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Embrace Joy Over Depression With Hope and Happiness Feeling Better

Embrace Joy Over Depression With Hope and Happiness Feeling Better

Feeling Better Comes With Often Embracing Joy and Hope

Making it normal? Is it possible? Or are we talking about a “new normal” when it comes to chronic illness?

DB: I have taken the challenge to accept my ‘new normal’ over and over.

The first ‘new normal’ was for me to accept I had multiple chronic health conditions.

As time passed more complex chronic health conditions added themselves to my lengthy medical record. But time has a special way with us.

It depends on what you choose to do.

With autoimmunity there are many choices. I chose to self-educate myself through functional medicine doctors, psychologists and therapists as well as a lot of online researching.

My conclusion is a ‘new normal’ now of great health. It may not be as great as a few decades before, but it is fabulous compared to the last decade of my life.

So my ‘new normal’ has become very grateful, excited waking every morning with the new health, which I treasure daily.

Where there is hope there is healing.

Summary by:


  • past losses and difficulties
  • low self-esteem
  • ‘fuzziness’ in thinking
  • negativity
  • challenges
  • sense of purpose and meaning
  • difficulty seeing a hopeful future and
  • suicidal thoughts

DB: As a teenager I suffered from depression from past losses, difficulties and very low self-esteem. I also lacked a sense of purpose and meaning which led me to suicidal thoughts.

In my early 20’s I suffered from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome CFS and in my 40’s I developed long term Fibromyalgia.

Emotional Feelings:

  • sadness
  • difficulty to access emotions
  • feeling lazy
  • lost
  • angry and
  • difficulty accessing pleasure in things that were pleasurable before but not now

Behavioral Symptoms:

  • Less excitement for activities
  • increased use of substances
  • or ‘out-of-control’ practices and escaping
  • ‘checking out’
  • housebound and bed-bound
  • reckless behavior without care of consequences
  • self-harm
  • reduced performance in work and
  • school or duties at home
  • massive drop of levels of energy

DB: Before I chose to become a Career Missionary after my suicidal thought attempt/self-harm, I felt out of control. I checked out and used reckless behavior without care of consequences, as perceived by my parents and family.

I lost my appetite, work performance and duties at home. I also endured disabling fatigue while dabbling daily with alcohol for relief.

During my suicidal intent, I was saved by a book that caught my eye. After opening the book to ‘see what it had to say to me’ was a last attempt to ward off the suicidal thought. At first glance the words offered to give my life away to a good cause, rather than throwing my life away.

Relational Symptoms:

  • socially withdrawn
  • isolated
  • increase in arguments
  • less invested in loved ones lives
  • disconnected from others

DB: Significant health issues resulted living housebound. After attending psychological therapy I have been able to slowly but surely increase my social life, being more open and more invested in my loved ones. So there is hope for sure.

Physical Symptoms:

  • stomach discomfort and loss of appetite
  • sexual issues and
  • sleep disturbances
  • lethargy and fatigue
  • slowing down and
  • headaches
  • get help from a doctor’s diagnosis of depression

DB: When I saw the doctor as a high school student I was prescribed effervescent Vitamin C. It actually helped, but the root cause wasn’t addressed. It has now been addressed through my self-education and the help of my supportive GP/Doctor.

Summary :

  • With chronic illness there is a physical loss which can lead to depression
  • social and emotional loss over long periods
  • includes loss of hope
  • physical function
  • integrity
  • dignity
  • faith
  • social relationships
  • autonomy
  • freedom and
  • ‘loss of life’ imagined
  • Chronic ‘sorrow’ and depression is very frequent with co-occurring disorders
  • Significant amount of loss can easily become depressive

Focus on:

  • Coping strategies
  • self esteem
  • optimism
  • cognitive behavioral therapy
  • interpersonal therapy
  • problem solving
  • social support
  • emotional expression
  • mindfulness practice
  • addressing toxic relationships
  • boundaries and
  • trusted support

Coping strategies include:

  • Sunlight,
  • exercise,
  • natural supplements,
  • sleep schedules and
  • medical interventions.

