In the late 1990’s my husband was given immediate surgery to extend the three months of life expected from his diagnosis with aggressivetesticular cancer.
I felt it was unfair to be so heavily tested, especially my faith and belief.
Dated 1998: Dr. Ian Brighthope specializes in Nutritional Medicine with particular interest in cancer. He is the President of the Australian College of Nutritional Medicine and Fellow of the International College of Applied Nutrition, Fellow of the New York Academy of Orthomolecular Psychiatry and Author of a number of Books.
What are the reasons for nutrition for cancer patients?
-To put an antioxidant on every cell of your body.
-To increase resistance on the assault of Medical Professions.
–Selenium is a very important mineral. Everyone is deficient!
–Spontaneous Remission is very possible. Life style, diet, mental state all affect your health greatly!
–White sugar is the best-marketed drug on the market. It is a KILLER!Without exception, patients do better without it!
-Vitamin C is the most powerful Antioxidant, made available quickly to your body, with no side effects.
–Too much protein causes the liver to stress.
-Vegetable juices, carrot, celery, wheat-grass and beetroot, give lots of antioxidants.
-Any seeds suppress cancer, sunflower, sesame, pumpkin for example.
–Comfrey– accelerates the healing of wounds. Use as a tea. Use only for 1 month at the most, each time, as it can cause liver problems. You can grow it yourself.
–Wheat grass – You can grow your own. One thimble-sized juice is full of antioxidants.
–Echinacea Angustitolia – Excellent for chronic bronchitis. Can be taken by tablet or tea.
-Shelf Fungus – Mushrooms, shitaki mushrooms or powders, stimulate the immune system.
–Antibiotic Prescription is a plague of the human race.
-Legumes, soya products
-Grains, Linseed.
-Herbs- black cohosh, (important female hormone), red clover
-Soya lowers breast cancer.
-Hormone replacement increases Oestrogens, which is dangerous.
–Isoflavones – do have an effect on breast cancer- get on to it! Soy products!
-160mg\day recommended tablet for breast cancer. 120-180mg\day in 3-4 tablets a day. It is not cheap! Do it for 2-3 months and then drop to 1 tablet per day.
To a Patient From the Nursing Staff at Ward 8 South
Dec, 1998,
Dearest Neridah,
This is a truly unique occasion we find ourselves in, writing a letter to a patient that has left our little world, Ward 8 South, to wish them a Merry Christmas.
In truth, so many people pass through our ward, the beds never seem to get cold before another patient is in it and requiring our care. The demands are endless and often we don’t feel we have the time to give them what they need or teach what we should whilst hey are on the ward, patients too many, nurses too few! People come and go and the work goes on, so therefore when they leave our little world they often leave our memories as we only have enough time to focus on the next patient.
But you changed all that, you may have left our ward, but you certainly have not left our memories. In fact, we are writing for many reasons, we have so much to say, yet it’s difficult to know where to begin… so I guess it should be from the beginning.
When you were first admitted to our ward, you were just another patient… but it was quickly apparent that you were not ‘just’ anything. Here you were, this incredible 38 year old woman, wife, mother of 2 beautiful children, facing the inevitable, much earlier than one ever should, showing us how to grab life with both hands and live it.
You made us stop and realise that this is not ‘just another patient’ that we have to look after and move on, you changed the rules, you made us want to stop, look and meet the real person that has so much to teach us about living. With your incredible sense of humour, you demonstrated that no matter what, living was not something to be taken for granted, but a bonus, a gift, and with each day that lay ahead there was an experience to be savoured. Even after the enormous operations, after all the interventions, when you must have being feeling so tired and sick, when most would complain, you would find something to be thankful for.
With the combined years of experience amongst the staff, we are used to supporting, both patients and family when the ordeals seem overwhelming, when the going gets tough. Suddenly, we found ourselves in a situation where the going was really, tough, you had tubes, drains, drips, infusions and, what seemed to be, every medical device attached to your body. We were ready to perform our role… but it was you who supported us. Life the saying goes, ‘when the going gets tough, the tough get going.” Well you just didn’t stop ‘going!’
Your faith is inspirational. We are in awe of your strength, your courage and your ability to find something good, no matter how small, and against all odds, in each and everyday. You brightened our day and nights with your wonderful hugs and your beautiful and ever ready smile touched and warmed our hearts.
