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The Garden Of My Heart

The Joy and Beauty of Garden Meditation

By Debby Blettner

Five stairs, five minutes, at five o’clock-

“In the cool of the day He walks with me, in the rose bordered way He talks with me. In perfect communion we have our full union in the garden of my heart”(1)

Treading lightly, spreading my toes between the pathway of white, gold-hearted Frangipani flowers, to avoid crushing them, I enter my garden.

Hugging the branch of my lemon tree assures me all is well. Lemon tree is half blackened on her trunk; she has seen better days, yet her fruit is delicious, organic and healing for me.

Stunning red Bottle-brush tree awaits me next brushing my shoulder with her velvety brush, followed by Hibiscus, pink and fresh, Poinsettia pale yellow, our dear rabbits contributing to the greenery of the garden, a spacious grape vine drawing me close to check her timely fruit.

Reaching for the sky is my shade tree, housing several hanging baskets overlaid with cacti, eye-catching red lustrous flowers, bold and beautiful, Rattail cactus and Red Orchid Cactus Flower.

A few more steps to the Lantana bush spreading her generous flowers o’er the pet graves beneath; a continual reminder of their presence. Visiting the white/pink flower tree I discover her secret, she buds white and matures pink, bearing white and pink flowers simultaneously at any one time.

Pink Frangipani approaches my sight beside Christmas red Poinsettia. More flamboyant pink Hibiscus to complete the setting.

Crossing over the garden I engage with two Palm trees, more Bottle-brush with Ivy covered trunks, a monumental Grass Tree I am learning to sculpture; Bougainvillea, fluorescent purple, Jacaranda in full bloom, lilac in color, reaching to the sky, and the lowly parsley bush feeding our family with herbs.

During my healing I spent time daily meditating on God’s creation, my own backyard, watching the birds visiting, nesting, fighting for territory, eating, droppings and singing. My meditation was timeless and beautiful.

Our family united together to watch the Kookaburras visit, or the Cockatoos in their crowd, the Doves so gentle, the Willy Wagtails that claimed most of the yard, Ravens oft visiting also with other birds of names I know not.

Healing arrived for me this year. Instead of sitting and watching I became a tender of the garden, trimming, edging, weeding, watering, fertilizing, raking, checking and maintaining the reticulation, recycling the rabbits offerings into manure for the plants.

I have witnessed my Palm tree, flattened to the ground, when the back fence collapsed after a heavy storm, only to find my dear husband rescuing it, roots intact standing once again, unharmed. I took strength from this tree. I wrapped my arms around several trees, felt their energy, their life, which fed my energy supply.

They are always there for me, all I need to do it walk out of my back door and I am with them.

I like to think that is how God is, a reflection of His creation, He is JUST always there. Ready to hug, a shoulder to cry on, something to admire, smell, see, feel, hear and maybe taste. A place to laugh, breathe, rest and reflect, and be.

Precisely five o’clock every afternoon I am drawn to our special garden, the one of my heart and the one of our yard. I unlock the treasures of my heart amidst the pruning, weeding, gathering watering, planting, in my garden.

The parallel for me is clear, both for my heart and my garden. Both need pruning, weeding, watering, fertilizing, edging, a gentle but firm hand to create the needed boundaries to perfect a beautiful garden.

(1) Refrain from: The Garden of My Heart, by Haldor Lillenas

Wheat, blessing or burden?

Wheat Causes Intestinal Permeability In Every Human

Presentation From Dr Tom O’Bryan and Professor Alessio Fasano on Wheat Disorders

Click on the link for the Video Version below to watch the presentation:

Transcript of Interview with Dr Tom O’Bryan and Professor Fasano on Intestinal Permeability, aka Leaky Gut Syndrome and Gluten.

Dr Tom O’Bryan:

Your team has published, and others have published that wheat, irrespective of Celiac disease, vulnerability or not, wheat can cause intestinal permeability in every human, every human. And that’s some of of the fastest growing cells in the body, we regenerate new cells every day. And some of the fastest ones are the inside lining of the intestines.

So some people will eat wheat, there is damage to the intestines that occurs, intestinal permeability, but it’s not pathogenic, that it heals. And they have a sandwich for lunch, and they cause permeability, but it heals, and pasta for dinner, cause permeability, but it heals.

And I’ve used that concept to say, and then one day, somewhere down the road, you cross an imaginary line, you lose oral tolerance, you don’t heal anymore, and now you have systemic inflammation.

Is that line of thinking fairly straightforward, or do we need to shift our thinking from that?

Professor Alessio Fasano:

So again, some people, you’re right, everybody, not just the people with Celiac disease or gluten leaks assume that when they eat gluten, they can increase gut permeability.

And again, some people they brought this concept to the extreme by saying, because of that, everybody should go gluten free because everybody will pay consequence of that. I believe that this is an oversimplification of a much more complex situation.

First of all, gluten is one of the many, many factors that can increase gut permeability. You know, stress, excessive use of alcohol, infections. There are many okay? So gluten is one of them, proximal bacterial over growth and so and so forth.

And that needs to be recognized, no matter what, though, and as I mentioned before, to really lose tolerance and develop problems, you have to have five elements with gut permeability, one of the five.

If you don’t have the genetic predisposition or you don’t have the exposure to an environmental trigger or your immune system is not diligent enough or the microbiome is defending you.

Despite that intestinal leaks, you’re not going to develop problems. You know, the more I study gluten, the more I realized that it really put in motions all the machines of defense that we use when we’re exposed to pathogens. Well, it’s the same kind of weaponry. We are supposed to value these all the time. Thankfully, lose the war very rarely.

And when we lose the war we develop infections. Otherwise it would be a disaster if every single time we’re exposed, we lost it. By the same token, you know, everybody that eats gluten leaks with the guts, but very rarely that translates to disease because takes much more really to get to the point to lose tolerance.

So the point that I’m trying to make, you can eat gluten every day for your life and if your intestine leaks on and off all the time. And that doesn’t translate into disease.

Or you can be an individual that eats gluten once a week.