DB: I discovered two other coping strategies, not mentioned, CBD oil and Trauma Informed Yoga that I have found very helpful indeed to the point of almost back to normal and better.


Make Your Loneliness Better By Making Your Health Better

Feel better overall by balancing both a social life and a balanced healthy life

Your social life may seem unrelated to your overall health.

After all, what do relationships have to do with your heart pumping blood or your muscles growing?

As it turns out, relationships have much more to do with your health than you might think!

In fact, relationships are so vital to your quality of life and your overall well-being that loneliness can be known to shorten a lifespan and cause many different health complications. Why take the risk?

Learn more about how important relationships are for your health.

Focus and work on:

-Improving existing relationships

-Building new relationships

-Socializing more

You will see a change in your mood, and then probably in your attitude. That change will begin to affect your habits and your activity levels.

Before you know it, your improved and new relationships will simply having you feeling better.

That’s good news!


Follow in His Footprints: Success Will Happily Follow You

Testimonial by Debby Blettner 2014

Asserting Your Faith, Before, Through and After Transformational Events

Each person’s footprints are unique – as, I believe, are God’s footprints. Once recognized, they can take you to places you never dreamed of. If you are like me, you will love the journey with all of its excitement. You might be shocked by where He takes you. Hang onto Him like your life depends on it and reach the summit, which is to die for!

The synchronicity of the Universe is a popular topic: putting out your intention with the Universe providing. For me, it is Jesus’ eyes seeing my need, with His hands outstretched supplying it. It is also His shoulder to cry on during the difficult parts of the journey and His arms to comfort me. It is His smile, ever present to encourage me, and His footprints for me to follow.

From 2007 to 2009 I was bedridden. I was diagnosed with an acute case of fibromyalgia and adrenal fatigue. I needed help – a lot of help. I needed a miracle. Dreams led the way for me; whispers of hope in my desperation to recover. Following His footsteps was my only hope.

Since 2005, my husband and I had been operating a Food Rescue at the local weekend markets. In 2009, when helping out at the markets, I met Jan. Jan introduced me to Tony, who operated conference rooms. While attending a conference at Tony’s, I met Elaine who arranged to meet with me for coffee to exchange products. Her products were supplemental; mine were Aurora Productions. At our meeting at my home, I purchased her “five-star supplements” and she bought a book from me. I returned to my bed exhausted after she left.

After three days of taking these new supplements, I had what I like to call a “resurrection”. I stood unaided, putting my walking stick aside. I felt energized; my pain vanished and I felt hunger. I believed it to be a miracle.

I later learned from my health practitioner that I had been severely nutritionally depleted. I felt the Lord sent supplements to help strengthen me. I often wonder, what if I had opted to stay home the night I met Elaine, a friend who understood my health plight? What if I hadn’t followed the footprints? I wonder how my life would be today.

February 2010 proved to be very exciting. My husband and I became entrepreneurial business owners with the health science company. By purchasing from our own virtual shop we received discounts and commissions. With my health improving, I began researching preventative health measures, basing my research on the advice of my health practitioner regarding these supplements.

I was referred to a world of renowned doctors and health professionals, which lead me to an abundant pool of literature, webinars, virtual conferences, virtual world summits and books that I used my healing time to study.

I was searching for the common denominator, the root cause, a solution and healing, as well as prevention of worse conditions. What did they all say? What did they all have in common? I closely followed both professionals and laypersons who researched for their own health conditions that were medically incurable, like mine.

The research revealed that healing came from emotional-spiritual connectivity, highlighting gut health, body, mind and spirit. As an expert on my healing, I then felt led to write about all that I discovered. This could in the future lead to authorship, speaking events, seminars, coaching and marketing my book and supplements.

God’s ways are so different from man’s ways, His wonders to behold. In order to perform these duties I should be in the peak of good health – though as of this moment, I am still far from that. While my head is filling with knowledge and my heart is pouring forth these words, the seeming fantasy of authorship, seminar leadership, Internet marketer, coach and speaker are far from me; another lifetime, perhaps.

