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Make Your Loneliness Better By Making Your Health Better

Make Your Loneliness Better By Making Your Health Better

Feel better overall by balancing both a social life and a balanced healthy life

Your social life may seem unrelated to your overall health.

After all, what do relationships have to do with your heart pumping blood or your muscles growing?

As it turns out, relationships have much more to do with your health than you might think!

In fact, relationships are so vital to your quality of life and your overall well-being that loneliness can be known to shorten a lifespan and cause many different health complications. Why take the risk?

Learn more about how important relationships are for your health.

Focus and work on:

-Improving existing relationships

-Building new relationships

-Socializing more

You will see a change in your mood, and then probably in your attitude. That change will begin to affect your habits and your activity levels.

Before you know it, your improved and new relationships will simply having you feeling better.

That’s good news!


Relieving Anxiety Can Bring Tremendous Joy Into Your World

Self-educate yourself through anxiety to help you feel better

I am very familiar with anxiety and can relate to all of the symptoms mentioned in the video/summary.

I also found the solutions which helped me. learning through the video series above, and have come through the anxiety feeling so much better.

So, try it out like I did and see what results you discover for yourself.

Summary Notes: by Debby Blettner


  • Psychological obsession
  • replaying memories
  • mental preoccupation
  • mental focus on self
  • mental rehearsals and
  • beliefs


  • Irritability
  • difficulty relaxing
  • fear
  • feeling ‘out of control’
  • feeling shame
  • early startle response and
  • exhaustion


  • Reduced activities once pleasured
  • increased use of substances
  • general compulsions
  • “checking out” due to overwhelm
  • housebound or bed-bound
  • disturbed natural patterns
  • disturbed sleep and
  • high avoidance


  • Social withdrawal
  • frequent arguments
  • disconnected from others
  • fear of others
  • rigid and inflexible with others or
  • too accommodating

Psychological Symptoms:

  • Living in fear
  • worried their body will fail them
  • uncertainty
  • invisibility
  • uncertainty can affect adjustments
  • partner relationships
  • depression
  • quality of life
  • Fibromyalgia and
  • fatigue

Cognitive Behavioral Approaches:

  • How to cope with anxiety
  • Managing uncertainty
  • flexibility
  • acceptance
  • expanded sense of life and self
  • consistence
  • increase self-trust
  • increase education
  • social support and
  • trusted support providers


Helpful Development And Happy Phases To Relieve Chronic Illness

Professional Tips For Helpful And Happy Days

Anxiety’s big issue can still find happiness by feeling better with love and hope.

I know anxiety. I have two family members genetically that also know it.

For me it was more than an anxiety disorder as I was diagnosed with complex trauma.

Once I realized I had a mental health condition my life began making sense. And it wasn’t my fault, neither of my family members. It is what it is.

It makes us unique and it gives us a reason to fight to overcome it, no matter what.

Researching and understanding the condition is paramount. Psychologists, in my experience, help by listening to you, validating your fears and anxiety. They are not only in your mind, but also held inside your body.

Seek help without shame or blame. It is something we all experience. The main difference is the level of severity.

Also the willingness to acknowledge and accept the comforting validation. You might find that you are resilient, intelligent and open to moving forward with your life.

Accept your dreams can come true.

So let’s look at some professional solutions.

Let’s make happiness out of our illnesses.

Summary of ‘Making it Normal’ with Timothy Weymann, LCSW: Anxiety

Anxiety Who hasn’t experienced anxiety if you are human? It affects us all, but for some of us it is more predominant. This is where professional help can help soothe and heal our mind, body and spirit.

  • Obsessions Do you know anyone who doesn’t have obsessions from time to time?
  • We may have more than the average, so let’s address it.
  • Replaying memories Who doesn’t replay their memories? With anxiety it definitely speeds up the process. So learn how to slow it down to management point.

Safety and Vulnerability

  • Safety We all feel unsafe some times during our lives, but it is true for me that anxiety speeds it up.
  • Learning to feel safe within ourselves is something very worthwhile learning.
  • Try out a psychologist you can trust.
  • Vulnerability Again, we all feel it at some time.
  • And yes, having an anxiety disorder increases your feeling and acting vulnerable.
  • Learning how to overcome vulnerability will help improve your life drastically.
  • Learn to be assertive. I became an Assertiveness Coach for that reason.

