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Consulting With Debby On Lactose Intolerance

Consulting With Debby On Lactose Intolerance

Are Bread and Cheese A Blessing or a Burden?

Testimony: Gabriel’s Healing of Lactose Intolerance By Annamaria A. Garcia

Our son, Gabriel was struggling with allergies, asthma and then came lactose intolerance, reflux, sluggishness, and a general feeling of not being well.

He started having these issues at about 7 years of age, and by the time he was 11 things escalated to where he spent Christmas Eve at the emergency section of the children’s hospital getting drips and having to diet throughout the Christmas break due to nausea, diarrhea and vomiting.

The pediatrician would just prescribe medication (marked as not intended for children under 15 or 18 years old – he was 11 at the time) and she had no other solution, but we did not want our son on medication.

This is when we were introduced to Debby, who had a major role in educating us about autoimmune conditions.

As we live far away (in Hungary), we consulted through the internet and she also referred us to helpful material, such as the Betrayal series by Dr. Tom O’Bryan

Debby was always ready to help with advice, encouragement and research.

Shortly after we also met some local therapists and among other things, Gabriel could go through a 2 months detoxification treatment through a strict diet and with the help of bio-resonance (Mora) therapy.

One placebo-controlled study of the effects of bioresonance therapy showed that “MORA bioresonance therapy can markedly improve non-organic gastro-intestinal complaints.”

The therapist also told me that if we just get off the stuff that bothers us (e.g. diary), it takes months for it to clear out from our system, and that these treatments make it faster. Gaby had a reading of 1000 for dairy as per machine, when 0 is normal and after 8 weeks it was back to 0.

Apparently besides food intolerance issues, chemicals and heavy metals, possibly from mandatory vaccinations, had been all a cause of the problem.

Gabriel had a drastic healing, to where he has no issues with lactose intolerance or asthma anymore, (this is also documented through medical tests.)

While he used to have to be excused from PE classes in school due to being unwell, he started playing basketball and is generally feeling well. “

Back and join pains, weight loss

I stopped eating gluten and in one week the plumpness around my waist I previously had not been able to be rid of was gone…it was just gone…

I had struggled regular back and joint pains and I believe dairy and gluten had to do with it, as after changing diet, the pain ceased.

I learnt from Debby about autoimmune issues and how there is a whole other way to approach these things. She helped with counsel overall, and educated me about the dangers of gluten. She encouraged us with hope that is a solution.

Annamaria A. Garcia, Hungary

From Debby’s CGP Case File:

Early Proactive Intervention Prevents Life Long Chronic Disease:

  • Genetic: Family history of low stomach acid causing stomach aches and food sensitivities, dairy and gluten sensitivity.
  • Triggers: Mold, dust mites, dairy and gluten
  • Leaky Gut: bone broth, change of diet, gluten free, dairy free.
  • Symptoms/Testing: bloated at times, or gets cramps

– lactose sensitivity is valid,

– some mild infections

– blood test: result as positive, he could be gluten sensitive.

– had an endoscopy”Gastroscopia”, but this showed notraces of gluten sensitivity,

-“Resonance machine” picked up gluten sensitivity.

  • Conclusion: “ I wanted to let you know that I was able to find a very good functional medicine doctor in a nearby city. She does bio-resonance treatments and I had Gaby and my daughter go through detoxification treatments. Gaby is much better and this is a huge break-through. When I took him to this bio-resonance treatment, there it showed he has more issues with dairy than gluten, the gluten was rather a secondary thing due to the dairy issue.”
  • Gut issues: Gaby really overate at a party, although it was mostly French fries and chicken breast..following day was sensitive to other foods and fizzy drinks.
  • “He could not eat or drink anymore, he was in pain (his stomach has been generally so sensitive, that is he never buttons his pants properly as bothers him, even when he is okay, his stomach is still sensitive for touch.”
  • “Gabriel every morning nausea, runs, stomach cramps

he does not eat gluten, maybe the oats he has been eating?”