But what if He is calling me into these fields? What if I was healed completely? Or what if I was only healed enough to desperately follow His footsteps in my utter weakness and dependence on His every word, every footprint I begin to see appearing in the sand before me? Could this be His way?

I am yet to find out, but there is precedence for this. All throughout history the weak were chosen to accomplish His tasks, for they know Who is the one bringing about the results. It is much easier to give God the glory when you can hardly speak, have difficulty standing for any period of time, when your body wracks of unending pain, and when your thoughts are fog.

When He fills me with His presence and I surrender, I KNOW who is performing tasks through me; a yielded vessel only desiring His highest will. There is no question of WHO is performing the task, the only question could be HOW. Thus contains the miracle, the amazing grace, the sheer joy and splendor of surrender to He who loves us all more than is imaginable; such is the importance of His footprints which I determine to follow.

“Ye shall hear a voice behind thee saying this is the way, walk ye in it.” –Isaiah 30:21

In reality, I have already been a published writer; I have coached, spoken, led a seminar and sold products via Internet. All I need to do now is follow His footsteps into my future, which might contain more emphasis on these talents and gifts I have been bequeathed.

“Your health, your life, your way,” is the slogan of our health science company. As an Associate to this company, equipped with the talents I have gained as a veteran missionary, teacher, educator, parent and wife, I wonder if I am in line for a promotion to develop these skills. I am still watching out for the footprints.

What do you have a passion for that can help others? It will probably be something pertinent in your life, as mine was with health. All paths lead to it; it calls you, it frustrates you, and you have to find the answer. You find yourself researching it, and information flows to you from every direction on that topic. The fragmented pieces begin to join the dots and form a picture.

You feel compelled to talk about it, write about it, share it with the individuals that come to you for your information and in turn spread the word. You become a trusted source and people know you are honest, reputable and trustworthy. They might even want to hear about your Savior because of your testimony of assistance, always being there for them even if you never mentioned a word about your faith until their trust was born in you.

It is an amazing path to follow – and yes, it was unexpected – but I am so glad I have followed this far and am excited to peek a little bit further into my future to see where He is leading, grasping His hand like a little child with her father. But I know it will be thrilling and that I will have all that I need as I follow in His footprints. I encourage you to do the same. What is calling you?

Introducing Mary Rose

6 Weeks with Mary Rose

Shared journal, with permission, of Mary’s ‘healing’ time with Debby

This is Mary Rose, I don’t know if you remember me but I thought of you today

Debby, being I am diagnosed with stage 3 cancer on my lymph nodes. I remember you followed the natural remedies of treating your ailment.

I recently went under an operation to remove cyst and both ovaries, 2 weeks ago. Still trying to recover.

Last night, my family prayed for what to do and we all agreed we will trust the Lord and do natural healing instead of having chemotherapy and radiation.

Please share with me the diet that helped you and any tips you can share.

I noticed my tummy gets gassy, acidic when I down the juiced food when I don’t have something before it that has protein. So, I boil a cup of water, then stir in it one beaten egg, cook it a little longer then eat it like an egg soup, no salt, no nothing! Then my stomach can take something else a little better.

I hope this is alright and not detrimental to my diet. Also, I’m 102 lbs (46.2kg) right now and don’t want to get skinnier.

I’m very much prepared and ready for anything you can help me with.

Super thank you for taking the time!

My family- mainly my youngest to help me prepare food but my whole family is slowly paying attention and researching for me. Dan, my husband is my 110 percent supportive.

We just got a juicer along with raw organic fruits, vegetables and supplements!

I’m feeling better in two days after sipping them throughout the day and now I just take them without hesitation:)

Because I’m ready!

Please do- you’ll be surprised how many people like me needs it.

Been wanting to find out what protein I can take being I went down to 102 pounds 🙁

I wish I could hug you right now – I could still vividly see you smiling real big.

Thank you for walking me in this new world. Made me have more confidence I can beat this.