And sure enough, that one time, because you have the perfect storm of the other elements coming, into play will lead to breaking tolerance. At that point, you’re that kind of vicious loop that ingesting gluten that is not matter anymore.


Helpful Information On Stress And It’s Affect On Our Health

Disclaimer: Notes recorded by Debby Blettner

What are fatal pleasures?

BBalya Lecture by Jason Han PhD, 1999

Psychologist, Jason Han PhD, began with a question:

“What are fatal pleasures? ”

Dying happy can also be dangerous..

Extreme joy can be stressful, but, “He died happy!”

The first lesson on Psychology is to observe. Watch other people in a queue, how they stand, waiting for their turn to pay for their goods. Dr. Han observed that one lady was reading a book. She was relaxing.

He suggested that we watch animals how they relax, for example cats.

Stress is beneficial up to certain point.

Up to this point, you increase your performance.

Past this point, your performance then deteriorates.

Eustress – with the stress of performance there is an increase in demand, the performance increases. Some people thrive on stress.

$50 -70 billion is spent each year on stress treatments in the US.

Coronary Heart disease, cancer and lung diseases, in fact the 6 major diseases known, are caused by stress.

Many people don’t admit to being depressed, they say, ” Me depressed, don’t make me laugh”.

There is such a thing as latent or hidden stress where people don’t realize they are getting into hot water. Dr Han gave the example of the frog in a pan of cool water that was placed on a stove. Unbeknownst to the frog, the pan was being heated. The frog didn’t realize until it was too late.

Worry, irritability, and sickness are all signs of stress.

What is stress? It is defined as the degree of arousal, how stirred up one becomes, if one is stirred up a lot, this is considered great stress!

Dr. Han drew a few graphs on the board to demonstrate. The greater the degree of stress, the lower the performance rate of the person.

Another graph was drawn to demonstrate the optimum stress level:

The level ‘A ‘ was the stress of boredom, not enough stress to keep any one excited about anything. Boredom can be stressful too.

Then there was the level “B”, which was a moderate level of pressure.

Level “C” was the stress of excess pressure. So the three categories were stress under-load, optimum stress, and stress overload.

Keep the stress in “B” level.

“A” level showed increasing ill health.

“B” showed increasing health, and

“C” showed increasing ill health.

Workaholics fit the “C” level.

When our bodies are under stress overload, our bodies start a distress response. It senses a threat and activates a distress response. The Hypothalamus is a part of the brain and the Pituitary Gland is the master gland that controls all hormone secretion.

ACTH Hormones are released when stressed. When these hormones are produced, and not used, they suppress the immune system. They produce corticosteroids, which give energy, glucose and carbohydrates. Adrenalines gets released first.

The body goes into a fight or flight response. This is not so suited to our modern lifestyle and to modern man! Stress affects lymphocytes.

Low stress should be a priority during radiotherapy treatments.

Spread things out, take your time. If you are building up too much stress take more time, slow down to be less likely to be in distress.

Why don’t zebras get ulcers? Because when they sense danger or are under stress, they use their flight response.

If you get stressed, go for a run or a brisk walk, or run around the block to use up all the corticosteroids.

The lesson is, if you get angry, use up these hormones, or don’t produce them at all. Chronic stress increases the chance of cancer. If you get angry it is good to go for a run and use up the excess adrenaline.

Cancer patients have weakened immune systems. Work on getting your immune system healthy, and watch out for stress.

“Time” is a very important word to high achievers. They are Type “A” personality. They talk fast, eat fast, walk fast and are agitated type people. It is good to reverse this!

Try to talk slowly, eat slowly, and spend a half an hour at each meal! Enjoy the food and be happy! Change the way we think about health and healing. Then hope and anticipation replace depression and despair.

Time can be very stressful – deadlines! The focus on the deadline for cancer patients can make them lose their ability to live.

One rule to remember:

Keep within Eustress – One thing at a time:

One step at a time

One day at a time

An efficient person never does anything in a hurry

The Precious Present

The past is history,

The future is a mystery,

And this moment is a gift.

That is why this moment is called

“The Present”.

By Dr Johnson.

The secret of enjoying life is to enjoy every moment and watch out for deadlines!

End of Lecture by Dr. Jason Han.

Read Next:

Accepting Mid-Life Crisis With Grace

And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 2 Corinthians 12:9 Bible (KJV)

By Debby Blettner

Three successive years of mid-life crises took place in Perth, Western Australia from 1998-2000. I was in my late 30’s and my husband in his late 40’s with our two girls aged 7-9, and 2-4 years.

Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Bible KJV. Hebrews 11: 6

– July 1998: By faith the Asian Financial Crisis lead us to return to Perth from Indonesia only to discover my childhood best-friend had stage 4 cancer.

– January of 1999: By faith I also discovered I had cancer, choosing surgery to remove the primary tumor, requiring 4 days in hospital; but evidence of precancerous cells remained. After a fall I developed an acute frozen shoulder, regretfully placing my arm in a sling for pain relief, extending my healing outcome from 1 to 3 years of disability.

– February 1999: By faith I was invited to attend a Cancer Retreat for 5 days, researching immune system functionality as a viable cancer treatment. Upon my return, I found my childhood friend comatose, stirring for a moment of time to secure eye contact; conversing all we needed to say in our departure.

– April 1999: By faith I attended my childhood best friend’s funeral; leaving behind her parents, her husband and two young sons.

– September 1999: By faith our family moved from our small apartment to a large, unfurnished, 111 year old house, beside friends who needed our assistance with their 5th child’s delivery.

– November 1999: By faith my husband, was diagnosed with cancer with the prospect of having three months to live, without immediate surgery. The surgical results were so astounding his surgeon requested permission to share the outcome with his colleagues. He is still alive and well today.

– July 2000: By faith I had a mastectomy for preventative cancer with reconstruction, requiring 10 days in hospital. After my husband’s surgical loss, I felt prepared to face mine. We survived with the help of live in friends to assist our family in time of crisis.

Through it all I could only surrender, accept and pray for divine grace to be able to make it through the mounting events, attempting to avoid psychiatric care, which during that time, was a genuine concern.