  • “Now in the morning finally he had runs and it came out and now he is sleeping, tummy aches, dizziness and since then he is fully off gluten (at least if he gets any it is not intentional, but might happen if we are unaware it has gluten, but I think mostly that does not happen)”.
  • “Since then it is on and off and he complains of headaches, dizziness quite a bit.”
  • Allergy, asthma difficult breathing during heavy rains and storms
  • Dizziness, dust mite allergy, struggles with mold in the house, causing missing school, doctors, neurologist.
  • Older brother also has dust mite allergy, eye and ear doctor without successful outcome for dizziness. Became moody, headaches and self-focused. Allergy Testing confirmed dust mites and mold allergies. Mold and dust mites were addressed.
  • “Gaby still has issues with some stuff, allergies, he had started out with chronic sinusitis that the normal doctor did not even notice, but it got cleared up and we know more how we can help avoid the bad state he was in before.”
  • Gaby’s sister had problems with both gluten and dairy
  • “It turned out what he really has the problem with is dairy-gluten problem was just a result of a messed up gut plus heavy metals from vaccinations.
  • trial gluten free diet for a few weeks

“I cut sugar out of my morning coffee and no bread for dinners.

bread reduction worked, more energy and felt less tired, drastically minimised sugar and bread intake.”

“We started to make bone broth and give it to him well, let’s say, almost daily.”

“We are doing this not eating gluten for a week almost now with Gabriel. Quite amazing, no stomach aches, reflux…

  • “Gabriel is so much better in every way, so we are so thankful.”
  • Allergy Test Results:

Endomysium IgA e. at. is negative and also the same with IgG e. at., the numbers are fully in the normal (Test for Celiac Disease)

(IgG is 10.17, it shows the normal is from 6.00-16.00 and IgA is 1.85, with the normal being 0.50 to 2.70)

so this seems OK

for Transglutaminase IgA e.a. it shows 1, 4. Test for Celiac Disease

I think this is also normal (I think it is OK from 0.0. to 5.0)”

  • “He is healed from his lactose sensitivity and his asthma as well, it is a total miracle.”
  • “It is amazing now to see Gaby just being generally so much better, and he is not returning to eating dairy, only maybe can have occasional exceptions.”
  • “So just wanted to let you know and thanks again for starting us on this journey to know where we can find help which direction to look.”

98% Healing Of Crohn’s Disease -How?

With A Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD)

Testimony By Sam Mateyak

Warning: Colonoscopy Scan before and after.

Our eldest daughter (12) was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease last year.

After extensive testing, endoscopy, colonoscopy the GI specialist recommended that we put her on Biologics to handle the disease… For the rest of her life

She had lost almost all her appetite over the course of 3 months. She was so weak she never left the house and barely left her room. Her weight had dropped from 110lbs(49.8kg) to around 70lbs(31.7kg). She was starting to look skeletal, it was scary.

Well a friend told me to read this book Breaking The Vicious Cycle by Elaine Gottschall and it talked about using the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, SCD diet up battle Crohn’s.

Well we have been very strictly, religiously on the diet and a few weeks ago Shannon got a 1 year follow up colonoscopy.

It showed 98% improvement from the previous year! But once again the Dr is recommending going on meds again for that 2%.

She did not take any medications for the entire year.

Another thing… The medications are immuno-suppressant so if she had been on them with this ConVid19 virus outbreak she would be extreme at risk.

I think we’ve made that decision that she’s healed naturally through diet only for 98 percent, so I see no reason why it can’t go another 2 percent.

Did you see that pic I posted? SCD friendly lemon chicken pasta.

The spaghetti is made out of yellow lentils, so no gluten. It’s amazing.

Before and After Photos

Our whole family has actually been taking on the diet in support of Shannon and I feel so healthy!

I’ve lost 45 lbs, no exercise besides walking. I no longer feel lethargic all the time.

I think it’s the sugar!!!

We don’t eat refined sugar at all anymore, or any product with added sugar in it. It doesn’t even exist in our house, only honey.

I share it with anyone it can help! This disease is horrible! The more people can use the info to get healthy the better.

Is that right about the wheat? I just read it on your blog. I’ve never heard that before.

We haven’t had any grains for a year now. Zero

I actually have some colonoscopy pics. Not too gross, just showing the intestinal lining healed from inflammation and ulcers.

Below: Colonoscopy Scans:

Demonstrating the before/after scans over 1 year with Specific Carbohydrate Diet, healing the inflammation and ulcers.

Colonoscopy Scan: Inflammation and ulcers 2019
Colonoscopy Scan: Severe Inflammation and ulcers 2019
Colonoscopy Scan: Intestinal Lining Healed from inflammation and ulcers 2020

Consulting with Debby on Venous Skin Ulcers

Venous Skin Ulcer Healing

By: Bamboo Sara‎

Kindly consider that English is my third language and I learn just by hearing it or reading but never study.

PSALM 118:24

“This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.” Bible

I want to give the testimony of my life.

In December 27, 2014 I was a replica of Job in the Bible, with open sores.