Mary Rose

MMary Rose chat with Debby:

I want to make you proud!

Ok- so remember how you are such an important part of me now so the more you have to focus on taking care of yourself so you can continue to be a light. I love you very much and will take with me to bed all of your love and counsel.

Me before- 5 months before my surgery (sitting at the gym with hands over eyes) That was before I had the surgery- I have a flat tummy and actually a gym rat

Keep that skinny pic and will send you more as improvement shows so you can show others your project 🙂

I need to get better first from my operation and gain back my health- seems like that’s the only logical thing to do right now especially when they tell me I might not have enough time:(

Photo 1: Former “Gym rat”, before diagnosis.

Photo 2: Two weeks after surgery

My whole body is sore– I keep massaging myself. A cut from the top of my belly button all the way down to passed my pubic bone.

You’re a lifesaver! If you had seen me after I was discharged and you see how I’m slowly transforming, my Darling, it will definitely lift your spirits!

Photo 3: A month after ‘healing.’

I’m going to try this so eventually my family can transform with me.
That’s my prayer actually.

My heart was palpitating so much, I started walking actively in the house for 20 minutes or so otherwise the palpitations is just too much to bear.

Well, the feeling is mutual- chatting with you is one of the highlights of my day along with my prayer time and seeing everyone’s home!
I brag about you!

I’m sure, my recovery is speaking more volume than what I can say.

Transformation, yes!

I slept soundly last night and I dozed off today. Managed to cook my first meal for my family. Lamb with curry, turmeric and I used my own salt. I just wish they would switch more to brown rice.
I will be patient 🙂

I actually told Dan, I don’t want to see any doctors for now and focus on getting up and rejuvenating my body, they seem to all go to that scary world.

I honestly got better after you got a hold of me.

I never had this experience of going to the loo. Today, I went 3 x, looks like the brown rice I had for breakfast helped the whole day. What a relief!

Thank you, Debby! You don’t how much you’re building my confidence, joy and hope so I can still be a brave mother.

You’re saving not just me but my my family and love ones sanity.

I will be welcoming visitors in the near future and eager to share both spiritual and physical gain.

I love this idea- will certainly help coat the lining of my stomach as I’m still sensitive.

Circle of love that heals!

Again, my heartfelt gratitude– you’re such a light in my world!

But I’m not feeling any pain in my body whereas before, I could barely walk and today I was able to go to the doctor, and shop for my needs.

Beautiful! It’s so much faith building to hear from people who had battled it themselves.

I feel much better conveying with you as I bump into a question
Plus I know you’re really after my welfare– that means and very important to me

I’m losing weight still so I’m very anxious to gain

wanna keep asking questions 🙂

Just arrived from doctors appointment
Lots to consult to you 🙂

All those years- you were preserved for people like me so I’m hungry to be your mini- me in knowledge not in height:)

I’m taking this challenge!

All the time I see you smiling real big while preparing your meal flashes on my mind so I asked my friend, Melody to help me connect with you!

I’m not even with your assistance for a month and what you shared had pulled me out from not getting well because I don’t know what’s causing my discomforts.

Debby, you were the very first one that came to mind when I was in a limbo and total darkness after hearing my verdict.

Along with spiritual of course being that the body has a spirit. Lots of coaches leave that but when it’s all about the flesh, there’s imbalance and no reaching goals are attained.

I’m very interested to know how to make coconut yogurt, Coach!
Well, I’m slowly getting the food challenge. Getting better- getting up more.
Please send me how to do yogurt cause I have no clue.

I’m so hungry for all these as I hold the health of my family being I’m the cook of course.

Also, It’s a blessing to others, instead of talking about just anything, you get to leave them something significant and adds to their life. My youngest son is even learning art in making my juice and smoothies.

Tried cannabis oil yesterday- my pain was lessen, my appetite is back and I feel relax. Ahh, sweet connection!