In order to save my sanity I plugged into music and audios from The songs helped transport me to the heavenlies, changing my perspective, re-framing my thoughts, if not my situation. I sang out loud, laughed out loud when possible, quoted scriptures and flooded my world with God’s Word, Scriptures, promises, love and mercy.

Through it all I discovered that when I had no fear, I felt intense faith.

Surrendering to His higher will, choosing acceptance, being willing to surrender while giving up what I treasured, gave me peace, serenity and faith. The only way to heal was to say YES to the situation, knowing there must be a reason for this midlife crisis.

It’s difficult to describe my transformation. It was like looking at myself as a former caterpillar, now morphing into a butterfly.

Our future continued to be uncertain, both of us now cancer patients, yet we were blessed with a three-year pension for my frozen shoulder disability.

Grace came when I surrendered to my situation and God’s plan for my life, feeling release from pain- emotional and physical. I felt loved like never before, awakening to new possibilities, opening my eyes to the ones I loved the most. The transformation made it worth it all.

These three years are my special touchstone for any future trials and tribulations. When you come to the end of yourself, everything becomes possible.

Song: Don’t be afraid of tears. (One Day At a Time #4 )

A Little Memoir on Cancer Remissions

Self-Education helped put Breast Cancer in remission. Memoir By Debby Blettner

My cancer journey began in 1995 when, due to my mother’s insistence and the hereditary factor in our family, I had a mammogram, an x-ray of the breasts for cancer detection. Immediately it was discovered that I had some pre-malignant breast cells.

After a biopsy, surgery removing a small section of the breast it was decided that I was in need of a mastectomy, complete removal of my left breast. The doctor strongly recommended I had the surgery in 6 days time. Knowing I didn’t have enough information regarding cancer to really make an educated decision, I declined.

I didn’t have peace about such a drastic surgery, being only 35 years of age. I learnt the name of my cancer being Ductal Carcinoma In Situ (DCIS) meaning non malignant, (Stage 0 Cancer).

The doctor referred me to a surgeon, who suggested I talk to a Radiologist for a second opinion. The radiologist suggested only partial surgical removal of the breast with Radiotherapy.

A Naturopathic Doctor also suggested radical mastectomy, with information about carrot juice, staying positive, looking after myself and getting enough rest.

With the news that I was pregnant with my second child, the surgeon referred to see me in a year, causing me to question the urgency of the Stage 0 cancer. After I miscarried at 3 months I continued with conceiving once again as I was told I was fertile for a short period of time.

Four months later I again conceived and gave birth to a healthy baby. Out of concern I took another mammogram to check if the calcification levels had increased, before I moved overseas with my family. The results showed a 50% chance of malignancy, referring me for a biopsy. Once again I was pressured to have a double mastectomy due to my family’s heredity, with both my mother and grandmother having breast cancer.

With strong denial of having breast cancer I took a 7 month break in Asia, with my family, doing voluntary work with a Mission Based Project. Political instability forced us to return to our homeland, Australia.

A close friend who had recently lost her husband to cancer, referred me to a doctor who delivered Cancer Retreats to self-educate patients to help them make educated decisions, which I was looking for. My reluctance was clear as I had very uncomfortable sessions with the doctors, surgeons, radiologists in the past, but fortunately I found Dr Ivy Bullen to be someone I could trust.

Dr Ivy, as she was called, discovered a lump which had not been present before. From the test results it showed up very suspicious but not 100% proven cancer. I kept my hopes very high and actually went into denial, I simply could not face the facts.

I accepted a Lumpectomy procedure to remove the tumor having it tested under “frozen section” testing for malignant cancer, and a surgical check of the lymph nodes, under my armpit. Although the one centimetre tumor was malignant, my lymph nodes were all clear.

Dr. Ivy consulted me about building up my immune system to fight off the cancer. With less malignant cells/tumors, my immune system would have less work to do. Once the tumor was removed, my immune system could be built up to fight off any recurrence. She explained everything to me in great detail, very gently and motherly and even hugged me. It was my first experience with a doctor with such personal care for her patients.

I went to hospital with full faith that I did not have cancer and was very surprised to find out I had 2 incisions instead of one! The lumpectomy, removal of the lump from my breast and the auxiliary clearance, removal of lymph nodes under my left armpit.

Soon after the surgery I had a fall, resulting in an acute frozen shoulder which took 16 months of recovery. I was invited to my first Cancer Retreat known as the BALYA Retreat, a 5 day retreat for cancer patients and their carers to learn about cancer and self-help. The information was both stimulating and hopeful for natural healing. After the 5 Day Retreat, for the next 6 weeks I put all I learnt into practice with the support of my husband and my two young girls.

My blood draw, checking for Natural Killer Cell Count, before the Retreat was compared with the blood draw 6 weeks after the Retreat with outstanding results. My results were due on Monday morning at 9am, but Dr. Ivy phoned me at 8pm on Sunday instead, so excited to tell me my results. My Natural Killer Cells, had risen by 60% which was a medical phenomena resulting in optional surgery, which I declined, for extracting more tissue to clear the margin.

She explained it was possible to convert suspicious cells back to normal cells using my immune system. I decided to take that course. I was given a goal to reach my optimum Natural Killer Cell count five years from then. Within the same year my husband was diagnosed with cancer had an Orchiectomy, my childhood best friend had a colostomy, but sadly passed, my brother-in-law also with cancer had a Colectomy, and my disability with a frozen shoulder, two young children, resulted in my NK Cell count dropping by 25% due to extreme stress. Fortunately three out of the four of us went into remission and became cancer survivors.

The pressure was on to accept the mastectomy, so my optional surgery became a non-option. I gave into a preventative surgery, even without having the BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene, including mastectomy reconstruction. The combination of the multiple surgeries resulted in Lymphodema in my left arm which has become more of a disability as I age.

Forced to slow down as a workaholic my life, as it was, had to change. Dietary changes for our whole family focused on a vegetarian diet, for alkalinity to help cancer to reverse. All home made meals, no junk food, no sugar, no dairy and a lot of other no’s. Lifestyle changes included slowing down, exercising, taking self care into our lives, appreciating each day as it comes and keeping the faith.