I was drowning in pain in my legs and left hand, pain to take a shower, to put the socks, the shoes, to walk, to stand, to wash even my hand, and dry, pain with the wind, the weather, and to finish, like an eagle. I started to lose all my nails from hands and feet.

I was surrender by pain in every move, I was dying in agony and discouragement.

Then at the end of my rope I wrote my prayer request in shame, exposing myself in lack of faith, but with the hope in my dream to be delivered of this leprosy as I used to call it, because this was how it looked.

I felt unwanted, cursed, to say the least.

To sleep was a victory for I could not stand even the sheets, the air from the fan and to move.

I was in complete distress, my eyes were like a fog for I cry as never before but also I cry in prayer because I could not take it any longer.

I was not living so I refuse to stay, live like that, I refuse to conform and began to reject it but even when I was saying, “This is not what God wants for me.”

I did not know from where to begin, for my live was a complete mess, compromising in so many ways and areas.

When I asked for prayer I feel naked, but I was trusting (in the fact that we are believers in Jesus), my heart and my life “online” to you. It was a bomb for me but what more I can lose?

I already lost my health but my faith was wondering, “What if you live to see that day of your deliverance?” what if, what if, what if…

I tell you now, is there for everybody but we have to reach out in desperation and dependence on the Lord.

You see, here are people that I never met but sure enough they care because we are a “family”. Between minutes of my prayer request, my friend Robin talked to Debby Blettner, who is a health coach certify (“there you go Debby, homework for you. — Got it!”) and there began a wonderful friendship.

To pass the humble steps of communications, pictures, it kill me, but I knew I have to go all the way and trust, because Jesus told me this was my last chance.

His love and reassurance made a difference and make it possible to bear it. Debby helped me a lot. There was God all the time speaking to me just to do and trust..

If I have to go such a painful journey just to know them, I tell you, it was all worthy, for I have gained more than I can imagine; my faith, my health and wonderful friends.

2015 was a year to remember for the big amount of changes and challenges. However, when the journey began I was a worm with cripple wings, but as I took the stand and followed with a sparkle of faith, the fog of my afflictions was lifted up and began to recover everything that the enemy holds during those times and years of battles.

I confess today with great joy and claim that Jesus has healed me, showing me that He cares using people like Debby to support and guide me.

The day of my dream is here, my skin is clean, clean, clean as never before, sure it looks like a Dalmatian, but even then the stains will be gone soon, because Jesus went all the way for us already. It’s is just a matter of time and patience, but the joy I feel, nobody can take it away and Debby, you are a part of it.

Before Photo 1: Venous Skin Ulcers

After Photo 2: Venous Skin Ulcers healed

Thank you so much for being there as a guardian angels and to me like a heavenly mommy Debby Blettner.

There were other precious people behind the scene, that have a big impact on me for their concern and help, some abroad that are still caring.

It was like God putting the pieces of the puzzle together from the night to the day, all focused in my healing. They were lifting my arms, cheering me up and through them God has supplied everything that I need.

This is just the top of the iceberg. I want to swim in God’s pool of blessings, in a new life and I want to Praise the Lord for it.

Thank you so much for being there and thank you so much Jesus for being a reality in my life.

Years of medicine did not work, for I was afflicted for 50 years. For 20 years I was a “guinea pig,” a source of experiment in hospitals, for nobody could determine what I had.

So 20 years destroyed everything; my confidence, my health and my life. People today trust in the first thing that they hear/see or you put in front, to do whatever it is and go to wherever it takes, just to be healthy, why?

After I become a missionary the affliction backed up, but even then every year it comes, but nothing like 2014. It was like all hate from hell got me and sure enough I was almost there, gone, but a whisper of prayer changed everything forever. Thank you Jesus!.

Changes are good, precious diamonds that most of the time look to us like a stones, like charcoal, like an obstacle, but if we are conscious of how much we need changes and challenges, we will never regret what we have given up just to become one with Jesus. It has been an honour to meet you all, to know that you are beside Jesus, as desperate as I am.

Everything is new, now when I see myself I rejoice in 2 Cor 5:17

” Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”

A wonderful promise fulfilled in my life.

Looking forward to help others with a thankful heart.

Remember: All for One (Jesus) and One (Jesus) for all!.

I will refer you Debby with closed eyes, for I have a new life thanks to God to put you in my way to teach me, nurture me and take me under your wings. I can’t repay what you have done for me, but Jesus can, that’s why I pray for you to reach your goals and your dreams become a reality for nothing is impossible to those that believe.

Love and prayers my dear Debby.

Bamboo Sara, Missionary to the Philippines

Bamboo Sara: Now healed of Venous Skin Ulcers

Have You Heard Of Crohn’s Disease?