Emotions and Feelings

  • Emotions We are born with emotions but there is a lot of differences in individuals.
  • Emotions come intensely with anxiety.
  • With education we can learn how to work through our emotions to feel happiness more often.
  • Feeling If we are human which I am assuming your are, we have feelings.
  • How we use them is what makes us individual.
  • Anxious disorders can exaggerate our feelings but learning how to manage feelings is paramount for moving forward towards your dreams.

Physical Anxiety

  • Exhaustion Being exhausted on a regular basis, which anxiety has a great affect on, can make life miserable.
  • Getting help to understand the body, mind and spirit combination can help you gain energy again.
  • For me it was a very complex healing, but it did involve facing anxiety.
  • See a psychologist and a GP to gain insights for your situation.
  • Disturbance in sleep I had insomnia for decades.
  • I just didn’t realize it until I was diagnosed.
  • Anxiety kept me awake plus all of the above and below issues.
  • I am currently addressing with a team of a GP and Clinical Psychologist helping it make possible for me to write up this post.

Social Anxiety

  • Social anxiety The more anxiety you experience with social anxiety the more you most likely will avoid socialization.
  • This can lead to agoraphobia like it did for me, going from a social butterfly to a cocoon.
  • Don’t let it happen to you.
  • Psychology came to my rescue.
  • Invisibility I found anxiety can result in invisibility much like social anxiety.
  • But I also found that invisibility can occur even with loved ones and family members.
  • It is quite tragic whether it is intentional on their behalf or if they no longer know how to help you.
  • Again, psychology help can come to the rescue.
  • Uncertainty It is certainly a part of anxiety.
  • It messes with your life big time.
  • Addressing this fear will release you from your frozen state, defrosting into the world once again.
  • Let’s try that.
  • Quality of life This really affects me.
  • From being a very free-spirited person who had a world to change for the better to a closed in blog poster is not my ideal of having quality of life.
  • But with each psychological session I am seeing the light of my quality of life appearing once again on the near horizon.
  • Don’t give up.
  • It is worth fighting for a life of quality.

Organisation Anxiety

  • Manage verses eliminating The fight begins here.
  • Will you give up or get going?
  • My choice is to learn to manage my life’s work.
  • Giving up will surpass anxiety leading to depression.
  • We have probably been there, so you know that management is the answer for us.
  • Behavior adjustments It’s true.
  • Adjusting our behavior will help us to move forward.
  • Our behaviors have been conditioned since childhood making it very difficult to adjust our behavior.
  • It feels like this is who we are and this is how we react.
  • Once you find the adjustments purpose life for you can improve tremendously.
  • It is worth trying to become the new you.
  • Mindfulness practices Becoming mindful has helped me to be a lot happier.
  • At first it was very uncomfortable facing so many realities which I used to ignore.
  • But with time I began to respect mindfulness making my world so much more colorful, mysterious and playful.
  • Worth it? It is for me. Try it…
  • Positive outcomes We are all looking for positive outcomes.
  • That’s what we live for.
  • But it isn’t always the way of life.
  • Appreciating the outcomes that are truly positive rise to celebrations and gratefulness.
  • Looking out for those outcomes no matter how small can bring great happiness and peace.
  • Look out for them daily.

Remember: There are always positive outcomes if you teach to love yourself.

In case you missed it:

How To Survive After A Perceived Threat

Do you feel threatened right now?

Do this..

I had a wonderful day yesterday but woke up feeling threatened this morning.

The threat was real for me as it had happened before with dire consequences that have affected me ever since.

Now it was potentially happening again.

Even though it didn’t happen, I was still in need of something to calm down my nervous system, giving me the opportunity to write up and publish this blog post.

Through my research, just yesterday, I discovered this free mini-course for 10- days with an offer for a 10-week course, all free and online.

The very first day of the 10-day selection did the magic I desperately needed.

I hope it will do the same for you.

Visit this website to see the other 9 days of help.

Free Online Mental Health Course – 10 Days for Mental Health (


Accepting Mid-Life Crisis With Grace

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February 2025

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