Yesterday, we switched to organic/ free range eggs, raw olive oil– just two but we consume everyday

Well, my son’s girlfriend, her mom died after she had chemotherapy. Cancer gone alright but her immunity was just down and an ordinary sickness and she died from it. She begged me even to not do it because she was traumatized watching her mom. 3 hours after chemotherapy and she was throwing up nonstop, can’t eat, no appetite, diarrhea the list goes on!

When my Doctor was reading my biopsy and right away demanded series of chemotherapy, my husband, Dan and I just listened and excused ourselves.

He wants me to do minimum of 6 at first. I asked him when he can tell if it’s working and it’s on the 4th one, I will be dead, haven’t even recovered from getting butchered!

Can’t even function yet from all the drugs I had! What a joke! It’s all about money! No interest at all about my recovery telling me I can eat anything so I can get worse

We did and they have been texting me to mix my diet with chemo for faster results!

Speedy death! I’m determined to learn and be an advocate of this and will spread it!

We are gonna be looking for organic places

I have 5 kids-

I will our kitchen food. We are planning to throw away poisonous stuff already!
My family is starting to pay attention to their food. My youngest today made himself omelette with spinach using olive oil.

I was just solely relying on an egg a day and my juice/ smoothie with supplements and my weight wouldn’t stop going down.
With fish added, I can sit and lift my head longer and no headache

Today, I can walk without dragging my feet, I could lift them up. I was able to go out in the yard for some needed sunshine.
And got to have a full shower- no assistance!

I ate sardines in olive oil, made in Spain and spinach leaves

My uncle was our family doctor and when we were sick he would send us to bed, feed us , flush with fluids and won’t give us vaccinations

Everywhere medicine is offered like that. So many people are sick. Looking good outside but dying inside!

And antibiotics make me really itchy- allergy galore

No meds– just raw organic food and supplements

I don’t do well with medicines

I will heed your advise– especially with another sickness

Gluten gave me hell- migraine, sore in my mouth and constipation!

I can hardly wait to move normally- my tail bone is so sore I can’t even walk far

Forgot to tell you my sugar is elevated- I take metformin

Yes type 2 Diabetes

It’s a miracle the Lord helped me this quick to abandon coffee
I have lots of fluids I look pregnant!

Madam, I hardly go toilet! It’s very bad!

The most beautiful change is I go to the toilet with no strain, gas and acid reflux hardly present now.

My pee is clear now 🙂

I haven’t gain anything but grateful I don’t lose any.

I get it dear- what an important tip, I never knew! What a wonderful coach I have!

End of Journal

After 6 weeks with Mary Rose, she spent her days spending time with her relatives, gathered together from all over the world.

She maintained her stamina to share the love with her family members, looked radiant, but suddenly had uncontrollable pain and was administered to hospital where she passed away, with her family by her side.

She looked as healthy as her family members, but her time had come.

I am honored to be able to assist her with pain relief and a sense of worth and hope, relieving fear of death, while giving her weeks to prepare for her departure in the most wonderful way.
Mary Rose, you deserve to be remembered..

Consulting with Debby on Venous Skin Ulcers

Venous Skin Ulcer Healing

By: Bamboo Sara‎

Kindly consider that English is my third language and I learn just by hearing it or reading but never study.

PSALM 118:24

“This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.” Bible

I want to give the testimony of my life.

In December 27, 2014 I was a replica of Job in the Bible, with open sores.

I was drowning in pain in my legs and left hand, pain to take a shower, to put the socks, the shoes, to walk, to stand, to wash even my hand, and dry, pain with the wind, the weather, and to finish, like an eagle. I started to lose all my nails from hands and feet.

I was surrender by pain in every move, I was dying in agony and discouragement.

Then at the end of my rope I wrote my prayer request in shame, exposing myself in lack of faith, but with the hope in my dream to be delivered of this leprosy as I used to call it, because this was how it looked.

I felt unwanted, cursed, to say the least.

To sleep was a victory for I could not stand even the sheets, the air from the fan and to move.

I was in complete distress, my eyes were like a fog for I cry as never before but also I cry in prayer because I could not take it any longer.