Through these dietary changes of supplementation, wheat free, dairy free, sugar free diet I found a much more relaxed lifestyle. I also had the benefit of no longer facing laryngitis and bronchitis which I had constantly been afflicted twice a year for over a 8 years. I am so grateful for all the self-help and wellness programs I learnt from the cancer retreats, having my husband move from cancer survivors for the past 20 years, to cancer thrivers.

What Is Helpful to Stimulate the Immune System?

Cancer Retreat Notes in honor of the late Dr Ivy Bullen, recorded 20 years ago by Debby Blettner – Cancer Survivor

Disclaimer: Notes recorded by Debby Blettner

What stimulates the immune system?

Nutrition, exercise, happiness, laughter, meditation, sleep, hugs, stress management, positive affirmations, (which are positive statements repeated over and over verbally and mentally), forgiveness, prayer, love, support – support groups with other people with cancer is very beneficial.

What depresses the immune system?

Anger, hate, frustration, fear, negative thinking, stress overload, bad diet, depression, emotional conflicts, just to name a few.

Tumor Markers are used by doctors to check for cancer, it indicates but is not all-conclusive.

CA 15-3 is used for breast tumours.

CA 125 is used by oncologists for ovary and endometrial.

PSA free– used with prostate cancer.

Recommended Blood Count tests: for patients receiving chemotherapy.

Disclaimer: Please check the accuracy of this information with your doctor.

1) Haemoglobin – should be above 9. (9 or less is dangerous and could lead to need for blood transfusion.) Iron injections can save transfusions. Nobody should take iron unless they really need it. Warning: Iron storage is detrimental, especially to a patient with liver cancer.

Haemoglobin doesn’t drop as much with chemotherapy. This test is mainly used for kidney patients.

2) White cell count – should be between 4 and 11.These are Abbreviated figures. (4000 – 11,000) It shouldn’t go lower than 4. (3 or less is getting very dangerous.) Do the count before chemotherapy, to check the white cell count. If the white blood count is too low to receive Chemotherapy the patient can be given bone marrow stimulation, GCSF, which is an extract from marrow and is a natural treatment, but is not readily available.

Note: My observation at the Cancer Retreat was that one patient taking Chemotherapy was told he could not continue because his White Blood Cell count was too low. Dr Ivy administered an intravenous dose of Vitamin C, (IVC) a megadose level of 30,000 mg and after 2 days he was able to resume his chemotherapy, because the white blood cell count had returned to normal. I also have benefited from megadose IVC via Dr Ivy Bullen, on a few occasions with very beneficial results.

3) Platelets – Must be greater than 4,000 before taking in more chemotherapy. If they are lower they must increase by GSF, a platelet transfusion. If platelets go down there is increased risk of bleeding. Work on bringing up platelet cells. It is very expensive in the States.

Note: Another testimony I observed was a patient who taking chemotherapy to fight a brain tumor. His platelets were so low he was told to put his chemotherapy on hold as it would be too dangerous. Dr. Ivy gave him an intravenous Vit C injection (IVC) and after 2 days he was also back on Chemotherapy treatment. Intravenous Vit C (IVC) is considered an Interactive or Complimentary Cancer Therapists. Having personally tried it, I found it to be very beneficial with only good results.

4) E.S.R. – Not so reliable, non-specific indicator that something is wrong in the body, up to 20 and higher indicates a problem. It uses the process of Sedimentation (of the red blood cells). How much sedimentation occurring over 1 hour, is measured? The normal range is between 1 and 20. It is an activity indicator and could also indicate arthritis or inflammation, not necessarily cancer.

5) UES is a test for Kidney function – the body’s level must be good when having chemotherapy to excrete the drugs. Ask for a kidney function test – bicard. Have a Blood test for chloride, if the Creatnine is up (high), the kidney is not excreting well. Find out what level it is and if it is working well. If it is high then perhaps the chemotherapy is affecting it or some infection is present. If Creatnine reads 200 – 300 then no chemotherapy should be taken, or you may discuss it with a Renal Physician.

Need to drink more water, lots of water while taking chemotherapy. Ask for copies of all tests, keep own file. Even public hospitals are entitled to give records, in Australia.

Should assess kidney function. Is it working well? Question the doctor about the test and get results before taking more chemotherapy. If it is very high don’t use chemotherapy. 80 -120 is the top level. 180 will give you renal problems.

Disclaimer: Ask your doctor about Renal Function Tests and Liver Function Tests.

Liver Function Tests-

Enzymes – AST

– ALK phosphorus, alkaline phosphorus, if these are beyond the normal range there is a problem, check! It could be gallstones, hepatitis, and medications.

– 8 Gt Gamma GT. (Can be raised even by alcohol.)

Bile Pigment – Bilirubin – causes jaundice, coloration.

Protein – Albumen, check it if it is within the normal range. Liver makes and breaks protein.

– Globulin

Ask for tests from normal GP, and wait for results before and during chemotherapy to check if everything is OK. Also check heart condition as some patients have developed heart complaints after chemotherapy, as their heart was not in good condition for it.

If you are having Chemotherapy do blood tests every month. If not, have regular checks every now and then to monitor your body. Blood count should be tested before Chemotherapy.

Biological treatments are being investigated and will reduce the need for chemotherapy in the future.

Shark cartilage has been proven to be high in Mercury and is not advised. It is anti -angiogenesis, it stops the growth of new blood vessels by strangling them. Where there are rapidly growing blood vessels there could be cancer. Bovine shark cartilage also contains mercury, which is poisonous.

There are 5 main methods of curing cancer:

1) Surgery

2) Chemotherapy

3) Radiotherapy

4) Hormone therapy

5) A biological treatment natural treatments using what the body makes itself! (The immune system.)

Unsuccessful Treatments:

Interleuken 2-– is not so successful.

Tumor Necrosis Factor TNF – secretion to kill was found to be dangerous and not very successful!

Ozone Therapy can be is also dangerous due to the high level of free radicals introduced into the body.

More experimental remedies:

Interferon is a natural remedy. Colony stimulating factors – growth factors, stimulate the white cells to work better.