When we think of Neridah Coxe, and we do think of her often, we think:
Like we said, this is a unique letter…but it seems fitting as it is most certainly for a unique woman.
Merry Christmas Neridah, to you and all your family.
Know that you are in our prayers, our heart and will live on in our memories forever as the woman that taught ward 8S about living!
I recently went under an operation to remove cyst and both ovaries, 2 weeks ago. Still trying to recover.
Last night, my family prayed for what to do and we all agreed we will trust the Lord and do natural healing instead of having chemotherapy and radiation.
Please share with me the dietthat helped you and any tips you can share.
I noticed my tummy gets gassy, acidic when I down the juiced food when I don’t have something before it that has protein. So, I boil a cup of water, then stir in it one beaten egg, cook it a little longer then eat it like an egg soup, no salt, no nothing! Then my stomach can take something else a little better.
I hope this is alright and not detrimental to my diet. Also, I’m 102 lbs (46.2kg) right now and don’t want to get skinnier.
I’m very much prepared and ready for anything you can help me with.
Super thank you for taking the time!
My family- mainly my youngest to help me prepare food but my whole family is slowly paying attention and researching for me. Dan, my husband is my 110 percent supportive.
We just got a juicer along with raw organic fruits, vegetables and supplements!
I’m feeling better in two days after sipping them throughout the day and now I just take them without hesitation:)
Because I’m ready!
Please do- you’ll be surprised how many people like me needs it.
Been wanting to find out what protein I can take being I went down to 102 pounds 🙁
I wish I could hug you right now – I could still vividly see you smiling real big.
Thank you for walking me in this new world. Made me have more confidence I can beat this.
Mary Rose
MMary Rose chat with Debby:
I want to make you proud!
Ok- so remember how you are such an important part of me now so the more you have to focus on taking care of yourself so you can continue to be a light. I love you very much and will take with me to bed all of your love and counsel.
Me before- 5 months before my surgery (sitting at the gym with hands over eyes) That was before I had the surgery- I have a flat tummy and actually a gym rat
Keep that skinny pic and will send you more as improvement shows so you can show others your project 🙂
I need to get better first from my operation and gain back my health- seems like that’s the only logical thing to do right now especially when they tell me I might not have enough time:(
Photo 1: Former “Gym rat”, before diagnosis.
Photo 2: Two weeks after surgery
My whole body is sore– I keep massaging myself. A cut from the top of my belly button all the way down to passed my pubic bone.
You’re a lifesaver! If you had seen me after I was discharged and you see how I’m slowly transforming, my Darling, it will definitely lift your spirits!
Photo 3: A month after ‘healing.’
I’m going to try this so eventually my family can transform with me. That’s my prayer actually.
My heart was palpitating so much, I started walking actively in the house for 20 minutes or so otherwise the palpitations is just too much to bear.
Well, the feeling is mutual- chatting with you is one of the highlights of my day along with my prayer time and seeing everyone’s home! I brag about you!
I’m sure, my recovery is speaking more volume than what I can say.
Transformation, yes!
I slept soundly last night and I dozed off today. Managed to cook my first meal for my family. Lamb with curry, turmeric and I used my own salt. I just wish they would switch more to brown rice. I will be patient 🙂
I actually told Dan, I don’t want to see any doctors for now and focus on getting up and rejuvenating my body, they seem to all go to that scary world.
I honestly got better after you got a hold of me.
I never had this experience of going to the loo. Today, I went 3 x, looks like the brown rice I had for breakfast helped the whole day. What a relief!
Thank you, Debby! You don’t how much you’re building my confidence, joy and hopeso I can still be a brave mother.
You’re saving not just me but my my family and love ones sanity.
I will be welcoming visitors in the near future and eager to share both spiritual and physical gain.
I love this idea- will certainly help coat the lining of my stomach as I’m still sensitive.
Circle of love that heals!
Again, my heartfelt gratitude– you’re such a light in my world!
But I’m not feeling any pain in my body whereas before, I could barely walk and today I was able to go to the doctor, and shop for my needs.
Beautiful! It’s so much faith building to hear from people who had battled it themselves.
