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Consulting With Debby On Lactose Intolerance

Consulting With Debby On Lactose Intolerance

Are Bread and Cheese A Blessing or a Burden?

Testimony: Gabriel’s Healing of Lactose Intolerance By Annamaria A. Garcia

Our son, Gabriel was struggling with allergies, asthma and then came lactose intolerance, reflux, sluggishness, and a general feeling of not being well.

He started having these issues at about 7 years of age, and by the time he was 11 things escalated to where he spent Christmas Eve at the emergency section of the children’s hospital getting drips and having to diet throughout the Christmas break due to nausea, diarrhea and vomiting.

The pediatrician would just prescribe medication (marked as not intended for children under 15 or 18 years old – he was 11 at the time) and she had no other solution, but we did not want our son on medication.

This is when we were introduced to Debby, who had a major role in educating us about autoimmune conditions.

As we live far away (in Hungary), we consulted through the internet and she also referred us to helpful material, such as the Betrayal series by Dr. Tom O’Bryan

Debby was always ready to help with advice, encouragement and research.

Shortly after we also met some local therapists and among other things, Gabriel could go through a 2 months detoxification treatment through a strict diet and with the help of bio-resonance (Mora) therapy.

“One placebo-controlled study of the effects of bioresonance therapy showed that “MORA bioresonance therapy can markedly improve non-organic gastro-intestinal complaints.”

The therapist also told me that if we just get off the stuff that bothers us (e.g. diary), it takes months for it to clear out from our system, and that these treatments make it faster. Gaby had a reading of 1000 for dairy as per machine, when 0 is normal and after 8 weeks it was back to 0.

Apparently besides food intolerance issues, chemicals and heavy metals, possibly from mandatory vaccinations, had been all a cause of the problem.

Gabriel had a drastic healing, to where he has no issues with lactose intolerance or asthma anymore, (this is also documented through medical tests.)

While he used to have to be excused from PE classes in school due to being unwell, he started playing basketball and is generally feeling well. “

Back and join pains, weight loss

I stopped eating gluten and in one week the plumpness around my waist I previously had not been able to be rid of was gone…it was just gone…

I had struggled regular back and joint pains and I believe dairy and gluten had to do with it, as after changing diet, the pain ceased.

I learnt from Debby about autoimmune issues and how there is a whole other way to approach these things. She helped with counsel overall, and educated me about the dangers of gluten. She encouraged us with hope that is a solution.

Annamaria A. Garcia, Hungary

From Debby’s CGP Case File:

Early Proactive Intervention Prevents Life Long Chronic Disease:

  • Genetic: Family history of low stomach acid causing stomach aches and food sensitivities, dairy and gluten sensitivity.
  • Triggers: Mold, dust mites, dairy and gluten
  • Leaky Gut: bone broth, change of diet, gluten free, dairy free.
  • Symptoms/Testing: bloated at times, or gets cramps

– lactose sensitivity is valid,

– some mild infections

– blood test: result as positive, he could be gluten sensitive.

– had an endoscopy”Gastroscopia”, but this showed notraces of gluten sensitivity,

-“Resonance machine” picked up gluten sensitivity.

  • Conclusion: “ I wanted to let you know that I was able to find a very good functional medicine doctor in a nearby city. She does bio-resonance treatments and I had Gaby and my daughter go through detoxification treatments. Gaby is much better and this is a huge break-through. When I took him to this bio-resonance treatment, there it showed he has more issues with dairy than gluten, the gluten was rather a secondary thing due to the dairy issue.”
  • Gut issues: Gaby really overate at a party, although it was mostly French fries and chicken breast..following day was sensitive to other foods and fizzy drinks.
  • “He could not eat or drink anymore, he was in pain (his stomach has been generally so sensitive, that is he never buttons his pants properly as bothers him, even when he is okay, his stomach is still sensitive for touch.”
  • “Gabriel every morning nausea, runs, stomach cramps

he does not eat gluten, maybe the oats he has been eating?”

  • “Now in the morning finally he had runs and it came out and now he is sleeping, tummy aches, dizziness and since then he is fully off gluten (at least if he gets any it is not intentional, but might happen if we are unaware it has gluten, but I think mostly that does not happen)”.
  • “Since then it is on and off and he complains of headaches, dizziness quite a bit.”
  • Allergy, asthma difficult breathing during heavy rains and storms
  • Dizziness, dust mite allergy, struggles with mold in the house, causing missing school, doctors, neurologist.
  • Older brother also has dust mite allergy, eye and ear doctor without successful outcome for dizziness. Became moody, headaches and self-focused. Allergy Testing confirmed dust mites and mold allergies. Mold and dust mites were addressed.
  • “Gaby still has issues with some stuff, allergies, he had started out with chronic sinusitis that the normal doctor did not even notice, but it got cleared up and we know more how we can help avoid the bad state he was in before.”
  • Gaby’s sister had problems with both gluten and dairy
  • “It turned out what he really has the problem with is dairy-gluten problem was just a result of a messed up gut plus heavy metals from vaccinations.
  • trial gluten free diet for a few weeks

“I cut sugar out of my morning coffee and no bread for dinners.

bread reduction worked, more energy and felt less tired, drastically minimised sugar and bread intake.”

“We started to make bone broth and give it to him well, let’s say, almost daily.”

“We are doing this not eating gluten for a week almost now with Gabriel. Quite amazing, no stomach aches, reflux…”

  • “Gabriel is so much better in every way, so we are so thankful.”
  • Allergy Test Results:

“ Endomysium IgA e. at. is negative and also the same with IgG e. at., the numbers are fully in the normal (Test for Celiac Disease)

(IgG is 10.17, it shows the normal is from 6.00-16.00 and IgA is 1.85, with the normal being 0.50 to 2.70)

so this seems OK

for Transglutaminase IgA e.a. it shows 1, 4. Test for Celiac Disease

I think this is also normal (I think it is OK from 0.0. to 5.0)”

  • “He is healed from his lactose sensitivity and his asthma as well, it is a total miracle.”
  • “It is amazing now to see Gaby just being generally so much better, and he is not returning to eating dairy, only maybe can have occasional exceptions.”
  • “So just wanted to let you know and thanks again for starting us on this journey to know where we can find help which direction to look.”

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