Erythropoietin – makes red blood cells increase.

Gene therapy– inject gene to repair problem and change the genes to stimulate Natural Killer cells.

Monoclonal antibodies– trial testing has proven successful, long-term effects unknown.

Note: Having been a patient I found I do have rights to demand to see my results and even to have copies of them. Having all my results, I have learned to read and understand them. It helps me feel more in control of my health journey.

Another point I wanted to bring up about chemotherapy is the importance of the attitude of the person taking the chemotherapy.

If the patient sees the chemotherapy as a healing light that is cleaning up their body and making all things well, the chemotherapy has a greater effect on the body.

If however, the patient does not have the faith for the chemotherapy and sees it as a poison entering their body, wreaking havoc and damage in it’s path, the chemotherapy does not have as effective an outcome and the patient may become sicker.

Dr. Ivy also advised Megadose Vitamin C, intravenous injections of 30,000 mg before and after the chemotherapy injection. This acts as a very powerful detoxification for the chemicals used in the chemotherapy and takes away any sickness and after effects from the chemotherapy. The Vitamin C is given according to bowel tolerance.

Note: I personally have seen Chemotherapy patients who have taken the Vitamin C and have coped dramatically better than those who did not. The Vitamin C also seemed to help the chemotherapy to be more effective in its job.

In my testimonies above I mentioned 2 people who were told they would need to discontinue their chemotherapy treatment due to their low white blood cell count, and a patient whose platelet count was too low. These 2 patients both took a dose of intravenous Vitamin C and after 2 days were able to receive the rest of their treatment. They told me their doctors were amazed at the effect of the Vitamin C.

Vitamin C cannot be profited by manufacturers as a new drug as it can not be Patentable. Since Vitamin C is already established it is not profitable for the Drug Companies.

Read Next:

Cancer 101, Helpful, Uplifting Lectures From Cancer Retreats

Self-Education and Self Help Sourced From Balya Self Help & Wellness Inc. Retreats From 20 years ago.

Disclaimer: Notes recorded by Debby Blettner

The Immune System.

Self-education began for me in 1998 when I first attended Cancer Retreats at Balya Self Help & Wellness Inc though it is no longer existent.

A student nurse was browsing through my notes commenting they seemed very similar to her nursing notes from nursing school! So the information I am presenting is not new and could probably be found in many textbooks, yet my intent is to relate it specially to fighting cancer, as it was presented to me at the Retreat.

Immune System:

The first lecture was about the immune system. Dr Ivy Bullen, first explained about the different cells present, the T Cells, T Helper Cells, T Suppresser Cells, Natural Killer Cells and B Cells. The Thymus is the training ground for the immune system and is located under the chest bone, the sternum. Tapping this area, with your fingers, at least 20 times per day has the effect of stimulating the immune system. Effectively stimulating the immune system.

B Cells are made in marrow and they spot viruses. After spotting the virus they become an ammunition factory of antibodies. This is not the most effective way of fighting cancer because they need ammunition to shoot.

T Cells fight and damage invading cells. They mop up war zones.

T Helper Cells are non killing scouts that send messages to T Cells who kill on command from headquarters.

Specialised T Cells called NK Cells, (Natural Killer Cells) are well trained! They need no messages. They shoot to kill – the SS Squad!

T Suppressor Cells are the Headquarters who regulate all production of cells and prevention of more production, keeping things at a correct balance. There is a Stop – Grow message between cells. Accelerator and brakes help to control cell division.

“Cytokines” say grow, and “Anticytokins” say stop. This red light, green light system needs to be balanced for controlled growth and good health. If the brakes fail the cells reproduce and divide without check, and tumors develop.

NK Cells poke “fingers” into cancer cells and inject granules into the cancer cells (perforans), to kill their target. If their target is a cancer cell, they inject the granules and chemical reaction results in blowing a hole in the cancer cell to kill it!

The KSR’s (Stimulating receptors) detect between normal body cells and cancer cells and tell the NK when to kill. It leaves the normal cells alone. An inhibitory cell tells the NK cells to leave the normal cell alone and protects it!

If your immune system is fully switched on, you won’t get cancer.

Power of Prayer: 3oo patients in a group were separated into 2 groups. People from outside the group were given information on the cancer patients. One group of cancer patients was not prayed for and the other was. The people prayed for had less death, were sent home earlier, had less cardio arrests, healed much faster and had less problems than the group that was not prayed for!

Though some Cancer Patients Choose Complementary and Alternative Medicine instead of Conventional Treatment, the outcome of using both can enhance the performance of the conventional treatment.

Any surgery can depress the immune system. Do anything you can to take antioxidants after surgery to build it up to counteract the depression to your immune system.

Immune typing is a Blood test to check for NK’s (Natural Killer Cells.) Another name for it is LSM, (Lymphocyte surface markers).

There are 5 known causes of cancer:

1) Carcinogens- poisons

2) Genetic Disposition.

3) Radiation.

4) Diet.

5) Life Styles and Stress.


Examples include tobacco, which is directly linked with lung cancer, car fumes are linked to leukemia, PVC making pipes is linked to liver cancer. There is more cancer in heavily industrialized countries, as there are more carcinogens. Carcinogens penetrate the nucleus of the cell and cause damage to genetic material causing mutations, which equals cancer.

Genetic Disposition:

Or predisposition. An experiment was performed on mice, all of which had the same genetics. They all had oncogenes, which predispose them to cancer. Some were given 4 times greater stress than the others, and they developed cancer. The highly stressed mice developed cancer, not the non stressed ones. Both groups were ‘oncogene’ predisposed. The gun was loaded, it just needed a trigger. Stress is often the trigger.

Japanese women have the lowest levels of breast cancer in the world. Yet, Japanese women in Hawaii have a much higher incidence of breast cancer. Could this be related to diet, or lifestyle?


Leukemia, lung cancer and thyroid cancer, can result from extreme exposure to radiation. Everyone is daily exposed to radiation through microwave ovens, televisions, computer and electrical currents radiate a radiation field.

Never leave an electric blanket on while you are sleeping, due to radiation exposure The cut off point for harm is not known.