I feel much better conveying with you as I bump into a question Plus I know you’re really after my welfare– that means and very important to me
I’m losing weight still so I’m very anxious to gain
wanna keep asking questions 🙂
Just arrived from doctors appointment Lots to consult to you 🙂
All those years- you were preserved for people like me so I’m hungry to be your mini- me in knowledge not in height:)
I’m taking this challenge!
All the time I see you smiling real big while preparing your meal flashes on my mind so I asked my friend, Melody to help me connect with you!
I’m not even with your assistance for a month and what you shared had pulled me out from not getting well because I don’t know what’s causing my discomforts.
Debby, you were the very first one that came to mind when I was in a limbo and total darkness after hearing my verdict.
Along with spiritual of course being that the body has a spirit. Lots of coaches leave that but when it’s all about the flesh, there’s imbalance and no reaching goals are attained.
I’m very interested to know how to make coconut yogurt, Coach! Well, I’m slowly getting the food challenge. Getting better- getting up more. Please send me how to do yogurt cause I have no clue.
I’m so hungry for all these as I hold the health of my family being I’m the cook of course.
Also, It’s a blessing to others, instead of talking about just anything, you get to leave them something significant and adds to their life. My youngest son is even learning art in making my juice and smoothies.
Tried cannabis oil yesterday- my pain was lessen, my appetite is back and I feel relax. Ahh, sweet connection!
Yesterday, we switched to organic/ free range eggs, raw olive oil– just two but we consume everyday
Well, my son’s girlfriend, her mom died after she had chemotherapy. Cancer gone alright but her immunitywas just down and an ordinary sickness and she died from it. She begged me even to not do it because she was traumatized watching her mom. 3 hours after chemotherapy and she was throwing up nonstop, can’t eat, no appetite, diarrhea the list goes on!
When my Doctor was reading my biopsy and right away demanded series of chemotherapy, my husband, Dan and I just listened and excused ourselves.
He wants me to do minimum of 6 at first. I asked him when he can tell if it’s working and it’s on the 4th one, I will be dead, haven’t even recovered from getting butchered!
Can’t even function yet from all the drugs I had! What a joke! It’s all about money! No interest at all about my recovery telling me I can eat anything so I can get worse
We did and they have been texting me to mix my diet with chemo for faster results!
Speedy death! I’m determined to learn and be an advocate of this and will spread it!
We are gonna be looking for organic places
I have 5 kids-
I will our kitchen food. We are planning to throw away poisonous stuff already! My family is starting to pay attention to their food. My youngest today made himself omelette with spinach using olive oil.
I was just solely relying on an egg a day and my juice/ smoothie with supplements and my weight wouldn’t stop going down. With fish added, I can sit and lift my head longer and no headache
Today, I can walk without dragging my feet, I could lift them up. I was able to go out in the yard for some needed sunshine. And got to have a full shower- no assistance!
I ate sardines in olive oil, made in Spain and spinach leaves
My uncle was our family doctor and when we were sick he would send us to bed, feed us , flush with fluids and won’t give us vaccinations
Everywhere medicine is offered like that. So many people are sick. Looking good outside but dying inside!
And antibiotics make me really itchy- allergy galore
No meds– just raw organic food and supplements
I don’t do well with medicines
I will heed your advise– especially with another sickness
Gluten gave me hell- migraine, sore in my mouth and constipation!
I can hardly wait to move normally- my tail bone is so sore I can’t even walk far
Forgot to tell you my sugar is elevated- I take metformin
Yes type 2 Diabetes
It’s a miracle the Lord helped me this quick to abandon coffee I have lots of fluids I look pregnant!
Madam, I hardly go toilet! It’s very bad!
The most beautiful change is I go to the toilet with no strain, gas and acid reflux hardly present now.
My pee is clear now 🙂
I haven’t gain anything but grateful I don’t lose any.
I get it dear- what an important tip, I never knew! What a wonderful coach I have!
End of Journal
After 6 weeks with Mary Rose, she spent her days spending time with her relatives, gathered together from all over the world.
She maintained her stamina to share the love with her family members, looked radiant, but suddenly had uncontrollable pain and was administered to hospital where she passed away, with her family by her side.
She looked as healthy as her family members, but her time had come.
I am honored to be able to assist her with pain relief and a sense of worth and hope, relieving fear of death, while giving her weeks to prepare for her departure in the most wonderful way. Mary Rose, you deserve to be remembered..
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