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Successful Circadian Rhythms Help Us To Be Better Sleepers

Successful Circadian Rhythms Help Us To Be Better Sleepers

Sleep Better By Understanding Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorders

Body Clock Disorders: External and internal sleep cycles

Summary by:

Five Types of Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorders:

Delayed Phase Sleep Disorder:

  • Flexible schedulers can sleep when they want to. The drawback is that it can take them into late morning awaking or early afternoon

Advanced Phase Sleep Disorder:

  • This is the opposite problem. Sleepy early in the evening, sleeping from 7 pm-11 pm with difficulty sleeping through the night with a choppy sleep, interrupted sleep schedule.
  • Noisy households also affect sleep timing schedules making it not possible to sleep when you want to resulting in dragging. This can make interacting with loved ones challenging when you can’t sleep when you want to.

Non-24 hour Sleep Wake Disorder:

  • Longer body clock up to 25 hours. You might sleep later every single night resulting in a day/night reversal which also messes up your meal schedule.
  • Shift Work and
  • Jet Lag

DB: I discovered I have experienced all the first three. Predominantly I have issues with my flexible schedule sleeping when I want. So I have recognized this making measures to benefit my sleep/meal schedule with success.

It’s good to learn about these cycles, even seeing them as a disorder. Once you learn about it, gain knowledge to enable you to make an informed decision to improve your life style and health.


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February 2025

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