Don’t look in microwave while cooking.


7th Day Adventists have been found to have significantly lower levels of cancer. Himalayan Tribes live to 100 years and are vegetarian, they eat no meat. The Japanese diet is high in fish and rice and has overall low cancer statistics.

Life Style and Stress:

A workaholic is someone who works 60-70 hours a week with no time for rest. They have high physical and emotional stress.

8 hours of sleep is required.

Interleukens (produced by sleep), are good for the immune system! Laughter, singing, and quiet meditation and thinking positive thoughts also greatly benefit the immune system as does exercise recreation and healthy food. Avoid junk food.

Emotional Stress:

1) Inability to express emotions.

2) Unresolved conflicts.

3) Unresolved problems.

4) Denial behaviour.

5) Excessive need for approval.

6) Helplessness.

The above have been found to be common in cancer patients.


It is very important to express your emotions and tell the other person you are angry. An alternative to this is to run around the block, to get rid of anger.

Confusion about medical procedures and options for treatment can be very stressful.


Denial of any health problems, spending lots of time helping others at the neglect of your own health can sometimes be symptoms of denial, ignoring the problem or not wanting to face it or accept it.

All these things can lead to stress, which can encourage cancer. It is not what happens to you but how you react to what happens to you, that is experience!

It is important to focus on the person, not the disease, to change the outcome of the illness. A change of thought patterns causes different hormones and chemicals to be secreted in the body. So a positive mind and keeping on top of things is very important.!

152 very ill patients were studied. Those with a positive attitude responded better to treatment and did better than negative patients with less serious diseases!

Depression is very bad for the immune system and Natural Killer Cell count. Look at your stress level to improve your immune system.

IIn conclusion to this article, I would have to add that the knowledge that our bodies contain Natural Killer cells, that are capable of destroying cancer cells, is phenomenal! Anything necessary to increase these is worth learning about!

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Follow in His Footprints: Success Will Happily Follow You

Testimonial by Debby Blettner 2014

Asserting Your Faith, Before, Through and After Transformational Events

Each person’s footprints are unique – as, I believe, are God’s footprints. Once recognized, they can take you to places you never dreamed of. If you are like me, you will love the journey with all of its excitement. You might be shocked by where He takes you. Hang onto Him like your life depends on it and reach the summit, which is to die for!

The synchronicity of the Universe is a popular topic: putting out your intention with the Universe providing. For me, it is Jesus’ eyes seeing my need, with His hands outstretched supplying it. It is also His shoulder to cry on during the difficult parts of the journey and His arms to comfort me. It is His smile, ever present to encourage me, and His footprints for me to follow.

From 2007 to 2009 I was bedridden. I was diagnosed with an acute case of fibromyalgia and adrenal fatigue. I needed help – a lot of help. I needed a miracle. Dreams led the way for me; whispers of hope in my desperation to recover. Following His footsteps was my only hope.

Since 2005, my husband and I had been operating a Food Rescue at the local weekend markets. In 2009, when helping out at the markets, I met Jan. Jan introduced me to Tony, who operated conference rooms. While attending a conference at Tony’s, I met Elaine who arranged to meet with me for coffee to exchange products. Her products were supplemental; mine were Aurora Productions. At our meeting at my home, I purchased her “five-star supplements” and she bought a book from me. I returned to my bed exhausted after she left.

After three days of taking these new supplements, I had what I like to call a “resurrection”. I stood unaided, putting my walking stick aside. I felt energized; my pain vanished and I felt hunger. I believed it to be a miracle.

I later learned from my health practitioner that I had been severely nutritionally depleted. I felt the Lord sent supplements to help strengthen me. I often wonder, what if I had opted to stay home the night I met Elaine, a friend who understood my health plight? What if I hadn’t followed the footprints? I wonder how my life would be today.

February 2010 proved to be very exciting. My husband and I became entrepreneurial business owners with the health science company. By purchasing from our own virtual shop we received discounts and commissions. With my health improving, I began researching preventative health measures, basing my research on the advice of my health practitioner regarding these supplements.

I was referred to a world of renowned doctors and health professionals, which lead me to an abundant pool of literature, webinars, virtual conferences, virtual world summits and books that I used my healing time to study.

I was searching for the common denominator, the root cause, a solution and healing, as well as prevention of worse conditions. What did they all say? What did they all have in common? I closely followed both professionals and laypersons who researched for their own health conditions that were medically incurable, like mine.

The research revealed that healing came from emotional-spiritual connectivity, highlighting gut health, body, mind and spirit. As an expert on my healing, I then felt led to write about all that I discovered. This could in the future lead to authorship, speaking events, seminars, coaching and marketing my book and supplements.

God’s ways are so different from man’s ways, His wonders to behold. In order to perform these duties I should be in the peak of good health – though as of this moment, I am still far from that. While my head is filling with knowledge and my heart is pouring forth these words, the seeming fantasy of authorship, seminar leadership, Internet marketer, coach and speaker are far from me; another lifetime, perhaps.

But what if He is calling me into these fields? What if I was healed completely? Or what if I was only healed enough to desperately follow His footsteps in my utter weakness and dependence on His every word, every footprint I begin to see appearing in the sand before me? Could this be His way?

I am yet to find out, but there is precedence for this. All throughout history the weak were chosen to accomplish His tasks, for they know Who is the one bringing about the results. It is much easier to give God the glory when you can hardly speak, have difficulty standing for any period of time, when your body wracks of unending pain, and when your thoughts are fog.

When He fills me with His presence and I surrender, I KNOW who is performing tasks through me; a yielded vessel only desiring His highest will. There is no question of WHO is performing the task, the only question could be HOW. Thus contains the miracle, the amazing grace, the sheer joy and splendor of surrender to He who loves us all more than is imaginable; such is the importance of His footprints which I determine to follow.

“Ye shall hear a voice behind thee saying this is the way, walk ye in it.” –Isaiah 30:21

In reality, I have already been a published writer; I have coached, spoken, led a seminar and sold products via Internet. All I need to do now is follow His footsteps into my future, which might contain more emphasis on these talents and gifts I have been bequeathed.

