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Wheat Causes Intestinal Permeability In Every Human

Wheat, blessing or burden?

Wheat Causes Intestinal Permeability In Every Human

Presentation From Dr Tom O’Bryan and Professor Alessio Fasano on Wheat Disorders

Click on the link for the Video Version below to watch the presentation:

Transcript of Interview with Dr Tom O’Bryan and Professor Fasano on Intestinal Permeability, aka Leaky Gut Syndrome and Gluten.

Dr Tom O’Bryan:

Your team has published, and others have published that wheat, irrespective of Celiac disease, vulnerability or not, wheat can cause intestinal permeability in every human, every human. And that’s some of of the fastest growing cells in the body, we regenerate new cells every day. And some of the fastest ones are the inside lining of the intestines.

So some people will eat wheat, there is damage to the intestines that occurs, intestinal permeability, but it’s not pathogenic, that it heals. And they have a sandwich for lunch, and they cause permeability, but it heals, and pasta for dinner, cause permeability, but it heals.

And I’ve used that concept to say, and then one day, somewhere down the road, you cross an imaginary line, you lose oral tolerance, you don’t heal anymore, and now you have systemic inflammation.

Is that line of thinking fairly straightforward, or do we need to shift our thinking from that?

Professor Alessio Fasano:

So again, some people, you’re right, everybody, not just the people with Celiac disease or gluten leaks assume that when they eat gluten, they can increase gut permeability.

And again, some people they brought this concept to the extreme by saying, because of that, everybody should go gluten free because everybody will pay consequence of that. I believe that this is an oversimplification of a much more complex situation.

First of all, gluten is one of the many, many factors that can increase gut permeability. You know, stress, excessive use of alcohol, infections. There are many okay? So gluten is one of them, proximal bacterial over growth and so and so forth.

And that needs to be recognized, no matter what, though, and as I mentioned before, to really lose tolerance and develop problems, you have to have five elements with gut permeability, one of the five.

If you don’t have the genetic predisposition or you don’t have the exposure to an environmental trigger or your immune system is not diligent enough or the microbiome is defending you.

Despite that intestinal leaks, you’re not going to develop problems. You know, the more I study gluten, the more I realized that it really put in motions all the machines of defense that we use when we’re exposed to pathogens. Well, it’s the same kind of weaponry. We are supposed to value these all the time. Thankfully, lose the war very rarely.

And when we lose the war we develop infections. Otherwise it would be a disaster if every single time we’re exposed, we lost it. By the same token, you know, everybody that eats gluten leaks with the guts, but very rarely that translates to disease because takes much more really to get to the point to lose tolerance.

So the point that I’m trying to make, you can eat gluten every day for your life and if your intestine leaks on and off all the time. And that doesn’t translate into disease.

Or you can be an individual that eats gluten once a week.

And sure enough, that one time, because you have the perfect storm of the other elements coming, into play will lead to breaking tolerance. At that point, you’re that kind of vicious loop that ingesting gluten that is not matter anymore.


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