I was not living so I refuse to stay, live like that, I refuse to conform and began to reject it but even when I was saying, “This is not what God wants for me.”

I did not know from where to begin, for my live was a complete mess, compromising in so many ways and areas.

When I asked for prayer I feel naked, but I was trusting (in the fact that we are believers in Jesus), my heart and my life “online” to you. It was a bomb for me but what more I can lose?

I already lost my health but my faith was wondering, “What if you live to see that day of your deliverance?” what if, what if, what if…

I tell you now, is there for everybody but we have to reach out in desperation and dependence on the Lord.

You see, here are people that I never met but sure enough they care because we are a “family”. Between minutes of my prayer request, my friend Robin talked to Debby Blettner, who is a health coach certify (“there you go Debby, homework for you. — Got it!”) and there began a wonderful friendship.

To pass the humble steps of communications, pictures, it kill me, but I knew I have to go all the way and trust, because Jesus told me this was my last chance.

His love and reassurance made a difference and make it possible to bear it. Debby helped me a lot. There was God all the time speaking to me just to do and trust..

If I have to go such a painful journey just to know them, I tell you, it was all worthy, for I have gained more than I can imagine; my faith, my health and wonderful friends.

2015 was a year to remember for the big amount of changes and challenges. However, when the journey began I was a worm with cripple wings, but as I took the stand and followed with a sparkle of faith, the fog of my afflictions was lifted up and began to recover everything that the enemy holds during those times and years of battles.

I confess today with great joy and claim that Jesus has healed me, showing me that He cares using people like Debby to support and guide me.

The day of my dream is here, my skin is clean, clean, clean as never before, sure it looks like a Dalmatian, but even then the stains will be gone soon, because Jesus went all the way for us already. It’s is just a matter of time and patience, but the joy I feel, nobody can take it away and Debby, you are a part of it.

Before Photo 1: Venous Skin Ulcers

After Photo 2: Venous Skin Ulcers healed

Thank you so much for being there as a guardian angels and to me like a heavenly mommy Debby Blettner.

There were other precious people behind the scene, that have a big impact on me for their concern and help, some abroad that are still caring.

It was like God putting the pieces of the puzzle together from the night to the day, all focused in my healing. They were lifting my arms, cheering me up and through them God has supplied everything that I need.

This is just the top of the iceberg. I want to swim in God’s pool of blessings, in a new life and I want to Praise the Lord for it.

Thank you so much for being there and thank you so much Jesus for being a reality in my life.

Years of medicine did not work, for I was afflicted for 50 years. For 20 years I was a “guinea pig,” a source of experiment in hospitals, for nobody could determine what I had.

So 20 years destroyed everything; my confidence, my health and my life. People today trust in the first thing that they hear/see or you put in front, to do whatever it is and go to wherever it takes, just to be healthy, why?

After I become a missionary the affliction backed up, but even then every year it comes, but nothing like 2014. It was like all hate from hell got me and sure enough I was almost there, gone, but a whisper of prayer changed everything forever. Thank you Jesus!.

Changes are good, precious diamonds that most of the time look to us like a stones, like charcoal, like an obstacle, but if we are conscious of how much we need changes and challenges, we will never regret what we have given up just to become one with Jesus. It has been an honour to meet you all, to know that you are beside Jesus, as desperate as I am.

Everything is new, now when I see myself I rejoice in 2 Cor 5:17

” Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”

A wonderful promise fulfilled in my life.

Looking forward to help others with a thankful heart.

Remember: All for One (Jesus) and One (Jesus) for all!.

I will refer you Debby with closed eyes, for I have a new life thanks to God to put you in my way to teach me, nurture me and take me under your wings. I can’t repay what you have done for me, but Jesus can, that’s why I pray for you to reach your goals and your dreams become a reality for nothing is impossible to those that believe.

Love and prayers my dear Debby.

Bamboo Sara, Missionary to the Philippines

Bamboo Sara: Now healed of Venous Skin Ulcers

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February 2025

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