“Your health, your life, your way,” is the slogan of our health science company. As an Associate to this company, equipped with the talents I have gained as a veteran missionary, teacher, educator, parent and wife, I wonder if I am in line for a promotion to develop these skills. I am still watching out for the footprints.

What do you have a passion for that can help others? It will probably be something pertinent in your life, as mine was with health. All paths lead to it; it calls you, it frustrates you, and you have to find the answer. You find yourself researching it, and information flows to you from every direction on that topic. The fragmented pieces begin to join the dots and form a picture.

You feel compelled to talk about it, write about it, share it with the individuals that come to you for your information and in turn spread the word. You become a trusted source and people know you are honest, reputable and trustworthy. They might even want to hear about your Savior because of your testimony of assistance, always being there for them even if you never mentioned a word about your faith until their trust was born in you.

It is an amazing path to follow – and yes, it was unexpected – but I am so glad I have followed this far and am excited to peek a little bit further into my future to see where He is leading, grasping His hand like a little child with her father. But I know it will be thrilling and that I will have all that I need as I follow in His footprints. I encourage you to do the same. What is calling you?

A Unique Letter for a Unique Woman

To a Patient From the Nursing Staff at Ward 8 South

Dec, 1998,

Dearest Neridah,

This is a truly unique occasion we find ourselves in, writing a letter to a patient that has left our little world, Ward 8 South, to wish them a Merry Christmas.

In truth, so many people pass through our ward, the beds never seem to get cold before another patient is in it and requiring our care. The demands are endless and often we don’t feel we have the time to give them what they need or teach what we should whilst hey are on the ward, patients too many, nurses too few! People come and go and the work goes on, so therefore when they leave our little world they often leave our memories as we only have enough time to focus on the next patient.

But you changed all that, you may have left our ward, but you certainly have not left our memories. In fact, we are writing for many reasons, we have so much to say, yet it’s difficult to know where to begin… so I guess it should be from the beginning.

When you were first admitted to our ward, you were just another patient… but it was quickly apparent that you were not ‘just’ anything. Here you were, this incredible 38 year old woman, wife, mother of 2 beautiful children, facing the inevitable, much earlier than one ever should, showing us how to grab life with both hands and live it.

You made us stop and realise that this is not ‘just another patient’ that we have to look after and move on, you changed the rules, you made us want to stop, look and meet the real person that has so much to teach us about living. With your incredible sense of humour, you demonstrated that no matter what, living was not something to be taken for granted, but a bonus, a gift, and with each day that lay ahead there was an experience to be savoured. Even after the enormous operations, after all the interventions, when you must have being feeling so tired and sick, when most would complain, you would find something to be thankful for.

With the combined years of experience amongst the staff, we are used to supporting, both patients and family when the ordeals seem overwhelming, when the going gets tough. Suddenly, we found ourselves in a situation where the going was really, tough, you had tubes, drains, drips, infusions and, what seemed to be, every medical device attached to your body. We were ready to perform our role… but it was you who supported us. Life the saying goes, ‘when the going gets tough, the tough get going.” Well you just didn’t stop ‘going!’

Your faith is inspirational. We are in awe of your strength, your courage and your ability to find something good, no matter how small, and against all odds, in each and everyday. You brightened our day and nights with your wonderful hugs and your beautiful and ever ready smile touched and warmed our hearts.

When we think of Neridah Coxe, and we do think of her often, we think:


Like we said, this is a unique letter…but it seems fitting as it is most certainly for a unique woman.

Merry Christmas Neridah, to you and all your family.

Know that you are in our prayers, our heart and will live on in our memories forever as the woman that taught ward 8S about living!

Thank you and God bless.

Love from all the staff of Ward 8 South.

Introducing Mary Rose

6 Weeks with Mary Rose

Shared journal, with permission, of Mary’s ‘healing’ time with Debby

This is Mary Rose, I don’t know if you remember me but I thought of you today

Debby, being I am diagnosed with stage 3 cancer on my lymph nodes. I remember you followed the natural remedies of treating your ailment.

I recently went under an operation to remove cyst and both ovaries, 2 weeks ago. Still trying to recover.

Last night, my family prayed for what to do and we all agreed we will trust the Lord and do natural healing instead of having chemotherapy and radiation.

Please share with me the diet that helped you and any tips you can share.

I noticed my tummy gets gassy, acidic when I down the juiced food when I don’t have something before it that has protein. So, I boil a cup of water, then stir in it one beaten egg, cook it a little longer then eat it like an egg soup, no salt, no nothing! Then my stomach can take something else a little better.

I hope this is alright and not detrimental to my diet. Also, I’m 102 lbs (46.2kg) right now and don’t want to get skinnier.

I’m very much prepared and ready for anything you can help me with.

Super thank you for taking the time!

My family- mainly my youngest to help me prepare food but my whole family is slowly paying attention and researching for me. Dan, my husband is my 110 percent supportive.

We just got a juicer along with raw organic fruits, vegetables and supplements!

I’m feeling better in two days after sipping them throughout the day and now I just take them without hesitation:)

Because I’m ready!

Please do- you’ll be surprised how many people like me needs it.

Been wanting to find out what protein I can take being I went down to 102 pounds 🙁

I wish I could hug you right now – I could still vividly see you smiling real big.

Thank you for walking me in this new world. Made me have more confidence I can beat this.

Mary Rose

MMary Rose chat with Debby:

I want to make you proud!

Ok- so remember how you are such an important part of me now so the more you have to focus on taking care of yourself so you can continue to be a light. I love you very much and will take with me to bed all of your love and counsel.

Me before- 5 months before my surgery (sitting at the gym with hands over eyes) That was before I had the surgery- I have a flat tummy and actually a gym rat

Keep that skinny pic and will send you more as improvement shows so you can show others your project 🙂

I need to get better first from my operation and gain back my health- seems like that’s the only logical thing to do right now especially when they tell me I might not have enough time:(

Photo 1: Former “Gym rat”, before diagnosis.

Photo 2: Two weeks after surgery

My whole body is sore– I keep massaging myself. A cut from the top of my belly button all the way down to passed my pubic bone.