Crohn’s Disease is very painful and is increasing in prevalence.

Crohn’s disease is an Autoimmune Disease in the category of IBD (aka Inflammatory Bowel Disease), much more serious than IBS (aka Irritable Bowel Syndrome).

Simply described it is inflammation of the GI track, (aka digestive tract) and has some similarities to Celiac Disease.

The main symptoms of Crohn’s Disease include:

– Diarrhoea and loose stools

– Abdominal pain and cramping

– Mouth ulcers

– Weight loss and reduced appetite

– Blood in stools

– Fatigue and fevers

The Main IBS symptoms include:

– diarrhoea or constipation

– cramping and abdominal pain/gas

– bloating

– mucous in stool

There is no cure for Crohn’s but there is hope with Functional Medicine procedures including dietary and lifestyle interventions. These include:

  • Your Microbiome/the healthy bacteria in your gut, benefits from eliminating refined sugar, grains, especially gluten, processed foods, dairy products and prevention of antibiotic use whenever possible.
  • Prevent malnutrition by nourishing your body with foods like coconut oil,wild caught salmon, flax seeds, organic fruits, grass-fed meat, and blueberries, for example.
  • A higher protein diet, like a Paleo-type diet or the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD) works well for people with Crohn’s disease. Paleo lifestyle hacks help eliminate inflammatory foods, allowing your gut to heal.
  • Stress reduction, including good sleep which allows the whole body to heal, putting your body into remission.

Before and after pics of a 11-12 year old girl, over a one-year period, with Crohn’s Disease.
On the left she is eating a standard American diet. (SAD).
On the right she had been using the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD) for one year. Notice the healthy food swaps, much improved skin colour, brighter eyes and improved posture.

Acute flare-ups can be triggered by stress, foods, anxiety, depression, or acute infections.

The typical symptoms of Crohn’s can be identical to those of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). Candida Tropicalis has been confirmed in current research as a Crohn’s Disease factor.

Naturopathic medical approaches which emphasise dietary and lifestyle changes have been shown by research to be successful in managing Crohn’s disease.

A higher protein diet, like a Paleo-type diet or the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD) works well for people with Crohn’s disease.

Crohn’s Disease is an Autoimmune Disease.

The 3 components of Autoimmune Disease are:

  1. Genetics: Test for the gene

2. Environmental Triggers: commonly gluten, wheat, barley and rye family

3. Leaky Gut: caused by environmental triggers

On a personal level I have discovered Microbiome Labs Products.

I specifically use:

  • MegaSporebiotic
  • MegaPrebiotic and
  • MegaMucosa

Check it out at:

The product line provides a course of 3 months to recondition the gut by microbial diversity.

The second month adding MegaPrebiotic reinforces the new bacterial colony by feeding them.

In the third month you add MegaMucosa to rebuild the mucous lining of the gut.

After the 3 months you go onto maintenance.

You will need to ‘find a Practitioner.’

Email me at and I will help connect you.

Watch and hear from a Crohn’s survivor/thriver with a inspirational testimony as a personal consultation from Jordan Rubin:

Jordan Rubin, who has had an extreme case of Crohn’s Disease, shares his advice from healing his body of Crohn’s Disease.

He suggests:

Limit carbs, no gluten, no dairy.

Bone Broth, Fermented foods.

Healthy fats like coconut oil, coconut milk, avocados, nuts and seeds if not on flare-ups, nut butter and seed butter all help a lot to heal Crohn’s.

Blueberries also are very nourishing for healing Crohn’s.

Specific herbs like Frankincense which you can learn from the consult on You Tube.

Spices: tumeric and ginger are essential to reverse Crohn’s.

Essential oils, which I use daily, lavender and peppermint.

Supplements, probiotics and digestive enzymes.

Jordan Rubin

Self-Education Related Homework: including a very cute testimony video by a 10 yr-old girl Testimony of healing Crohn’s.

Natural Solutions to Crohn’s Disease

Getting to the Root of Crohn’s Disease: A Functional Medicine Approach

Reduce Your Fear of Coronavirus with these 7+ Holistic Tips:

Reduce Your Fear of Coronavirus with these 9+ Holistic Tips:

With the increasing fear of the Coronavirus I felt compelled to offer Natural Prevention and Healing from Coronavirus infections to raise hope for both healing and prevention.

Through my research I recommend these articles with the hope it will be of great benefit both in healing the body and putting at rest the mind and spirit.

Disclaimer: I take no responsibility for the results taken by readers. The Websites listed are for Education purposes only.

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