legumes and tofu, soy group.

For a vegetarian, they must take food from both these groups daily to obtain the 8 amino acids that are needed to replace red meat.

Fish is very good, but add to the diet after chemotherapy and radiation treatments are completed. Deep sea oily fish contain essential Omega 3 fatty acids.

Mullet, tuna, salmon and sardines are examples of deep sea oily fish.

Oil, when cold pressed, during manufacturing, and not heated, do not contain free radicals. Buy Extra Virgin Olive Oil in a brown bottle for best results. Do not heat oil to prevent free radicals from developing.

Processed food is dead food and should be avoided.

Sugar is stress food, and causes hyperactive behavior. Better to develop low stress eating habits.

A study in Australia on sugar intake by the public was done at the turn of the century and the following statistics were shown:

People consumed 4-5 lbs. pounds, per head, per year.

They consumed 25 lbs. per head, per year, after the war.

The early 90’s showed that they consumed 120 lbs. per head, per year. These statistics can be halved to get the weight in kilos.

Sugar is in tinned foods, packed cereals, cakes, biscuits, drinks, coco-cola, Soya drinks, yogurt, diet cola, which also has some very nasty chemicals in it.

Dried fruit is highly concentrated sugar, though natural, still sugar and the body reacts the same as receiving sugar. Should be reserved for special occasions.

The Macdonald’s Hamburgers are sometimes water buffalo meat and beef from the cow. The health department can’t tell the difference. Macdonald’s buys it for 50 cents a kilo. Hamburger helper, which tastes like beef has been an addition to the hamburgers, when beef was in short supply. ( Stated by the late, Dr Ivy Bullen, 1999)

Lysteria on vegetables in hotels can develop just from being in the fridge.

Always wash fruit and vegetables very well, with a vegetable wash from the health food shops. If possible, drain and rinse in fresh water with a cup of cider vinegar in it.

This doesn’t kill the lysteria, but it slows it down. Lysteria doesn’t like lemon juice or lime, and they are good to pour over fresh salads. Lysteria doesn’t like the acids.

Fresh veges are better than frozen, as they contain more antioxidants!

Peel all root veges, due to possible soil problems.

Limit oil in salads and only use cold pressed oils, such as olive oil.

Preferable to grow 1/3 of your veges, eat 1/3 organic, and 1/3 from regular market.

Raw food is healthy food. The longer veges are cooked, the less nutrients they contain. Lots of salads are recommended, but do not keep overnight. Use same day.

Vegetable juices, mix of carrots, celery and beetroot are best taken 2 times a day, 2 glasses, and 750 mls- 1000 mls especially during treatment times.

Alfalfa sprouts produce toxins to protect themselves. Causes blood disorder in cows. Eat lettuce, fennelcreek, snowpea, sunflower sprouts.

Try seed crackers with avocado, tomato, sunflower seeds and pepper.

Tempe is made from fermented soy products. Cook in low salt soy sauce or cut in strips and eat in salads or “stir fries”.

Almonds and Brazil nuts are protected from oxidation by their protective coats. Raw cashews are not protected, no protective shell.

Peanuts can be infected by a fungus, which leaves a toxin and can cause liver cancer.

Pasta is processed and not recommended for daily intake.

Plastic electric jugs are not good to use, due to the chemicals released from the plastic when it is heated.

Microwave ovens are very dangerous and are not recommended for cancer patients, or anyone who is conscious of their health.

Aluminium saucepans are also not safe to heat.

White flour is heavily processed.

Avoid caffeine, coffee, chocolate and tea to avoid adverse effects.

Peppermint tea is good for digestion and Chamomile is good for sleep.

Unprocessed honey is preferred if sweet is needed. Processed honey is often cut with sugar.

Drinks that have no added sugar are concentrated, the water has been removed, then added to reconstitute. They don’t add as much water again, so it is recommended to dilute it by 50% again.

Fruits are complex carbohydrates. Dark grape juice is very concentrated. Red grape juice also contains lots of antioxidants!

The immune system is very sensitive to wine. The brain, liver and immune system respond better to no alcohol.

Red meat and animal fat contain chemicals and antibiotics.

Orange juice that says it has no added sugar is covered legally due to the fact that the amount of sugar added is to cover the taste of the peel and pith that is added while being processed.

Japanese green tea is very good, especially for Oesophageal cancer. It is made from new green shoots and has a negligible amount of caffeine in the growing part of the plant. 4 cups of green tea a day is very good. It is full of Antioxidants!

Margarine is very bad for us. It has been a liquid and chemicals are used to make it a solid. Additives are added and more chemicals. The oils are heated to make it a solid.

Butter is a dairy product and contains animal fat, which is not recommended for health reasons. Good alternatives to butter are avocado, hommus, (chic pea dip), and mashed banana.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), is better without dairy products. Asthma is better without dairy products.

Sensitivity to dairy products can cause health problems.

Children up to 3 or 4 have rennin in their stomachs and can therefore digest dairy products better. After that it becomes more difficult to digest properly.

Good alternatives are soy milk, especially calcium enriched if available, tofu, and veges, for extra calcium. Soy cheese is also a good alternative for occasional use.

Calcium is used to make Tofu.

Goats milk is more easily digested than cow’s milk.

Take goat’s or sheep’s yogurt, rather than dairy.

If you have arthritis, give up milk.

Smoking has an anti Vitamin C effect.

Salt has an effect on calcium requirements, if stopped then you increase your calcium intake. Rock salt and sea salt is not recommended for this reason.

Salt is very bad for Osteoporosis. Low salt Tamari Soy Sauce is recommended to use instead of regular Soy sauce. But only 1 tablespoon a day, to help flavor a meal.

Calcium also is affected by too much protein, if the protein intake is very high, the calcium level drops.

Salt is connected to hypertension. If using heavy labor, and losing lots of sweat, then add salt on food, otherwise not.

Tofu should be used within 48 hours of purchase.

Chop a selection of veges and place them in a little low salt soy sauce, add fresh ginger and garlic and cook. Cook harder veges first, and steam and gradually add all the veges.

Add precooked brown rice after veges are cooked, chinese mushrooms, shitake mushrooms, slice small and thin and add. Add “ultra cube”, vegetable stock cube, to ginger and garlic. Steam all in water and you have healthy “fried rice”.

List of Antioxidant Vitamins and Minerals:

1) Vitamin A.

2) Vitamin C.

3) Vitamin E.

4) Minerals- Zinc

5) Selenium.

6) Enzyme COQ10 , S.O.D.

Note: End of lecture. My husband and I followed this counsel for over 14 years and felt all the better for it! It leaves no room for junk food, fried food, or sugar and has done us a world of good, not only for the cancer, but for a range of other illnesses as well.

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