You’re a lifesaver! If you had seen me after I was discharged and you see how I’m slowly transforming, my Darling, it will definitely lift your spirits!

Photo 3: A month after ‘healing.’

I’m going to try this so eventually my family can transform with me.
That’s my prayer actually.

My heart was palpitating so much, I started walking actively in the house for 20 minutes or so otherwise the palpitations is just too much to bear.

Well, the feeling is mutual- chatting with you is one of the highlights of my day along with my prayer time and seeing everyone’s home!
I brag about you!

I’m sure, my recovery is speaking more volume than what I can say.

Transformation, yes!

I slept soundly last night and I dozed off today. Managed to cook my first meal for my family. Lamb with curry, turmeric and I used my own salt. I just wish they would switch more to brown rice.
I will be patient 🙂

I actually told Dan, I don’t want to see any doctors for now and focus on getting up and rejuvenating my body, they seem to all go to that scary world.

I honestly got better after you got a hold of me.

I never had this experience of going to the loo. Today, I went 3 x, looks like the brown rice I had for breakfast helped the whole day. What a relief!

Thank you, Debby! You don’t how much you’re building my confidence, joy and hope so I can still be a brave mother.

You’re saving not just me but my my family and love ones sanity.

I will be welcoming visitors in the near future and eager to share both spiritual and physical gain.

I love this idea- will certainly help coat the lining of my stomach as I’m still sensitive.

Circle of love that heals!

Again, my heartfelt gratitude– you’re such a light in my world!

But I’m not feeling any pain in my body whereas before, I could barely walk and today I was able to go to the doctor, and shop for my needs.

Beautiful! It’s so much faith building to hear from people who had battled it themselves.

I feel much better conveying with you as I bump into a question
Plus I know you’re really after my welfare– that means and very important to me

I’m losing weight still so I’m very anxious to gain

wanna keep asking questions 🙂

Just arrived from doctors appointment
Lots to consult to you 🙂

All those years- you were preserved for people like me so I’m hungry to be your mini- me in knowledge not in height:)

I’m taking this challenge!

All the time I see you smiling real big while preparing your meal flashes on my mind so I asked my friend, Melody to help me connect with you!

I’m not even with your assistance for a month and what you shared had pulled me out from not getting well because I don’t know what’s causing my discomforts.

Debby, you were the very first one that came to mind when I was in a limbo and total darkness after hearing my verdict.

Along with spiritual of course being that the body has a spirit. Lots of coaches leave that but when it’s all about the flesh, there’s imbalance and no reaching goals are attained.

I’m very interested to know how to make coconut yogurt, Coach!
Well, I’m slowly getting the food challenge. Getting better- getting up more.
Please send me how to do yogurt cause I have no clue.

I’m so hungry for all these as I hold the health of my family being I’m the cook of course.

Also, It’s a blessing to others, instead of talking about just anything, you get to leave them something significant and adds to their life. My youngest son is even learning art in making my juice and smoothies.

Tried cannabis oil yesterday- my pain was lessen, my appetite is back and I feel relax. Ahh, sweet connection!

Yesterday, we switched to organic/ free range eggs, raw olive oil– just two but we consume everyday

Well, my son’s girlfriend, her mom died after she had chemotherapy. Cancer gone alright but her immunity was just down and an ordinary sickness and she died from it. She begged me even to not do it because she was traumatized watching her mom. 3 hours after chemotherapy and she was throwing up nonstop, can’t eat, no appetite, diarrhea the list goes on!

When my Doctor was reading my biopsy and right away demanded series of chemotherapy, my husband, Dan and I just listened and excused ourselves.

He wants me to do minimum of 6 at first. I asked him when he can tell if it’s working and it’s on the 4th one, I will be dead, haven’t even recovered from getting butchered!

Can’t even function yet from all the drugs I had! What a joke! It’s all about money! No interest at all about my recovery telling me I can eat anything so I can get worse

We did and they have been texting me to mix my diet with chemo for faster results!

Speedy death! I’m determined to learn and be an advocate of this and will spread it!

We are gonna be looking for organic places

I have 5 kids-

I will our kitchen food. We are planning to throw away poisonous stuff already!
My family is starting to pay attention to their food. My youngest today made himself omelette with spinach using olive oil.

I was just solely relying on an egg a day and my juice/ smoothie with supplements and my weight wouldn’t stop going down.
With fish added, I can sit and lift my head longer and no headache

Today, I can walk without dragging my feet, I could lift them up. I was able to go out in the yard for some needed sunshine.
And got to have a full shower- no assistance!

I ate sardines in olive oil, made in Spain and spinach leaves

My uncle was our family doctor and when we were sick he would send us to bed, feed us , flush with fluids and won’t give us vaccinations

Everywhere medicine is offered like that. So many people are sick. Looking good outside but dying inside!

And antibiotics make me really itchy- allergy galore

No meds– just raw organic food and supplements

I don’t do well with medicines

I will heed your advise– especially with another sickness

Gluten gave me hell- migraine, sore in my mouth and constipation!

I can hardly wait to move normally- my tail bone is so sore I can’t even walk far

Forgot to tell you my sugar is elevated- I take metformin

Yes type 2 Diabetes

It’s a miracle the Lord helped me this quick to abandon coffee
I have lots of fluids I look pregnant!

Madam, I hardly go toilet! It’s very bad!

The most beautiful change is I go to the toilet with no strain, gas and acid reflux hardly present now.

My pee is clear now 🙂

I haven’t gain anything but grateful I don’t lose any.

I get it dear- what an important tip, I never knew! What a wonderful coach I have!

End of Journal

After 6 weeks with Mary Rose, she spent her days spending time with her relatives, gathered together from all over the world.

She maintained her stamina to share the love with her family members, looked radiant, but suddenly had uncontrollable pain and was administered to hospital where she passed away, with her family by her side.

She looked as healthy as her family members, but her time had come.

I am honored to be able to assist her with pain relief and a sense of worth and hope, relieving fear of death, while giving her weeks to prepare for her departure in the most wonderful way.
Mary Rose, you deserve to be remembered..

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